Media told Glenn beck was crazy and Muslim brother hood would not go to Egypt over

MB is nonviolent and democratic. Egypt is not going to vote in Sharia law.

Yeah. you really arent that informed are you? The MB has a history of violence. But you dont have to believe me. Just look at a BBC News Story (A conservative source, right?)

BBC News - Profile: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

And What's Al Qaeda's position on egyptian elections? Shockingly they are supportng the Muslim Brotherhood:

As Egypt voted, Al Qaeda leader urged Islamists to unite -

But hey why believe them.

It's the most remarkable moment when one can give a quizzillion links to the MB and their hardcore unabashed belief in Sharia Law and along will come a lib like franco to dispute the MB's own charter.

Unreal. I put up the BBC link as well for franco. Does he believe even their own words? No.

" While the Ikhwan say that they support democratic principles, one of its stated aims is to create a state ruled by Islamic law, or Sharia. Its most famous slogan, used worldwide, is: "Islam is the solution".
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Beck is always right? Ay caramba- see sig pp3- almost all Beck BS...Now tanks in St. Louis! Puhleeze!
And Obama is a Marxist dictator because he passed a Pub plan to get everyone affordable guaranteed health care and FINALLY control costs....right off the wall- hoping for your recovery....
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Muslim brother hood said they would not seek power if the original president was over thrown. First thing they did is put their name on the ballot.. They are going to break their ties with Israel and put their hands to Iran. And yeah you are ok with that.... Muslim Brotherhood has been there all along but were they PRESIDENT. This is what this thread is about .. Not the group it self..:eek:

I remember this too... but of course I cant find a link to it.

Folks can deny it all they want to... I know what I heard. The truth has no agenda.

Oh you heard it all right. Just like I did and so did many others.

It's in the BBC article.

" In April 2012, the Brotherhood announced it would field a candidate in the presidential election, having previously promised it would not. This raised concerns among liberals and the military that the movement could become too powerful."

BBC News - Profile: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

And right in wiki

In September, the Muslim Brotherhood's Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie announced that the Muslim Brotherhood would not "field a candidate for presidency"

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Glen Beck is crazy...

one has nothing to do with the other. *shrug*

Who's crazy Obama who embraces the muslim Brotherhood or Beck who warns people about them?:confused:

I'm still trying to figure out what the MB has done....yet....

Nothing it seems.

well, i don't like the muslim brotherhood having power either...

but the president hasn't exactly "embraced" them. that's just nonsense from neo-con extremists.
a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

I don't listen to beck but I predicted the same thing and some of the members here said I was wrong.
But oh well what are you going to do?

I can't get Beck but it just seemed like a no brainer that the MB who are very organized and skilled politically would have absolutely no problem taking the reins of power once Obama and others forced Mubarak out of office and created a vacuum for the Brotherhood to fill.

It is really interesting that the new President not only was on American soil for so very many years, graduated from USC and then was a Professor on the west coast, but that he also has two American born children who are US citizens by birth.

I assume he has many American connections. Fascinating.
a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

I don't listen to beck but I predicted the same thing and some of the members here said I was wrong.
But oh well what are you going to do?

I can't get Beck but it just seemed like a no brainer that the MB who are very organized and skilled politically would have absolutely no problem taking the reins of power once Obama and others forced Mubarak out of office and created a vacuum for the Brotherhood to fill.

It is really interesting that the new President not only was on American soil for so very many years, graduated from USC and then was a Professor on the west coast, but that he also has two American born children who are US citizens by birth.

I assume he has many American connections. Fascinating.

I know all anyone has to do is stop listening to ABC NBC CBS and do your own research hit the alternative media sources and everything will become clear.

Yes the new president has a connection in obamas administration the wired senators wife who got busted for the video pics of his underwear.
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a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

So what is your answer? Invade Egypt?

They have had a democratic election. The real downside of democratic elections is that you get the government you deserve. So Egypt choose a religious fanatic. And, in 2000. we chose an idiot.

We dont need to invade. But that doesnt mean we have to support and encourage them.
a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

So what is your answer? Invade Egypt?

They have had a democratic election. The real downside of democratic elections is that you get the government you deserve. So Egypt choose a religious fanatic. And, in 2000. we chose an idiot.

In 2008 you chose an even bigger idiot to replace the idiot
No, he lies like a rug.

We should treat the MB like a ruling party, not how some RW idiot demagogue would. Thank God Pubs aren't in power.

They've done nothing wrong yet, and may be fine.Egypt may be like Turkey, with the military backing democracy. With the USA giving 1.3 billion to their army every year, they're not going anywhere.

The MB never promised not to go for power, did say they wouldn't have a presidential candidate, maybe winning parliament changed their mind. Remain calm, fear mongered dupes.
Who's crazy Obama who embraces the muslim Brotherhood or Beck who warns people about them?:confused:

I'm still trying to figure out what the MB has done....yet....

Nothing it seems.

Why you silly man! They are Muslims they do not have to do anything.

I mean, they might do something. They might become autocratci. Have done a bit of reading up on them, and they seem rather eclectic. Some what shiara, others want more democracy.

But, as an outsider looking in. one of the biggest Islamic nations in the world that has Sharia law is Saudi Arabia. It is one of the most despotic regimes in the world let alone the middle east.

Now, would anybody - especially those fear mongers among the rabid right on the this board - care to remind us all of the US govts' relationship with the House of Saud? Is it good? Bad? What? BTW, for those who can't figure it out, these questions are rhetorical with a good deal of sarcasm attached...:D

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