Medical school professor says parents must implement gender ideology for babies: 'It... starts at birth'

She is an idiot.

I don't know who said it first, but it is apropos: Some concepts are so ridiculous that only an "intellectual" could take them seriously.

Parents are SUPPOSED to nurture a proper and normal gender development in their children. To fail to see this is so bizarre that it is almost a litmus test for being a Democrat. I would bet my life savings that she voted for Biden...and would do so again.
I have never known a parent that treated their children the opposite of their biological sex.

I have know many parents that let the child play with any toy they wished, even if it were a boy playing with a girl doll.
Yes. Little girls play with trucks and balls, but that's not encouraging them to be boys.

Yet I have known parents that thought letting their boy play with dolls was going to turn them into girls.
I think it’s sad that none of you had the five minute attention span to actually read the article.
“And we have to understand that gender is on a spectrum. There's not just men and women,"

When I get to quotes as stupid as this I dont need to go any farther
“And we have to understand that gender is on a spectrum. There's not just men and women,"

When I get to quotes as stupid as this I dont need to go any farther
What’s stupid about it? Haven’t you ever heard or a tomboy? You know she’s right, you just need to think critically without the influence of modern conservative indoctrination.
It’s ironic that you are the one who advocates gender indoctrination in children starting at the time of birth.
Oh yeah. It's really odd that parents are allowed to raise their children as they see fit, huh.
What’s stupid about it? Haven’t you ever heard or a tomboy? You know she’s right, you just need to think critically without the influence of modern conservative indoctrination.
Why does modern conservative indoctrination trigger you?
It's a little scary to know there's professors out there like this corrupting our children with this woke/liberal crap.

Here's a sample of this nonsense:

Now if that isn't full retard mode then I don't know what is. What I do know is this imbecile should be working in a fast food joint instead of being a professor at a college.

Medical school professors are not teaching children anything. They’re teaching adults how to be Doctors.
“And we have to understand that gender is on a spectrum. There's not just men and women,"

When I get to quotes as stupid as this I dont need to go any farther

Then, why do we say that some boys are “all boy”, and some girls are “girly girls”.

As a child, growing up, I was referred to as a “tomboy” because I was athletic. But then I was a “girly girl”, because of my interest in fashion, music, and art in high school, even though I was still involved in girls’ sports.
Then, why do we say that some boys are “all boy”, and some girls are “girly girls”.

As a child, growing up, I was referred to as a “tomboy” because I was athletic. But then I was a “girly girl”, because of my interest in fashion, music, and art in high school, even though I was still involved in girls’ sports.
Why do you squat when you pee instead of standing like a boy does?
What’s stupid about it? Haven’t you ever heard or a tomboy? You know she’s right, you just need to think critically without the influence of modern conservative indoctrination.
I have heard of tomboys

And most grow up to be very normal and desirable women

Unless their bodies are shanghaied by lib doctors who want to mutilate them
I have heard of tomboys

And most grow up to be very normal and desirable women

Unless their bodies are shanghaied by lib doctors who want to mutilate them
God. Listen to yourself. It’s as if you think the function of women is to be desirable to you.

Gender is on a spectrum. You know it. Some women exhibit more traditionally masculine traits. Some men exhibit more traditionally feminine traits. It’s always been that way.

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