Media Matters, David Brock, and The War On Fox News.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
I had breakfast with Media Matters founder David Brock about 6 months ago to talk about his efforts to strengthen the Democratic party-- efforts that I fully support and believe are necessary.

Brock was compelling in arguing that he would like to see the Democratic Party develop a different, more inclusive message for the 2012 election, recognizing that the Party in large part, had failed in 2010 because they did not present a positive and affirmative case to the electorate-- an argument that I could only agree with.

Brock also made clear that he saw his mission to try to the best of his ability to counteract Republican fundraising efforts, that had frankly exceeded in substance and sophistication, those of the Democrats.

Again, I certainly voiced support for that effort, recognizing that unless there is an even playing field, the Democrats would be adversely impacted, notwithstanding whatever the relative merits of the two party's messages might be.
Brock also made it clear to me that his focus was on the party, and providing and creating a level playing field for it and its advocates, rather than positioning himself as exclusively or even primarily as a media critic.

And the key is level playing field, because Brock made very clear to me that his focus was on the Democratic party, and as a Fox News contributor, he told me explicitly and clearly, it was not his intention or interest in demonizing Fox News.

Read more: Media Matters, David Brock and the War on Fox News -
What a liar.

By BEN SMITH | 3/26/11 7:23 AM EDT Updated: 3/27/11 5:06 PM EDT

The liberal group Media Matters has quietly transformed itself in preparation for what its founder, David Brock, described in an interview as an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel.

Read more: Media Matters' war against Fox - Ben Smith -
Why is MSNBC able to be left wing and no one is going after them?
Could it be because their viewers are so few compared to Fox? :)
Why is MSNBC able to be left wing and no one is going after them?
Could it be because their viewers are so few compared to Fox? :)

But the truth is, contrary to what the comedian thinks is this. Fox News does offer the conservative viewpoint and at the same time they have a liberal sitting there to offer the opposing viewpoint. Those who watch Fox know that. That's why they are the NUmber one Source for News in AMerica.
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The left are blaming Fox for their political woes.
Never mind that it is the Democrats political ideology that is doing them in.
They want a more even playing field? Really? Like they don't have the majority of news on there side already. Which they do.
Never mind that it's because of the way they passed the health care bill or the exorbitant spending or the ever expanding government.
Why was it OK when the Dem's exceeded in substance and sophistication?
Now that Repubs are exceeding over the Dems it now needs to be a level playing field?
Just how low and down right dirty can the Dems get.
One lone Fox news compared to MSNBC, CNN,PBS,Huffington Post,CBS,NBC,ABC and on and on all who march in lock step to left liberal ideology?
Stick with this. It is about 3 minutes. He doesn't get to the point until 2 minutes or so.

Fox News Channel - Fair & Balanced - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/20/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Stewart is right on, of course. And, of course, I don't expect the Wingers here to do anything except scoff. But he's is spot on.

You offer up a comedian. Funny what DUmmies think is gospel.. Kerry ON.

Comedy Central can't be a channel for comedy, right? That's unpossible.
Stick with this. It is about 3 minutes. He doesn't get to the point until 2 minutes or so.

Fox News Channel - Fair & Balanced - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/20/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Stewart is right on, of course. And, of course, I don't expect the Wingers here to do anything except scoff. But he's is spot on.

Chris Wallace is absolutely spot on...Someone and it seems to be FOX that gives the viewer the choice to make up their own mind and they will reveal things that MSNBC in particular will not let the viewers see.

Of course there's "another" side to the story after viewing it on outlets like MSNBC.

I will give you an example..

Ed Schultz has been railing about some comments that Neil Boortz had made recently and I had to admit it was a pretty strong opinion to say the least.Schultz played the audio constantly on both his radio show and TV show.

Finally Neil called Fat head Schultz on the fact that he wasn't playing the whole sound bite.
So Schultz finally did saying to his audience that he still nailed Boortz on being a racist...

Well when the whole clip was played anyone with half a brain would only be able to admit that one would have to be critical of the way MSNBC handled this.

