Media Silent as Hillary Support Slips Below 50% While Scandal Worsens


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It won't cost a thing.
It will pay for itself.
It will lower the cost of healthcare
No one will lose their heal insurance of job because of the ACA
If you like your doctor / plan, you can KEEP your doctor / plan (Lie of the Year)

THESE are Obama's biggest, most awarded President. It seems Hillary will NOT be known for her biggest, most awarded President, because hers will most probably keep her out of the White House...and might land her in JAIL:

- I didn't use a personal device...ok, I used ONE personal device....did I say one, I meant TWO...oh yeah, there was the Pad I used as well...

- yes, they are very secure...I used decryption...oh, the decryption was not good enough and was not properly installed - I did not e-mails are on that personal server...

- turn them over? Sure, but I will determine which ones I will turn over or now, ya know - which ones are 'personal' or not. Yes they are very important to me...which is why I wiped them all away and wiped the server....

- yes the server is secure - it is in the bathroom of a small tech company that has no idea what's on the server

- An IT guy who has no security clearance helped set up my server and my Secret TS/SCI... e-mail accounts...and my lawyer, who also doesn't have a security clearance has all the SECRET e-mails on a thumb drive...

- I never sent or received classified e-mails....Oh...I ummm never sent or received any documents / e-mails or secret satellite imagery that were MARKED as 'Secret'...

- I love Snapchat because it deletes what you send as soon as you send it (which is why I now send all my classified e-mails on that)

- Benghazi e-mails? I'm sorry- those 5 months worth of e-mails have been wiped idea what happened to them...and since the server was wiped there is no way to get them back...just like with the IRS's servers. Oh, you mean the server was not wiped properly and the e-mails ARE recoverable...just like with the IRS? it too late to say 'I'm sorry' and move on?!

And the media, as new info on this is exposed nearly daily, is burying it in hopes and to help the DNC make this all drift into 'forgotten land' so Hillary can get away with a growing number of crimes, that have endangered our national security, and continue to run for President ... which she believes she is 'owed'. She is becoming so desperate now as this grows and her numbers shrink that she announced she has even thought of making Bill Clinton her running mate.... There's just one problem with that - he's not eligible!

NEWS: "Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said in an interview with 'Extra' on Monday that she has considered naming her husband as her running mate, but there's one problem: He's not eligible."

...and the sound of crickets continue to come from the major media about Hillary's growing scandal... I wonder how long they can remain silent now that the FBI has discovered that all those wiped e-mails and 'lost months' of e-mails is RECOVERABLE!
wtf media are you watching?

On CNN, for example, the breath-taking news report about an actor from the movie 'The Hobbit' being charged with a crime is one of their top stories, while the fact that the attempt to wipe Hillary's server failed and all of her e-mails, to include the 'lost' 5 months worth, is recoverable is nowhere to be found.

Oh wait, I found an article entitled 'Clinton and Colbert Face The Same Problem', talking about their sagging poll numbers, 3/4ths the way down the page, right above the picture of Vanessa Williams and the BOLD print headline of her nude photo scandal. My bad.....
if Republicans had done a fraction of the things obama and hillary are guilty of they would have been impeached and/or indicted long ago
On MSNBC, they have a huge picture of Clinton and Clinton about to put their arms around each other while walking towards a podium with the headline 'Clinton and Clinton 2016'...which, again, is impossible because he is not eligible.

CBS News:
'Hillary Clinton remains confident about her campaign'

ABC News:
'Chelsea Clinton: It's 'Surprising' Not Everyone Loves My Mom' (LOL!)
'Hillary Clinton Mocks Trump'

Yeah, they are reporting on Hillary...again, MY BAD...
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