Media lied about Capitol police officer dying from a fire extinguisher beating

Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


I see we still have those supporting the attack of the Capitol and the beating (death) of our Capitol police.

Beating death? Who?
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

How could an autopsy still be pending if he was cremated and buried at Arlington?
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.

Mob sent his blood pressure up and the years of eating doughnuts did him in combined with a family history of stroke/cardiac problems.

Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


And every drooling Robinette on this forum bought that lie hook, line, and sinker.

Even Joe Biden dribbled out a repost of the lie.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


I see we still have those supporting the attack of the Capitol and the beating (death) of our Capitol police.
There was no beating deaths of Capital police NONE ZERO ZIP
One was a possible stroke brought on by tear gas the other 2 were off duty suicides .
I heard about this a few days ago. From the media.
Couldn't share that bit of information? First I have heard of it.
Oh, that's right. You were busy broadbrushing Trump supporters as Q.

Carry on.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

How could an autopsy still be pending if he was cremated and buried at Arlington?
The autopsy resuts have not been made public at the family's request
they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.

Show us what they originally reported.
And that they intended to deceive.
Each will help determine what is a "lie". Or not.

I'd submit that the issue is---was---a dynamic one with many many bodies moving rapidly and confusingly intermixing. I ain't a cop or any kind of investigator but I suspect that such a situation takes time to sort out.
However, if the poster Angus can show us that the Times knew otherwise when they originally reported.....well, here is a great opportunity for him to lay his cards down and call their hand.

Batter up, Angus.
how many cops have been ambushed ,demonized ,killed and assaulted by the communist uprisings the left has committed recently .
I personally have no idea. Is the poster referencing such communist uprisings worldwide? or in any particular country? which?
Which communist uprisings is the poster referencing?
And does he know how many cops?
An unarmed protestor was shot and killed...couldn't have that as the lead story.
If the poster is referencing the shooting of Ms. Babbit, well, that seems, from what I could see in the various filmed perspectives, that she either was employing really really poor judgement, or was simply caught up in the moment, illegal though even that was.
Again, from what I could see in those narrow perspective videos and audios was that she was with a group at the door, some of which were violently, very violently, smashing at the door.

A gun in a hand emerged in the video on the left, some protestors or perhaps Capitol staffers on the other side of that door clearly and loudly cried out "Gun!!" "There's a gun!!" or words close to that.
And yet the group continued smashing until an opening was created and this woman shrouded in a obscuring Trump flag was boosted up to enter the smashed opening ----despite the clear warnings of a gun present and being aimed right at that opening.
She was illegally entering. Violently entering into a very very sacrosanct space for America; and more importantly and immediately for that moment, violently entering a space that those officers rightfully believed would be most dire for their safety.
They shot. She died.
Play stupid stupid prizes.
May she rest in peace.
And her family be comforted.

Mob sent his blood pressure up and the years of eating doughnuts did him in combined with a family history of stroke/cardiac problems.

Well, thank you poster B.Kidd.
Blue lives matter.
Unless the poster thinks they have high blood pressure.
Or thinks they eat donuts.
Or have a Dad or Mom who had a medical issues.

Poster the kind of citizen most LEO's would want on their side.
Would want to go out of their way to assist.

Some might say.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

How could an autopsy still be pending if he was cremated and buried at Arlington?
Fine. Find a news report that says it isn't.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


The conservatives on here exposed all the lies regarding what happened to officer sicknick a few days ago....nothing new here...we knew it all can always count on the conservatives to beat all you dumbasses over the head with the truth until it finally seeps into your pathetic little noggins.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

How could an autopsy still be pending if he was cremated and buried at Arlington?
Fine. Find a news report that says it isn't.

You find one that says it is still pending. The responsibility is on you, Seabitch!
The left needed to control the narrative.

An unarmed protestor was shot and killed...couldn't have that as the lead story.

So they manufactured this narrative...this distract from the truth.

She wasn't a protestor at that point. The moment she broke into the capital, and tried to enter the chamber threw a bashed out window, with the mob - she became a rioter.
they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.

