Meet Caitlyn Jenner

So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

The left is attempting to do away with gender. They really believe that the differences aren't real and all are a social construct. These people are fucking nuts.

They're as sick as this jenner fucker.
Gender is a social construct. Has nothing to do with biology. I was told you were intelligent. What happened?

  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
Sadly for him, at his age especially, he will always have a penis and testicles. His balls will itch and he will experience erection. Anyone who has lost a limb knows that these nerve responses never go away.
Sadly for him, at his age especially, he will always have a penis and testicles. His balls will itch and he will experience erection
speaking from experience?....hey just never know these days....
If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

The left is attempting to do away with gender. They really believe that the differences aren't real and all are a social construct. These people are fucking nuts.

They're as sick as this jenner fucker.
Gender is a social construct. Has nothing to do with biology. I was told you were intelligent. What happened?

  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

He's not. He's just another RW nutter.

Can anyone tell me why some people are so threatened by this?

Why can't people live and let live, wish other's a happy and peaceful life and just get on with their own?
If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

The left is attempting to do away with gender. They really believe that the differences aren't real and all are a social construct. These people are fucking nuts.

They're as sick as this jenner fucker.
Gender is a social construct. Has nothing to do with biology. I was told you were intelligent. What happened?

  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

I don't know why I think I should be remotely surprised that many of the people on here view gender and sexuality as black and white ideas. Or that they even understand the words to begin with. The "penis means boy and vagina means girl and that's IT" viewpoint is wholly expected. God forbid human beings be complex or anything.
Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

The left is attempting to do away with gender. They really believe that the differences aren't real and all are a social construct. These people are fucking nuts.

They're as sick as this jenner fucker.
Gender is a social construct. Has nothing to do with biology. I was told you were intelligent. What happened?

  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

He's not. He's just another RW nutter.

Can anyone tell me why some people are so threatened by this?

Why can't people live and let live, wish other's a happy and peaceful life and just get on with their own?
"The GAY" might get them or they are closet homosexuals. Take your pick.
Here's a man who has been straight up all his life. I'm having a hard time with this because the Bruce Jenner I know and loved was the decathalon hero of America.

Wheaties breakfast of champions hero.

This is obviously NOT an easy choice. This must be for real. This has to be hard.

I'm not going to judge the man.

That is true. He has been straight all his life and never shown any signs of confusion about his identity. This is terrible but I have to confess that I have considered that the powers that be in Hollywood somehow forced him to go down this road in order to once again keep that family on the headlines of news stories. It also promoted something that Hollywood has an agenda for. If that is what they did to him? They should be ashamed. I think there is some very dark things that go on in Hollywood and I am not so convinced that Bruce chose to do this on his own. I know the idea sounds far fetched but it has been on my mind.

Ditto here. As a matter of fact it was my first reaction. That this was a Kardashian moment.

But then I got to thinking about the man I knew as an athlete. I don't have television btw so I have never seen their show. But he was always (as far as I knew) a good man whoa geeze now, a good father and a good husband.
After the divorce the Kardashian show went on without him. Jenner didn't take that well at all. He's going to have his own reality show now.
Holy fuck. How disgusting.

You want courage? How about the Philadelphia 76ers players wearing pro police warmup shirts.

How about the NFLs Cincinnati Bengals signing a player who was cut for not being good enough to make the team...but because his daughter was dying from cancer they kept him on payroll so she could stay on the teams health insurance.

How about the womens basketball player at Mount Saint Joes University who was dying of brain cancer and never got to fulfill her dream of playing in a college game...and was set to die in a couple the school moved its first game back a month so she could play in it. And she did. And then died a few months later.

Nah. Screw that. Lets honor a faggot posing as a chick.
Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

The left is attempting to do away with gender. They really believe that the differences aren't real and all are a social construct. These people are fucking nuts.

They're as sick as this jenner fucker.
Gender is a social construct. Has nothing to do with biology. I was told you were intelligent. What happened?

  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

I don't know why I think I should be remotely surprised that many of the people on here view gender and sexuality as black and white ideas. Or that they even understand the words to begin with. The "penis means boy and vagina means girl and that's IT" viewpoint is wholly expected. God forbid human beings be complex or anything.
Not all people continue to learn after elementary nor do their parents take responsibility for teaching them the correct information. I know it boggles the mind people can be this ignorant.
If that is what transgender looks like after an operation then I doubt it is possible that Michele Obama could be one. More likely the rumor was circulated to make the administration more popular with the gay community. Disinformation is nothing new. It's a motive in itself. As for this guy? It's a tragic story. I'm sorry for his children. This has to be very confusing.

If that is what transgender looks like after an operation then I doubt it is possible that Michele Obama could be one. More likely the rumor was circulated to make the administration more popular with the gay community. Disinformation is nothing new. It's a motive in itself. As for this guy? It's a tragic story. I'm sorry for his children. This has to be very confusing.

I know, that was my first thought... how confusing and frankly, how utterly embarrassing.

As for this guy? It's a tragic story. I'm sorry for his children. This has to be very confusing.

Sorry for his children? You do realize that that bitch of a wife and those bitches of daughters are exactly what drove him into the nut farm, right?

Amazing how you haters know so much about this.

I've never met any of them, never spent time with them or their familes so I can't speak to how accurate your comments are.


If you are referring to me, Luddly, I am not a hater. I am merely being honest about what I think about all of this. Just because my truth is not compatible with yours - does not mean I am a "hater". I'm not. I hate sin. I do not hate transgender people. I hate the sin they are in!


