Media told Glenn beck was crazy and Muslim brother hood would not go to Egypt over

Sure nearly 100 years of violence from the MB, their constant desire to impliment sharia on the people, and their desire to make Jerusalem their capital isnt anything to worry about.
The Jerusalem thing is a Fox hoax. The way they act in power may be different from how they acted when they were hunted fugitives and in jail under corrupt dictatorships.... Are you dupes fascist morons or WHAT?
The MB is democratic and nonviolent. Everything you "know" is wrong, dupes.

Fox Smears Mursi with “Jerusalem Capital” Lie (Murphy)
Posted on 06/25/2012 by Juan
Anyone who watches Jon Stewart regularly knows that Fox News deliberately lies and manipulates video to fearmonger on behalf of the American Right wing.

But Dan Murphy of the Christian Science Monitor catches them in a massive scam about Egypt’s new president.

Fox passed off a video of a radical Muslim preacher, Safwat Higazi, as being a speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi. In the speech, the preacher calls for Jerusalem to be the capital of Egypt.

Mursi is an anti-Zionist, but he is a Ph.D. in engineering from USC and not known as a wild man.

Fox Smears Mursi with "Jerusalem Capital" Lie (Murphy) | Informed Comment
The MB is democratic and nonviolent. Everything you "know" is wrong, dupes.

Fox Smears Mursi with “Jerusalem Capital” Lie (Murphy)
Posted on 06/25/2012 by Juan
Anyone who watches Jon Stewart regularly knows that Fox News deliberately lies and manipulates video to fearmonger on behalf of the American Right wing.

But Dan Murphy of the Christian Science Monitor catches them in a massive scam about Egypt’s new president.

Fox passed off a video of a radical Muslim preacher, Safwat Higazi, as being a speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi. In the speech, the preacher calls for Jerusalem to be the capital of Egypt.

Mursi is an anti-Zionist, but he is a Ph.D. in engineering from USC and not known as a wild man.

Fox Smears Mursi with "Jerusalem Capital" Lie (Murphy) | Informed Comment

You are either a member of the Muslim brotherhood or insane, I think maybe insae, but if you are a member of the brotherhood that would also make you close to insane. HUMMMMMM. GIVE ME A MINUTE.
Sure nearly 100 years of violence from the MB, their constant desire to impliment sharia on the people, and their desire to make Jerusalem their capital isnt anything to worry about.

Really Avi, just read up them. Pahleze...
a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

The left denied this would happen. Now they will start denying the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood are nothing but radical Muslim terrorists. I heard Obama called to congratulate the new dictator. We shouldn't even acknowledge these radicals. The Muslim Brotherhood told Egyptians over a year ago to prepare for a war with Israel. They are evil. The women of Egypt will no longer have any rights, either to vote or even get an education. They will be oppressed like never before.

Terrorists now have their own country. Fuck 'em all. Why does Obama seem so cordial toward these assholes? The new leader is declaring war on all non-Muslims.

“The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal,” Morsi said in his election speech before Cairo University students on Saturday night.

Egypt presidential candidate seeks Constitution based on Sharia Law: Voice of Russia
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"Crazy like a fox" So crazy that Soros had his second in command set up an appointment with Beck to threaten him. They desperately needed to silence him before he knocked over their applecart. has a story on how Army tanks are maneuvering through the streets in the St Louis vicinity. Just getting familiarized in preparation for November? There's some heavy sh!t coming. Obama/Soros aren't going to give up their grasp on power that easily. If Obama's poll numbers go even further south don't be surprised to see somebody attempt to assassinate Romney. With the Caratgena fiasco, a few Secret Service members got their walking papers. How many Obama loyalists were brought in to replace them? The Union Soldier that was supposed to be guarding the door to Abraham Lincoln's box that night at Ford's Theater was off doing something else.

The thing is most of the active duty military hate Obama.. I doubt he can get them to turn on us .. If anything they will turn on him.. Just a hunch here
The MB is democratic and nonviolent. Everything you "know" is wrong, dupes.