Show us what they originally reported.
And that they intended to deceive.
Each will help determine what is a "lie". Or not.

I'd submit that the issue is---was---a dynamic one with many many bodies moving rapidly and confusingly intermixing. I ain't a cop or any kind of investigator but I suspect that such a situation takes time to sort out.
However, if the poster Angus can show us that the Times knew otherwise when they originally reported.....well, here is a great opportunity for him to lay his cards down and call their hand.

Batter up, Angus.
how many cops have been ambushed ,demonized ,killed and assaulted by the communist uprisings the left has committed recently .
I personally have no idea. Is the poster referencing such communist uprisings worldwide? or in any particular country? which?
Which communist uprisings is the poster referencing?
And does he know how many cops?
An unarmed protestor was shot and killed...couldn't have that as the lead story.
If the poster is referencing the shooting of Ms. Babbit, well, that seems, from what I could see in the various filmed perspectives, that she either was employing really really poor judgement, or was simply caught up in the moment, illegal though even that was.
Again, from what I could see in those narrow perspective videos and audios was that she was with a group at the door, some of which were violently, very violently, smashing at the door.

A gun in a hand emerged in the video on the left, some protestors or perhaps Capitol staffers on the other side of that door clearly and loudly cried out "Gun!!" "There's a gun!!" or words close to that.
And yet the group continued smashing until an opening was created and this woman shrouded in a obscuring Trump flag was boosted up to enter the smashed opening ----despite the clear warnings of a gun present and being aimed right at that opening.
She was illegally entering. Violently entering into a very very sacrosanct space for America; and more importantly and immediately for that moment, violently entering a space that those officers rightfully believed would be most dire for their safety.
They shot. She died.
Play stupid stupid prizes.
May she rest in peace.
And her family be comforted.

Mob sent his blood pressure up and the years of eating doughnuts did him in combined with a family history of stroke/cardiac problems.

Well, thank you poster B.Kidd.
Blue lives matter.
Unless the poster thinks they have high blood pressure.
Or thinks they eat donuts.
Or have a Dad or Mom who had a medical issues.

Poster the kind of citizen most LEO's would want on their side.
Would want to go out of their way to assist.

Some might say.

What nonsense....first of all 'they' did not shoot lone gunman(supposedly a capitol cop in plain clothes) shot and killed her in cold blood....they still refuse to identify him because they well understand he used excessive force and should be arrested and charged with murder.

The lady protestor who served America for 14 years in the military was unarmed and posed no threat to anyone.....shooting and killing someone for breaking a window or tresspassing is not legal....her killer needs to be exposed, arrested and charged for what he did.
"The conservatives on here exposed all the lies regarding what happened to officer sicknick a few days can always count on the conservatives to beat all you dumbasses"

I don't get this post.
What "lies"?
And how does he poster know what was a lie (intent to deceive)......and what was merely a developing story (and likely, still developing)?
The left needed to control the narrative.

An unarmed protestor was shot and killed...couldn't have that as the lead story.

So they manufactured this narrative...this distract from the truth.

She wasn't a protestor at that point. The moment she broke into the capital, and tried to enter the chamber threw a bashed out window, with the mob - she became a rioter.

I say tomatoe say toemato... etc. different perspectives ....whatever she was doing ...she definitely posed no threat....she was unarmed...the capitol police guy that shot her could have easily handcuffed her instead of shooting her to death.

If she had been black her body would be lying in state under the capitol dome.

There needs to be another march to commemorate her death and demand justice. Oh my bad...I forgot only blacks and leftwingers are allowed to protest.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
The left needed to control the narrative.

An unarmed protestor was shot and killed...couldn't have that as the lead story.

So they manufactured this narrative...this distract from the truth.

She wasn't a protestor at that point. The moment she broke into the capital, and tried to enter the chamber threw a bashed out window, with the mob - she became a rioter.
sooooo rioters should be shot ? careful youre going to upset the lefts pals in blm and antifa !

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