So yeh I understand exactly where FOX viewers are coming from when they want the other side if the story. :clap2::clap2:
Stick with this. It is about 3 minutes. He doesn't get to the point until 2 minutes or so.

Fox News Channel - Fair & Balanced - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/20/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Stewart is right on, of course. And, of course, I don't expect the Wingers here to do anything except scoff. But he's is spot on.

lol, Stewart is a friggen COMEDIAN and we are suppose to care what he has to say..
and you people accuse others of listening to RUSH and taking his word as the GOSPEL
The Progressive-Commies-Liberals CAN'T STAND that they don't STILL have a monopoly on the news people receive. that is the reason for this war on Fox news..

why do you think the Obama administration is now trying to get it's hands on the INTERNET.

First, I thought the playing field in terms of money raised was fairly even in 2010, despite the Citizens v United SCOTUS decision. The dems got tons of money from the unions, and they also have the mainstream media on their side. So if anything the playing field is actually tilted a little bit their way IMHO.

I watch a lot of FoxNews and FoxBusiness, they run stories nobody else does that are negative towards the Obama and the dems. Why shouldn't we know about a guy like Van Jones for instance? Fox ran that story for several days before any other news org picked up on it, what does that say about the mainstream media?

I realize FoxNews has political commentary programs on, primarily in the evening, like Hannity. Personally I don't watch him, and I think O'Reilly and Van Sustern aren't that biased. You don't think the MSNBC shows are just as slanted the other way, or moreso? Fox does have lib/dems on their shows as a counterpoint, but I think they don't allow them the same latitude to speak before getting interrupted like they do the con/gop person. So it ain't as fair and balanced as they'd claim, but hell, who is these days?
Stick with this. It is about 3 minutes. He doesn't get to the point until 2 minutes or so.

Fox News Channel - Fair & Balanced - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/20/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Stewart is right on, of course. And, of course, I don't expect the Wingers here to do anything except scoff. But he's is spot on.

Steven Crowder of PJM was told by the Daily Show that they never book "conservative pundits". Stewart's system seems a bit "unfair and unbalanced". But of course he's only a comedian. "Wingers" know this. Most Daily Show fans do not.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪JON STEWART GETS MAD!‬‏[/ame]
The left are blaming Fox for their political woes.
Never mind that it is the Democrats political ideology that is doing them in.
They want a more even playing field? Really? Like they don't have the majority of news on there side already. Which they do.
Never mind that it's because of the way they passed the health care bill or the exorbitant spending or the ever expanding government.
Why was it OK when the Dem's exceeded in substance and sophistication?
Now that Repubs are exceeding over the Dems it now needs to be a level playing field?
Just how low and down right dirty can the Dems get.
One lone Fox news compared to MSNBC, CNN,PBS,Huffington Post,CBS,NBC,ABC and on and on all who march in lock step to left liberal ideology?
Yes. There's a media outlet they don't control, and it drives them insane. The proles are being exposed to dangerous, unapproved ideas.
Why is MSNBC able to be left wing and no one is going after them?
Could it be because their viewers are so few compared to Fox? :)

Fox is theater, that aside your opinon is based on ignorance. MSNBC is not left wing, it has left of center talking heads, but in degrees. Fox seems to be scripted as all talking heads with few exceptions (which stand out and prove the rule) use the same words, phrases and interpretations thoughtout any given day.

Rachael Maddow who most on the right fear (and hate) isn't scripted by management. Of late it is clear Ms. Maddow has been critical of Obama on several issues of importance and the Demoratic Party for a lack of fortitude in face of Republican obstructionism. She also listens, something rarely displayed by talking heads, watch Chirs Matthews and Bill O'Reilly for classic examples.

The amount of viewers is irrelevant; how many Americans watch American Idol and not their local news or PBS? How many listen to Rush Limbaugh and not NPR?
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It's legal for Brock to acknowlege that he is a partisan liberal but that destroys any semblence of being "fair and balanced". Media Matters is tax exempt while they are the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Soros bankrolls MM with money he made in the oil industry. Does the irony strike anyone?
I had breakfast with Media Matters founder David Brock about 6 months ago to talk about his efforts to strengthen the Democratic party-- efforts that I fully support and believe are necessary.

