Meet Caitlyn Jenner

Have you ever seen Bruce Jenner explain evolution? I promise...its the most intellectually convincing explanation you'll ever hear.

only an idiot would attempt to 'debate' jenner's gender.. oh wait.

Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
Thats fine. Now what are you going do about it?

Serious question, would you do Caitlyn anally?
Why are you white guys always fascinated by the sex life of Black men?!!! :laugh:

Mind your own business. You cant live vicariously through our experiences.
Yep. Sexual identity is undeniable.

Just look down.

Got a dick? You a dude.
Got a vag? You a chick.

Very simple.
Only you are simple. Other people are more complicated.

May or may not have happened, but President Lincoln once asked a man, if you call the tail of a horse a leg, how many legs does a horse have?

The man answered that the horse would have five legs.

Lincoln responded, no, a horse only has 4 legs. Even if you call a horses tail a leg, it
doesn't make it one.
I dont get the point of your story? Why would what Lincoln said or didnt say mean anything of importance in this instance? Was he a scientist or something?

Says a lot about your comprehension, or rather, lack of.
it says more about your lack of ability to be relevant.

Ask someone to explain it to you...

(Psst, just because you call a tail a leg, or a man a woman, doesn't mean it is)
only an idiot would attempt to 'debate' jenner's gender.. oh wait.

Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
Thats fine. Now what are you going do about it?

I'm going to contact my lawmakers. And you as a white liberal should be willing to help me in my quest for reparations.
Thats a good start. Tell me how far you get.
only an idiot would attempt to 'debate' jenner's gender.. oh wait.

Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
Thats fine. Now what are you going do about it?

Serious question, would you do Caitlyn anally?
Your obsession with anal sex is disturbing.
He can call himself a horse, a cow, or a bucket of rice. Doesn't change the facts, does it?
Facts are just agreed upon ideas. Facts rarely are truth. The point is why not call him what he wants instead of fainting because he wants to be called a woman?


Facts are just agreed upon ideas?

and how long, in your estimation, have animals with a penis been referred to as the male of the species?
What does that have to do with facts? Males is just an agreeded upon name. See? I told you so.

(Yawn) and a fact.
I agree its a fact. I just said that doesnt make it reality. There are women with penises just to prove my point.

You would know.
Only you are simple. Other people are more complicated.

May or may not have happened, but President Lincoln once asked a man, if you call the tail of a horse a leg, how many legs does a horse have?

The man answered that the horse would have five legs.

Lincoln responded, no, a horse only has 4 legs. Even if you call a horses tail a leg, it
doesn't make it one.
I dont get the point of your story? Why would what Lincoln said or didnt say mean anything of importance in this instance? Was he a scientist or something?

Says a lot about your comprehension, or rather, lack of.
it says more about your lack of ability to be relevant.

Ask someone to explain it to you...

(Psst, just because you call a tail a leg, or a man a woman, doesn't mean it is)
I did ask someone. You. I dont really care what Lincoln said. He doesnt have any credibility.
That must have been were you learned your definition of male and female. Your education must have stopped at high school. "Male" doesnt mean you have a penis. Its much more complicated than that. Instead of hanging around high schools try getting some higher education so your facts reflect reality.

No, actually, I learned in in elementary school.

You went to a biology class that taught you different?
You should have gotten further education then. They make it simple for simple minds. If you had gone on past elementary you would have known that male seahorses for example have no penis. Like I said your "fact" is just an agreeded upon idea.

Bruce is a seahorse?
No. He is now a girl. What does that have to do with your claim that if you are a male you have a penis?

No, he is still, physically, a male.

You seem to have difficulty with that.

Biological facts do not matter to the left. If the person says they're a girl, then by god they're a girl.

By the way, I'm a billionaire, and it's about time you people here on the board start treating me with due respect.
Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
Thats fine. Now what are you going do about it?

Serious question, would you do Caitlyn anally?
Your obsession with anal sex is disturbing.

pretty sure that's my first mention since I've been here. Did you mean to reply to Delta?
No, actually, I learned in in elementary school.

You went to a biology class that taught you different?
You should have gotten further education then. They make it simple for simple minds. If you had gone on past elementary you would have known that male seahorses for example have no penis. Like I said your "fact" is just an agreeded upon idea.

Bruce is a seahorse?
No. He is now a girl. What does that have to do with your claim that if you are a male you have a penis?

