‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study

If folks could only take out exactly what they put into Medicare the program would have been long gone.
So why did everyone who was instrumental in passing Obamacare exempt themselves from it?

Becaue they already HAD health care?

This is what you guys don't get. For those who have health care already, ObamaCare doesn't change anything, really. Oh, there's a few things your insurance company isn't allowed to do anymore, like call your cancer a pre-existing condition if you had acne.

But for most of us, the 100 million already covered by a government program or the 150 million covered by private insurance, things didn't really change.

it was the 50 million not covered that were the issue that is being addressed.

Incidently, the biggest problem Obama did was negotiating with himself. He gave up on a single payer system, on a public option, and even on a Medicare buy-in in order to try to get a few Republicans to buy into the ACA if it looked more like RomneyCare.

But even Romney wouldn't buy into that.
Millions will LOSE their existing coverage because of the cost of Obamacare. If you're rich, or you're an elected official who can make the taxpayer pay for your insurance, then I guess you can afford to keep what you have. If your employer currently provides it, and can't afford the additional cost, then you're likely to become an uninsured part-time employee instead of full-time.
So why did everyone who was instrumental in passing Obamacare exempt themselves from it?

Becaue they already HAD health care?

This is what you guys don't get. For those who have health care already, ObamaCare doesn't change anything, really. Oh, there's a few things your insurance company isn't allowed to do anymore, like call your cancer a pre-existing condition if you had acne.

But for most of us, the 100 million already covered by a government program or the 150 million covered by private insurance, things didn't really change.

it was the 50 million not covered that were the issue that is being addressed.

Incidently, the biggest problem Obama did was negotiating with himself. He gave up on a single payer system, on a public option, and even on a Medicare buy-in in order to try to get a few Republicans to buy into the ACA if it looked more like RomneyCare.

But even Romney wouldn't buy into that.

Nope, they exempted themselves because they are better than you are. The simple proof of that is that, even if you already have health care, and don't work for the government, you are still subject to Obamacare.
I can see why countries around the world want to go the private insurance route.
Then they can do this (Chart 1) and they can also be equal with the US as far as the cost of healthcare per capita (Chart 2).
Hey, does anyone have any solid proof that the US has the best healthcare in the world?
I personally do not think Obamacare is the answer, mandating heathcare coverage isn't freedom. I do lean towards Single Payer as I have yet to see a solid and intelligent argument against it. All I ever seen is pro-let's keep it like it is talking points.

Look it up, this isn't the first time some idiot posted tripe like this.

Instead of calling me names. why don't you dispute my charts derived from reputable resources?
Name calling,,, you really disappoint me, particularly when I've seen posts by you whining about being called names. :eusa_whistle: Myself, I like to avoid such childish behavior.

I didn't call you anything. I called the OP an idiot, the only reason you would take offense at that is if you are the OP.
Millions will LOSE their existing coverage because of the cost of Obamacare. If you're rich, or you're an elected official who can make the taxpayer pay for your insurance, then I guess you can afford to keep what you have. If your employer currently provides it, and can't afford the additional cost, then you're likely to become an uninsured part-time employee instead of full-time.

Yeah, well, employers are going to find that won't fly for more than a few months when employees start bailing for jobs that DO offer health care.

And frankly, if you aren't going to support a single payer system, then I realy don't want to hear the employers whinge about the expense of the current system.

Frankly, they are the ones who should be INSISTING on single payer. It would actually help the small businessman.

Nope, they exempted themselves because they are better than you are. The simple proof of that is that, even if you already have health care, and don't work for the government, you are still subject to Obamacare.

Guy, you'll still be able to get your medications under Obamacare, don't worry.

The government already does a fine job of providing health care to their employees. They aren't the problem.

It's the employer who has shitty insurance or no insurance sponging off the rest of us.
So why did everyone who was instrumental in passing Obamacare exempt themselves from it?

Becaue they already HAD health care?

This is what you guys don't get. For those who have health care already, ObamaCare doesn't change anything, really. Oh, there's a few things your insurance company isn't allowed to do anymore, like call your cancer a pre-existing condition if you had acne.

