Meet Caitlyn Jenner

Okay this is wild for many. I understand that we can't understand. I don't believe for one moment though this is flippant. Jenner isn't built that way.

Does anyone know if he has been tested? Because for true a hormone imbalance will make a male a female. Not the other way around as far as I know. But there are females born males (what a horror) who are truly female and need the surgery.
Here's a man who has been straight up all his life. I'm having a hard time with this because the Bruce Jenner I know and loved was the decathalon hero of America.

Wheaties breakfast of champions hero.

This is obviously NOT an easy choice. This must be for real. This has to be hard.

I'm not going to judge the man.

That is true. He has been straight all his life and never shown any signs of confusion about his identity. This is terrible but I have to confess that I have considered that the powers that be in Hollywood somehow forced him to go down this road in order to once again keep that family on the headlines of news stories. It also promoted something that Hollywood has an agenda for. If that is what they did to him? They should be ashamed. I think there is some very dark things that go on in Hollywood and I am not so convinced that Bruce chose to do this on his own. I know the idea sounds far fetched but it has been on my mind.

Ditto here. As a matter of fact it was my first reaction. That this was a Kardashian moment.

But then I got to thinking about the man I knew as an athlete. I don't have television btw so I have never seen their show. But he was always (as far as I knew) a good man whoa geeze now, a good father and a good husband.
Okay this is wild for many. I understand that we can't understand. I don't believe for one moment though this is flippant. Jenner isn't built that way.

Does anyone know if he has been tested? Because for true a hormone imbalance will make a male a female. Not the other way around as far as I know. But there are females born males (what a horror) who are truly female and need the surgery.
You don't set a world record at the Olympic decathlon with female hormones.
What's curious is that Arthur Ashe was gay. The Arthur Ashe award for courage is supposed to be given to homosexuals. Jenner isn't homosexual so why did he get it?
Wikipedia has gone nuts. They have changed every "he" in Jenner's entry to "she", and every "him" to "her". So you end up with stupid shit like this: She was the 1976 recipient of the James E. Sullivan Award as the top amateur athlete in the United States. Jenner was also the Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year in 1976."

I bet it used to say, "He was also the Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year." They should have had some balls and changed it to, "She was also the Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year."

That would be awesome.
What does that have to do with facts? Males is just an agreeded upon name. See? I told you so.

(Yawn) and a fact.
I agree its a fact. I just said that doesnt make it reality. There are women with penises just to prove my point.

Do they also have vaginas?
If so, that's a different situation.

They are generally referred to as hermaphrodites, I believe.
So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Okay this is wild for many. I understand that we can't understand. I don't believe for one moment though this is flippant. Jenner isn't built that way.

Does anyone know if he has been tested? Because for true a hormone imbalance will make a male a female. Not the other way around as far as I know. But there are females born males (what a horror) who are truly female and need the surgery.
You don't set a world record at the Olympic decathlon with female hormones.

I'd just like to know if he had been tested. Re: Olympics and women? I remember the East Germans and my fathers face watching them compete.


To my mother....

"Annie, there's not something right here".
What courage?
To do what he wants to do despite those that criticize him.

While you fear being labeled a bigot for doing what you want to do, criticize him.

Again, what Courage? All the people that matter to him support him, all the people in his social circles support him, etc. There is no downside for him at all, unless he instantly regrets the old slice and dice after it happens, and in that case, he's an idiot.
Obviously you don't get it. He's getting slammed for doing what he wants to do while you fear getting slammed for doing what you want to do.

He's also getting rewarded by people like you who get all teary eyed and emotional believing he's so brave.
I'm not tears eyed. That would be you and the rest of the melters.

Not me dude, you guys are the ones with the emotional issues.
(Yawn) and a fact.
I agree its a fact. I just said that doesnt make it reality. There are women with penises just to prove my point.

Do they also have vaginas?
If so, that's a different situation.

They are generally referred to as hermaphrodites, I believe.
So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:
“If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life.’ ”


This takes real courage and like it or not, she is a role model for anyone who is trying to live a genuine life.

She's luckier than most however in that she has the money to protect herself from the sexually insecure bullies.

OTOH, the whole Kardasian thing is just SO nutty.
The Kardashians and this whole Bruce Jenner circus makes me wonder sometimes if ISIS is right after all :laugh:
I agree its a fact. I just said that doesnt make it reality. There are women with penises just to prove my point.

Do they also have vaginas?
If so, that's a different situation.

They are generally referred to as hermaphrodites, I believe.
So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.
“If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life.’ ”


This takes real courage and like it or not, she is a role model for anyone who is trying to live a genuine life.

She's luckier than most however in that she has the money to protect herself from the sexually insecure bullies.

OTOH, the whole Kardasian thing is just SO nutty.

Holy airbrushes batman... Photoshop FTW.
I dunno. The cashier at the gas station I go to used to be a guy and he is now quite lovely.
hey in a dark room ...lips are lips.....i heard that somewhere....
Do they also have vaginas?
If so, that's a different situation.

They are generally referred to as hermaphrodites, I believe.
So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

Then what is Swyer Syndrome? I'll wait while you google it.
Do they also have vaginas?
If so, that's a different situation.

They are generally referred to as hermaphrodites, I believe.
So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.
Thats a little different than "male and female" which you have already admitted you stake your understanding of this dynamic on what you were taught in elementary school.
Do they also have vaginas?
If so, that's a different situation.

They are generally referred to as hermaphrodites, I believe.
So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

The left is attempting to do away with gender. They really believe that the differences aren't real and all are a social construct. These people are fucking nuts.

They're as sick as this jenner fucker.
The world would be a much better place if the right was as concerned about the well being of children as they are about Caitlyn Jenner's penis.

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