No, he is still, physically, a male.

You seem to have difficulty with that.

Biological facts do not matter to the left. If the person says they're a girl, then by god they're a girl.

By the way, I'm a billionaire, and it's about time you people here on the board start treating me with due respect.
Simpletons like yourself frequently get notions confused with facts. Donald Trump is a billionaire for instance and plenty of people have zero respect for him.
Bruce is a seahorse?
No. He is now a girl. What does that have to do with your claim that if you are a male you have a penis?

No, he is still, physically, a male.

You seem to have difficulty with that.
I'm fine with what ever he wants to call himself. You are the one that claimed you had to have a penis to be male then argued that it was a fact. Remember this?

Facts are just agreed upon ideas?

and how long, in your estimation, have animals with a penis been referred to as the male of the species?

You really are getting boring.

He can believe he is a horse, a cow, or a bucket of rice.
I don't have a problem with it.
But, physically, he is still a male.
People tend to get bored when their ignorant logic is shredded. Its ok you didnt know what you were talking about but be man enough to learn from your mistakes.....thats if you have a penis. :laugh:

The funny thing is, just like you now belueve Jenner is a girl, you also believe you've shredded another posters logic.:rofl:
You have to admit it takes a lot of courage for Jenner to get his salami sliced. ..... :eek-52:

Ya it took some real balls..oh wait
I'm generally pretty openminded. Dude wants to be a lady? That's fine. It's hisher business. I just think that splashing it all over the place for the world's entertainment is BS. It seems to be more about getting attention than dealing with internal issues.
Nevermind the woman whose death heshe may have had a hand in. One would think keeping a low pro would be in order. But, who am I to judge? :dunno:
No. He is now a girl. What does that have to do with your claim that if you are a male you have a penis?

No, he is still, physically, a male.

You seem to have difficulty with that.
I'm fine with what ever he wants to call himself. You are the one that claimed you had to have a penis to be male then argued that it was a fact. Remember this?

Facts are just agreed upon ideas?

and how long, in your estimation, have animals with a penis been referred to as the male of the species?

You really are getting boring.

He can believe he is a horse, a cow, or a bucket of rice.
I don't have a problem with it.
But, physically, he is still a male.
People tend to get bored when their ignorant logic is shredded. Its ok you didnt know what you were talking about but be man enough to learn from your mistakes.....thats if you have a penis. :laugh:

The funny thing is, just like you now belueve Jenner is a girl, you also believe you've shredded another posters logic.:rofl:
You must be just as ignorant as he is. No wonder you didnt recognize his logic was shredded by not only me but his own postings as well..
You should have gotten further education then. They make it simple for simple minds. If you had gone on past elementary you would have known that male seahorses for example have no penis. Like I said your "fact" is just an agreeded upon idea.

Bruce is a seahorse?
No. He is now a girl. What does that have to do with your claim that if you are a male you have a penis?

No, he is still, physically, a male.

You seem to have difficulty with that.

Biological facts do not matter to the left. If the person says they're a girl, then by god they're a girl.

By the way, I'm a billionaire, and it's about time you people here on the board start treating me with due respect.
Simpletons like yourself frequently get notions confused with facts. Donald Trump is a billionaire for instance and plenty of people have zero respect for him.

You should talk dude ! :lmao::lmao:
Bruce is a seahorse?
No. He is now a girl. What does that have to do with your claim that if you are a male you have a penis?

No, he is still, physically, a male.

You seem to have difficulty with that.

Biological facts do not matter to the left. If the person says they're a girl, then by god they're a girl.

By the way, I'm a billionaire, and it's about time you people here on the board start treating me with due respect.
Simpletons like yourself frequently get notions confused with facts. Donald Trump is a billionaire for instance and plenty of people have zero respect for him.

You should talk dude ! :lmao::lmao:
If you try harder maybe I could take you seriously?
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
Thats fine. Now what are you going do about it?

Serious question, would you do Caitlyn anally?
Your obsession with anal sex is disturbing.

pretty sure that's my first mention since I've been here. Did you mean to reply to Delta?
I was addressing "straight" men on the Right in general. I haven't kept up with your posts.
Sadly for him, at his age especially, he will always have a penis and testicles. His balls will itch and he will experience erection. Anyone who has lost a limb knows that these nerve responses never go away.

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