Media told Glenn beck was crazy and Muslim brother hood would not go to Egypt over

He's predicted all kinds of gloom and doom, so of course he's right once in a while. On the other hand, his listeners have no idea who the Muslim Brotherhood IS- a long way from the Taliban or Alqaeda. The sky is NOT falling.
a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

It's funny how that batshitcrazy moran is right so goddamn often.

It's like he studies this stuff and can find the paterns and has people that help him do the same thing.

It's strange that he's better informed than the TV stations that have people on the ground over there.
He's predicted all kinds of gloom and doom, so of course he's right once in a while. On the other hand, his listeners have no idea who the Muslim Brotherhood IS- a long way from the Taliban or Alqaeda. The sky is NOT falling.

Tell ya what, Sparky.

How about you enlightening us?

Since this isn't your first time making this statement, tell us who they are, what they stand for and how the differ from AQ.

He's predicted all kinds of gloom and doom, so of course he's right once in a while. On the other hand, his listeners have no idea who the Muslim Brotherhood IS- a long way from the Taliban or Alqaeda. The sky is NOT falling.

Oh wise and all-knowing Frenchie, can you illustrate for us the particular points he's been WRONG on?
"Crazy like a fox" So crazy that Soros had his second in command set up an appointment with Beck to threaten him. They desperately needed to silence him before he knocked over their applecart. has a story on how Army tanks are maneuvering through the streets in the St Louis vicinity. Just getting familiarized in preparation for November? There's some heavy sh!t coming. Obama/Soros aren't going to give up their grasp on power that easily. If Obama's poll numbers go even further south don't be surprised to see somebody attempt to assassinate Romney. With the Caratgena fiasco, a few Secret Service members got their walking papers. How many Obama loyalists were brought in to replace them? The Union Soldier that was supposed to be guarding the door to Abraham Lincoln's box that night at Ford's Theater was off doing something else.

Exactly well said there's nothing else to add except it gets deeper even (the analysis lol)
Saying Hitler was a socialist is the height of ignorance and stupidity.Or that Obama is a marxist, or any amount of total BS. See sig pp3. A total moron like you. LOL

""Crazy like a fox" So crazy that Soros had his second in command set up an appointment with Beck to threaten him. They desperately needed to silence him before he knocked over their applecart. has a story on how Army tanks are maneuvering through the streets in the St Louis vicinity. Just getting familiarized in preparation for November? There's some heavy sh!t coming. Obama/Soros aren't going to give up their grasp on power that easily. If Obama's poll numbers go even further south don't be surprised to see somebody attempt to assassinate Romney. With the Caratgena fiasco, a few Secret Service members got their walking papers. How many Obama loyalists were brought in to replace them? The Union Soldier that was supposed to be guarding the door to Abraham Lincoln's box that night at Ford's Theater was off doing something else."

Right off the wall!:cuckoo::eusa_liar::badgrin::eusa_whistle: Pub dupes...
a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

It's funny how that batshitcrazy moran is right so goddamn often.

It's like he studies this stuff and can find the paterns and has people that help him do the same thing.

It's strange that he's better informed than the TV stations that have people on the ground over there.

Weird isn't it...? :eusa_eh:

Plus, (kind of off topic)

Everyone is so shocked that Obama called and congratulated Mohammed Morsi... I wasn't.

I mean anyone watching this man, Obama, knew he would back a guy who is all for Sharia.

This is evident in his support for gay marriage... After all, everything Obama does is assbackwards.

Support those who would kill gays and lesbians over there, and tell gays and lesbians here that he supports them living against Islamic dictates.

Sorry, but this guy is all over the place. Nothing about him is real, and Glenn Beck called it years ago, and I have seen it with my own eyes... we can not allow him another term.

Wow... not sure where that rant came from :confused:
I don't recall insinuating anyone was crazy for thinking the MB would seek a place at the table. I recall saying "their country, their choice".
a year ago

I mean will go to Egypt .. And they did and they did and so it begins

Glenn Beck Part 1 The Muslim Brotherhood II 2/4/2011 - YouTube

(2/2) Glenn Beck - Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube

It's funny how that batshitcrazy moran is right so goddamn often.

It's like he studies this stuff and can find the paterns and has people that help him do the same thing.

It's strange that he's better informed than the TV stations that have people on the ground over there.

Weird isn't it...? :eusa_eh:

Plus, (kind of off topic)

Everyone is so shocked that Obama called and congratulated Mohammed Morsi... I wasn't.

I mean anyone watching this man, Obama, knew he would back a guy who is all for Sharia.

This is evident in his support for gay marriage... After all, everything Obama does is assbackwards.

Support those who would kill gays and lesbians over there, and tell gays and lesbians here that he supports them living against Islamic dictates.

Sorry, but this guy is all over the place. Nothing about him is real, and Glenn Beck called it years ago, and I have seen it with my own eyes... we can not allow him another term.

Wow... not sure where that rant came from :confused:

it is.

and then some
Glenn Beck every day says something is "ScaaaarRRRy" or "SpooOOkkKYY" that is coming to break into your house at night, and the only thing that will save us is buying food insurance and his books.

He makes a living sucking the most ignorant fools dry, good for him :tongue:

Hey! You forgot...goooold!
Saying Hitler was a socialist is the height of ignorance and stupidity.Or that Obama is a marxist, or any amount of total BS. See sig pp3. A total moron like you. LOL

)bell rings(


National Socialist Party

)bell rings(

Schools out, but you have detention.
Who is the Muslim Brotherhood, Francis?

We are the ones accused of not knowing, but it is exactly 180 degrees from that.

They are dangerous, and we should have nothing to do with them.

Good lord, imagine how Isreal feels after knowing our president, the leader of the free world, called Mohammed Morsi and said great job.

We live in a scary world.
I don't recall insinuating anyone was crazy for thinking the MB would seek a place at the table. I recall saying "their country, their choice".

Yep... democracy over there means voting to get rid of democracy.... in with Sharia :eusa_clap:

Boy you guys are shallow :eusa_hand:

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