Medical marijuana

What do you think about medical marijuana? Don't you think it's strange that it's getting legalized everywhere since recently? Some years ago potheads were laughing at and now it is completely okay to smoke weed almost everywhere. Sure thing it can be used for medical purposes but it seems like things are going way too fast. It can cause schizophrenia and make people addicted in no time.
Maybe it's too early to legalize it? A question to pot smokers: how has marijuana improved your life?

How has wine improved someone's life?

Or beer?

How has pot harmed your life?
no such thing as a safer intoxicant
So maybe you think it's as harmful as heroin? Have you ever felt an interest in reading/watching the results of some scientific research on pot?

in some cases it may be more harmful

take for example you underestimating the danger of pot over heroine

" oh it is okay it is only weed"

What cases?

Compare pot to heroine.

Pot- essentially almost impossible to die from an overdose of pot.
Heroine- not only possible to die of an over dose of pot- there is a big problem with that happening right now.
Pot- addiction risk- mild
Heroine- addiction risk- high
Pot- addiction withdrawel symptoms- irritability, difficulty sleeping.
Heroine addiction withdrawel symptoms- can include death.
no such thing as a safer intoxicant
So maybe you think it's as harmful as heroin? Have you ever felt an interest in reading/watching the results of some scientific research on pot?

in some cases it may be more harmful

take for example you underestimating the danger of pot over heroine

" oh it is okay it is only weed"

What cases?

Compare pot to heroine.

Pot- essentially almost impossible to die from an overdose of pot.
Heroine- not only possible to die of an over dose of pot- there is a big problem with that happening right now.
Pot- addiction risk- mild
Heroine- addiction risk- high
Pot- addiction withdrawel symptoms- irritability, difficulty sleeping.
Heroine addiction withdrawel symptoms- can include death.

personally i do not care if you smoke weed shoot heroine or snort meth or get piss your pants drunk

they are all poisons to the system and are harmful if abused

so just stop with the misleading posts that pot is safe
in some cases it may be more harmful
take for example you underestimating the danger of pot over heroine
" oh it is okay it is only weed"
Oh, what a bad example, I think it's not so harmful as heroin and that's why it is more harmful than heroin? Get a clue.
personally i do not care if you smoke weed shoot heroine or snort meth or get piss your pants drunk
they are all poisons to the system and are harmful if abused
so just stop with the misleading posts that pot is safe
But you still have said nothing except 'harm', 'harmful', 'poison'. Tell how pot interferes health, give proof and people will respect your opinion.
in some cases it may be more harmful
take for example you underestimating the danger of pot over heroine
" oh it is okay it is only weed"
Oh, what a bad example, I think it's not so harmful as heroin and that's why it is more harmful than heroin? Get a clue.
personally i do not care if you smoke weed shoot heroine or snort meth or get piss your pants drunk
they are all poisons to the system and are harmful if abused
so just stop with the misleading posts that pot is safe
But you still have said nothing except 'harm', 'harmful', 'poison'. Tell how pot interferes health, give proof and people will respect your opinion.

all intoxicants are harmful

maybe a quick google of intoxicant may assist you

[paste:font size="5"]Definitions (2)General: Substance which when taken into a body by one mean or another produces a condition of diminished mental and physical ability, hyperexcitability, or stupefaction. Commonly, a beverage is classified as an intoxicating when its alcoholic content is 0.5 percent or more.
2.Medicine: Substance that poisons or produces symptomsof poisoning in a body. From Greek 'toxicon,' poison.

so no matter how you piss and moan

weed like other drugs is an intoxicant

which is harmful

Is coffee harmful ? , that is a drug called "caffeine"

evaluation of this same cohort [male subjects who consumed cannabis between the ages of 15 and 26] published in August in the journal Psychology of Addictive Behaviors reported that younger pot smokers were no more likely than their non-smoking peers to experience physical or mental health issues later in life. The finding defied researchers’ presumptions, as they acknowledged that their motivation for conducting the study was to "provide empirical evidence regarding the potential adverse consequences of marijuana legalization."
I don't doubt that for a second, & it answers what I already figured as much.

You may be interested to kbow that both are her choice. I've offered to assist her in getting her GED and her license. She's not interested as neither would really change her lifestyle much.

I figured...only a brainwashed nut would marry someone as unstable as you. Mail-order bride, right?
Like a decision between a BigMac or a salad?

No. Like the decision to go "apologize" to the ex who has a restraining order against her (DUI and Violation of a restraining order)

Cost a former college roommate of mine his education when he refused to remove it from the room and I turned his ass in.

Cost a high school clasemate of mine s six figure job when he failed a drug test he knew he'd have to take before showing up to the interview.

A firmer high school classmare of my eife and thst girls boyfriend cost 6 Worcester, MA firefighters their lives when they left an accidentally starteed fire in an abandoned building and dudnt report it. The 6 furemen were in the building looking for the vagrants who started the fire.
Are you drunk?

No, he is psychopathic.
I figured...only a brainwashed nut would marry someone as unstable as you. Mail-order bride, right?

Nope. Puerto Rican. Born in NYC. Definitely much more Traditional than most of the rest of her family long before she approched me on a well known national dating site.

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