That whole lie about 'hate the sin, not the sinner' is just a way to look down your nose, be judgmental about something you know nothing about. That is NOT what the Jesus I learned about preached.

And Jeri, you believe whichever say the wind is blowing.
Here's a man who has been straight up all his life. I'm having a hard time with this because the Bruce Jenner I know and loved was the decathalon hero of America.

Wheaties breakfast of champions hero.

This is obviously NOT an easy choice. This must be for real. This has to be hard.

I'm not going to judge the man.

That is true. He has been straight all his life and never shown any signs of confusion about his identity. This is terrible but I have to confess that I have considered that the powers that be in Hollywood somehow forced him to go down this road in order to once again keep that family on the headlines of news stories. It also promoted something that Hollywood has an agenda for. If that is what they did to him? They should be ashamed. I think there is some very dark things that go on in Hollywood and I am not so convinced that Bruce chose to do this on his own. I know the idea sounds far fetched but it has been on my mind.

A lot of people hide their "T" (remember that?) exactly because of what we're seeing here.

And don't ever make the mistake of thinking christians will accept you for what you really are. I would not be at all surprised to hear christians want her burned at the stake.

Are you now going to try to tie this in with that whole bizarre story about Hollywood murders? I don't remember all the details, just that it was another fundie tale of conspiracy.

So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

Then what is Swyer Syndrome? I'll wait while you google it.

A condition that affect 1 in about 80,000 people.
I'll watch sporting events on ESPN, but as soon as the cameras and mikes head back to the studios I quit watching.
ESPN is just a big PC mouthpiece now.
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

The left is attempting to do away with gender. They really believe that the differences aren't real and all are a social construct. These people are fucking nuts.

They're as sick as this jenner fucker.
Gender is a social construct. Has nothing to do with biology. I was told you were intelligent. What happened?

  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

I don't know why I think I should be remotely surprised that many of the people on here view gender and sexuality as black and white ideas. Or that they even understand the words to begin with. The "penis means boy and vagina means girl and that's IT" viewpoint is wholly expected. God forbid human beings be complex or anything.
Not all people continue to learn after elementary nor do their parents take responsibility for teaching them the correct information. I know it boggles the mind people can be this ignorant.

Honestly, it doesn't surprise me when people are ignorant. We all had different opportunities growing up and not everyone gets access to the same education or exposure to the same types of life experiences. I'm certainly ignorant of quite a lot of things. What I'll never understand, however, is people who are ignorant and PROUD of it. People who wear their ignorance as a badge of honor. THAT is what boggles the mind.
Here's a man who has been straight up all his life. I'm having a hard time with this because the Bruce Jenner I know and loved was the decathalon hero of America.

Wheaties breakfast of champions hero.

This is obviously NOT an easy choice. This must be for real. This has to be hard.

I'm not going to judge the man.

That is true. He has been straight all his life and never shown any signs of confusion about his identity. This is terrible but I have to confess that I have considered that the powers that be in Hollywood somehow forced him to go down this road in order to once again keep that family on the headlines of news stories. It also promoted something that Hollywood has an agenda for. If that is what they did to him? They should be ashamed. I think there is some very dark things that go on in Hollywood and I am not so convinced that Bruce chose to do this on his own. I know the idea sounds far fetched but it has been on my mind.

Ditto here. As a matter of fact it was my first reaction. That this was a Kardashian moment.

But then I got to thinking about the man I knew as an athlete. I don't have television btw so I have never seen their show. But he was always (as far as I knew) a good man whoa geeze now, a good father and a good husband.
After the divorce the Kardashian show went on without him. Jenner didn't take that well at all. He's going to have his own reality show now.

Again, I don't know them personally so I gladly defer to your obviously intimate knowledge:rolleyes: of this situation.
So now you have changed your tune? First you said that if someone had a penis they were a male. I guess you arent really quite sure what is fact and what is reality.

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.
Thats a little different than "male and female" which you have already admitted you stake your understanding of this dynamic on what you were taught in elementary school.

it's different?

If they have a penis, they are male.

If they have a vagina, they are female.

If they have both, they are considered hermaphrodite.

If you don't believe me, ask one of the upperclassmen in your high school, one that has actually passed biology

Care to explain Swyer Syndrome then?
Dont confuse him. He learned all of his "facts" in elementary. :laugh:

if you don't learn about the difference between boys and girls in elementary school, you're a slower learner than I thought.

Then what is Swyer Syndrome? I'll wait while you google it.

A condition that affect 1 in about 80,000 people.

And? What is this condition?
“If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life.’ ”


This takes real courage and like it or not, she is a role model for anyone who is trying to live a genuine life.

She's luckier than most however in that she has the money to protect herself from the sexually insecure bullies.

OTOH, the whole Kardasian thing is just SO nutty.

I just hope he's at peace now......and I hope he like all the Kardasians would just slither away and leave the world alone.

They're all making bank. Seriously, people, who are you out there propping up this nonsense? Somebody's watching that crap. Why?
Lord, please tell me: Why? :confused-84:
Because they want to? Are you against the freedom to watch what you want to now?
No I am not against the freedom to watch what I want. What a silly notion.
I do wonder, though, what on Earth draws people to watch the Kardashians. Are they famous for anything else other than being famous? :dunno:
She looks like a better version of Janice Dickinson. Janice obviously picked the wrong plastic surgeon.

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