Media Matters going after Hannity, President Angelo Carusone defends. MSNBC, CNN get a pass?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This guy is a comedian and his group is a joke, pretending that he is not trying to shut people down while clearly he is. If Angelo wants to take a polygraph exam and answers those questions I'm sure it could be arranged.

His rationale as explained on Smerconish just now, basically is that he lists these advertisers to make them aware of what they are supporting. Huh?

I read some of this conspiracy during the election and I don't follow it too closely. Hannity has brought people on his show asking some very strong questions about DNC actions after the event. Just as I hear the Dems and alt-left constantly attack Trump before and after his election, the conspiracies about Russia, threats that he is illegitimate and should be impeached, why shouldn't anyone speak their mind about another conspiracy (even if I personally don't follow such threads of yarn preferring to let authorities decide). At least he is trying to build the argument on his show by talking to those close to the case, not "unknown sources".

This group is listing advertisers of someone in an effort to silence Hannity via pressure on advertisers. Smerconish is absolutely right that he is having a problem accepting pressure on advertisers when this group can't reach the audience. If you don't like a show, change the channel snowflake, clearly his ratings show his fans still support him. Thankfully Smerconish is a far bigger supporter of free speech and expression than some others...

So-called progressive groups who want to apply pressure need to be held to the same standard for going after the president and spew anti-American ideology on CNN and MSNBC in particular. This group is so concerned about Hannity conspiracies but an entire year of investigation of Russia collusion has gone on and there is not one shred of evidence provided. Is this not the definition of a conspiracy?
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Media matters is the clown show, spineless coward's are their only audience
This is all pretty simple unless you're a partisanshithead and require the exercise of hair splitting to prop up your views.

Your media machine is owned lock-stock-n-barrel by 6 major multinational corporations thanks to Clinton's deregulation of the FCC. That's down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980s.

You do not have media and or journalism in america, it's nothing but corporate state PR.
...and Murdock ' s sons do not share his political leanings.
MSN and CNN aren't lying. And if they make a mistake, they promptly apologize. Republicans don't understand this behaviour. Because Republicans are against freedom of the press. More of the constitution they clearly want to shred.
Hannity and Fox are pissed MSNBC is kicking their asses in the ratings.
CNN too.
Oh the humanity!
Hannity makes it VERY clear that he is a conservative.

People want him off TV because he says he is conservative and espouses conservative idealology?

Can we get Joy Behar off the air for the same thing?

What, specifically, is the difference?
QUOTE="Reasonable, post: 17366299, member: 61588"]Hannity and Fox are pissed MSNBC is kicking their asses in the ratings.
CNN too.
Oh the humanity![/QUOTE]

Speaking of Sean, It wasn't enough when Hannity promoted the "Birther" movement long after disproved and disavowed! He then began a tact of asking the question nightly "why do so many people think Obama's Muslim?" He would go on for 2 segments and eventually ran me off for good! He's truly certifiable and now sees the handwriting on the wall! The Seth Rich story he was hawking on his own has backfired and he's on notice! Even the Rich family has come out making him look like a tool!

Hannity's now kvetchin' about censorship and the MSM piling on trying to silence him! He forgets that he and Bill O'Reilly went on nightly rants about liberal thought or musicians' lyrics of Ludicrous & Madonna in the past to get Pepsi or whoever to pull tours! They create hysteria over Acorn, the Clinton Global Initiative, & Planned Parenthood trying to drive them out of existence for political reasons over the work accomplished for the working poor and impoverished nations on the other side of the world! I've lost so much respect for conservatives/Republicans who play GOD, cry wolf all the time, and are "perpetual victims" of Dems, the MSM, & the minority interest groups they hate so much! :banana2:
Glad to see Media Matters back after completely sitting out the last 8 years and letting fringe righties have a monopoly on the narrative
Media matters is the clown show, spineless coward's are their only audience
This is another Soros type of Foundation that does nothing but spends big bucks to put out propaganda and false news to further the goals of what ever goals they back. You have to understand that these "Foundations" pass money back and forth for what ever they want to gain. Example: Soros backed the "Black Lives Matter" with money from his Foundation and in turn the BLM paid others to stage a violent demo at the scene. Soros was not the only one who arranged this public incident, NAACP, and Midwest Org was also involved. Here is a description of the Midwest

The Midwest Academy trains radical activists in the tactics of direct action, confrontation, and intimidation. Author Stanley Kurtz has described this academy as a “crypto-socialist organization” that was "arguably the most influential force in community organizing from the seventies through the nineties."

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