Brock was compelling in arguing that he would like to see the Democratic Party develop a different, more inclusive message for the 2012 election, recognizing that the Party in large part, had failed in 2010 because they did not present a positive and affirmative case to the electorate-- an argument that I could only agree with.

Brock also made clear that he saw his mission to try to the best of his ability to counteract Republican fundraising efforts, that had frankly exceeded in substance and sophistication, those of the Democrats.

Again, I certainly voiced support for that effort, recognizing that unless there is an even playing field, the Democrats would be adversely impacted, notwithstanding whatever the relative merits of the two party's messages might be.
Brock also made it clear to me that his focus was on the party, and providing and creating a level playing field for it and its advocates, rather than positioning himself as exclusively or even primarily as a media critic.

And the key is level playing field, because Brock made very clear to me that his focus was on the Democratic party, and as a Fox News contributor, he told me explicitly and clearly, it was not his intention or interest in demonizing Fox News.

Read more: Media Matters, David Brock and the War on Fox News -

And monkeys will come flying out of my butt.

attacking FOX has been thier only job. How will they re-vamp the entire company in time to be a player in the coming elections?

Does Soros know what's going on?
Why is MSNBC able to be left wing and no one is going after them?
Could it be because their viewers are so few compared to Fox? :)

Fox is theater, that aside your opinon is based on ignorance. MSNBC is not left wing, it has left of center talking heads, but in degrees. Fox seems to be scripted as all talking heads with few exceptions (which stand out and prove the rule) use the same words, phrases and interpretations thoughtout any given day.

Rachael Maddow who most on the right fear (and hate) isn't scripted by management. Of late it is clear Ms. Maddow has been critical of Obama on several issues of importance and the Demoratic Party for a lack of fortitude in face of Republican obstructionism. She also listens, something rarely displayed by talking heads, watch Chirs Matthews and Bill O'Reilly for classic examples.

The amount of viewers is irrelevant; how many Americans watch American Idol and not their local news or PBS? How many listen to Rush Limbaugh and not NPR?

That's the biggest load of horseshit you have ever posted.

I dare you to find proof that it's true b/c I can post links that prove it's not.
Stick with this. It is about 3 minutes. He doesn't get to the point until 2 minutes or so.

Fox News Channel - Fair & Balanced - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/20/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Stewart is right on, of course. And, of course, I don't expect the Wingers here to do anything except scoff. But he's is spot on.

Steven Crowder of PJM was told by the Daily Show that they never book "conservative pundits". Stewart's system seems a bit "unfair and unbalanced". But of course he's only a comedian. "Wingers" know this. Most Daily Show fans do not.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪JON STEWART GETS MAD!‬‏[/ame]
I've seen plenty of Conservatives on the Daily Show as well as Colbert. They seem anxious for the exposure.
You know.......when I first retired, I started to watch a little of all 3 news channels. After FAUX Nooze blatantly lied about some stuff, I decided they weren't even worth paying attention to, because unlike most, I like verifiable truth on my news, not rhetoric.

So, I started keeping it on CNN, because they had a global network, but quit watching them after they started to turn their news shows into game shows. You Pick the News is one of 'em.

Now? I watch mostly local news and MSNBC. Why? Because people like Lawrence and Rachel tend to check their facts better than most, and if they are wrong, they broadcast that they were wrong and provide the correct information.

As far as American Idol and all that crappy "reality" show bullshit? Nope, don't wanna waste IQ points watching that drivel. Stuff I like to watch is things like Burn Notice (they always teach something cool), and House (I learn from that show as well, because my roomie used to be a nursing secretary at the hospital, and she's verified the stuff as real).

But most of my watching (other than news) is stuff on History, Science, Discovery and Nat Geo channels. Me? I prefer to learn something useful than just be a puppet in a bullshit survey.

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