But for most of us, the 100 million already covered by a government program or the 150 million covered by private insurance, things didn't really change.

it was the 50 million not covered that were the issue that is being addressed.

Incidently, the biggest problem Obama did was negotiating with himself. He gave up on a single payer system, on a public option, and even on a Medicare buy-in in order to try to get a few Republicans to buy into the ACA if it looked more like RomneyCare.

But even Romney wouldn't buy into that.

Nope, they exempted themselves because they are better than you are. The simple proof of that is that, even if you already have health care, and don't work for the government, you are still subject to Obamacare.

To clarify to whom you were referring to better, you should have used the OP quote instead.:confused: of my quote
The right is all too anxious to believe the propaganda coming from the private insurance industry, telling of the horrors of single payer, or Medicare for all. The right wants to privatize everything.
Medicare doesn't provide care. I don't know what Medicare does. It takes $100.00 a month to give me a service that I used to pay $30.00 a month for.

Nope, they exempted themselves because they are better than you are. The simple proof of that is that, even if you already have health care, and don't work for the government, you are still subject to Obamacare.

Guy, you'll still be able to get your medications under Obamacare, don't worry.

The government already does a fine job of providing health care to their employees. They aren't the problem.

It's the employer who has shitty insurance or no insurance sponging off the rest of us.

You have nothing, so you insult.
Becaue they already HAD health care?

This is what you guys don't get. For those who have health care already, ObamaCare doesn't change anything, really. Oh, there's a few things your insurance company isn't allowed to do anymore, like call your cancer a pre-existing condition if you had acne.

But for most of us, the 100 million already covered by a government program or the 150 million covered by private insurance, things didn't really change.

it was the 50 million not covered that were the issue that is being addressed.

Incidently, the biggest problem Obama did was negotiating with himself. He gave up on a single payer system, on a public option, and even on a Medicare buy-in in order to try to get a few Republicans to buy into the ACA if it looked more like RomneyCare.

But even Romney wouldn't buy into that.

Nope, they exempted themselves because they are better than you are. The simple proof of that is that, even if you already have health care, and don't work for the government, you are still subject to Obamacare.

To clarify to whom you were referring to better, you should have used the OP quote instead.:confused: of my quote

First, that isn't your quote.

Second, they think they are better than everyone, not just the OP.
We need a single payer system to get employers off the hook of having to provide it. Employers not only have to provide it but also are inclined to only hire young healthy people verses older people with more experience. If employers no longer have to worry about their employees getting sick that would create their premiums to rise, it becomes a better working environment.

Do you want your employer watching what you eat for lunch to determine your state of health? Do we need more discrimination than there already is in the workplace?
‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study
Someday, sooner, we can all hope, rather than later, America will find the sanity and courage to implement a single payer system.

Yes, that would be the sane course, if we ignore the reality that every single country that has a single payer system is moving away form it because of the ballooning costs and substandard care.


Oh, never mind. Its not true and you probably already know it.
See, here's another inherent flaw of Liberalism. Liberalism means that more people depend on big daddy government to wipe their asses because Liberals don't trust people at all to make up their own minds.
Medicare doesn't provide care. I don't know what Medicare does. It takes $100.00 a month to give me a service that I used to pay $30.00 a month for.

Gosh. Why kind of fool pays $100 a month and doesn't know why? Did you know what you were paying $30 a month for?

Why don't you find out what you're paying for instead of coming here to bitch and lie about something you now say you are utterly ignorant of?

Its actually pretty easy and you will be glad you EDUCATED YOURSELF.

Actually, katzen, you will still be just as miserable and vile as you are now. But, you DO have a choice.
Someday, sooner, we can all hope, rather than later, America will find the sanity and courage to implement a single payer system.

Yes, that would be the sane course, if we ignore the reality that every single country that has a single payer system is moving away form it because of the ballooning costs and substandard care.


Oh, never mind. Its not true and you probably already know it.

Name your favorite single payer country that isn't facing budget problems.

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