Fox Smears Mursi with “Jerusalem Capital” Lie (Murphy)
Posted on 06/25/2012 by Juan
Anyone who watches Jon Stewart regularly knows that Fox News deliberately lies and manipulates video to fearmonger on behalf of the American Right wing.

But Dan Murphy of the Christian Science Monitor catches them in a massive scam about Egypt’s new president.

Fox passed off a video of a radical Muslim preacher, Safwat Higazi, as being a speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi. In the speech, the preacher calls for Jerusalem to be the capital of Egypt.

Mursi is an anti-Zionist, but he is a Ph.D. in engineering from USC and not known as a wild man.

Fox Smears Mursi with "Jerusalem Capital" Lie (Murphy) | Informed Comment

You are either a member of the Muslim brotherhood or insane, I think maybe insae, but if you are a member of the brotherhood that would also make you close to insane. HUMMMMMM. GIVE ME A MINUTE.

now we see where Franco gets his hard hitting news a comedian show :cuckoo:
The MB is democratic and nonviolent. Everything you "know" is wrong, dupes.

Fox Smears Mursi with “Jerusalem Capital” Lie (Murphy)
Posted on 06/25/2012 by Juan
Anyone who watches Jon Stewart regularly knows that Fox News deliberately lies and manipulates video to fearmonger on behalf of the American Right wing.

But Dan Murphy of the Christian Science Monitor catches them in a massive scam about Egypt’s new president.

Fox passed off a video of a radical Muslim preacher, Safwat Higazi, as being a speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi. In the speech, the preacher calls for Jerusalem to be the capital of Egypt.

Mursi is an anti-Zionist, but he is a Ph.D. in engineering from USC and not known as a wild man.

Fox Smears Mursi with "Jerusalem Capital" Lie (Murphy) | Informed Comment

You are either a member of the Muslim brotherhood or insane, I think maybe insae, but if you are a member of the brotherhood that would also make you close to insane. HUMMMMMM. GIVE ME A MINUTE.

now we see where Franco gets his hard hitting news a comedian show :cuckoo:

The Christian Science Monitor? Idiot. Google THAT>
Anyone who didn't think the Muslim Brotherhood would take over in Egypt ain't to swift.

They now have the power and I doubt Barry is gonna be a favorite of theirs.

Egypt was a good allie. No longer.
Glenn Beck is crazy. That's why he was fired from Fox.

obama is crazy that's why he's going to be fired in November. We'll give him time to clean out his things but will insist Romeny take the office of president elect the next day
No, he lies like a rug.

We should treat the MB like a ruling party, not how some RW idiot demagogue would. Thank God Pubs aren't in power.

They've done nothing wrong yet, and may be fine.Egypt may be like Turkey, with the military backing democracy. With the USA giving 1.3 billion to their army every year, they're not going anywhere.

The MB never promised not to go for power, did say they wouldn't have a presidential candidate, maybe winning parliament changed their mind. Remain calm, fear mongered dupes.

I already put up two links with the quote that they would not run a presidential candidate. One link was BBC, the other link was wiki.

You lie on such a continual basis. When given appropriate and truthful information with links, you just lie lie lie lie lie.


Get real franco. Keep this shit up and you'll end up looking like a fool.

Oh, wait.....
a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

The goal of the MB was always to run Egypt, the people who believed them when they said they would not field a candidate were niaeve fools. The Muslim Brotherhood is not exactly the Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity here, their goal is to run Egypt under Islamic law.
I don't recall insinuating anyone was crazy for thinking the MB would seek a place at the table. I recall saying "their country, their choice".

Thats fine but they blatantly lied and said they would not field a candidate.
PMW translation of
"Jihad Is the Way" by former leader of
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Central messages:
1- Muslims are "masters of the world"
2- Islamic nation's "rightful position... the teachers of humanity"
3- "There is no other option but Jihad for Allah
4- Fighting Israel is "Jihad against the criminal, thieving gangs of Zion"
5- Has the [Muslim] Brotherhood grown weary of the challenges, thrown down their guns and abandoned Jihad?!! No!"

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