Meet Caitlyn Jenner

No. He is now a girl. What does that have to do with your claim that if you are a male you have a penis?

No, he is still, physically, a male.

You seem to have difficulty with that.
I'm fine with what ever he wants to call himself. You are the one that claimed you had to have a penis to be male then argued that it was a fact. Remember this?

Facts are just agreed upon ideas?

and how long, in your estimation, have animals with a penis been referred to as the male of the species?

You really are getting boring.

He can believe he is a horse, a cow, or a bucket of rice.
I don't have a problem with it.
But, physically, he is still a male.
People tend to get bored when their ignorant logic is shredded. Its ok you didnt know what you were talking about but be man enough to learn from your mistakes.....thats if you have a penis. :laugh:

The only thing you have shredded is any possibility of being taken seriously.

"Its ok you didnt know what you were talking about but be man enough to learn from your mistakes"

You should take your own advice
I agree. I cant possibly take you serious with the lack of education you displayed.
One source said she began hormone therapy 30 years ago but stopped.
A guy who was on the same Olympic team just said that Caitlin was always there.

There's little doubt that that is true.

Just as everyone's sexual identity is always there.

Yep. Sexual identity is undeniable.

Just look down.

Got a dick? You a dude.
Got a vag? You a chick.

Very simple.
One source said she began hormone therapy 30 years ago but stopped.
A guy who was on the same Olympic team just said that Caitlin was always there.

There's little doubt that that is true.

Just as everyone's sexual identity is always there.

Yep. Sexual identity is undeniable.

Just look down.

Got a dick? You a dude.
Got a vag? You a chick.

Very simple.
Only you are simple. Other people are more complicated.
If that is what transgender looks like after an operation then I doubt it is possible that Michele Obama could be one. More likely the rumor was circulated to make the administration more popular with the gay community. Disinformation is nothing new. It's a motive in itself. As for this guy? It's a tragic story. I'm sorry for his children. This has to be very confusing.

If that is what transgender looks like after an operation then I doubt it is possible that Michele Obama could be one. More likely the rumor was circulated to make the administration more popular with the gay community. Disinformation is nothing new. It's a motive in itself. As for this guy? It's a tragic story. I'm sorry for his children. This has to be very confusing.

I know, that was my first thought... how confusing and frankly, how utterly embarrassing.

As for this guy? It's a tragic story. I'm sorry for his children. This has to be very confusing.

Sorry for his children? You do realize that that bitch of a wife and those bitches of daughters are exactly what drove him into the nut farm, right?

Amazing how you haters know so much about this.

I've never met any of them, never spent time with them or their familes so I can't speak to how accurate your comments are.

Just wait. Someone semi-famous will say something disparaging about him, or refuse to go with the whole "she" thing. This person will be vilified, and there will be boycott calls, etc. just like any other progressive cause.
And Jenner is being vilified for getting a sex change. At least he has the courage to do what he wants to do without fearing the PC police. Get a grip.

What courage?
To do what he wants to do despite those that criticize him.

While you fear being labeled a bigot for doing what you want to do, criticize him.

Again, what Courage? All the people that matter to him support him, all the people in his social circles support him, etc. There is no downside for him at all, unless he instantly regrets the old slice and dice after it happens, and in that case, he's an idiot.
Obviously you don't get it. He's getting slammed for doing what he wants to do while you fear getting slammed for doing what you want to do.

He's also getting rewarded by people like you who get all teary eyed and emotional believing he's so brave.
One source said she began hormone therapy 30 years ago but stopped.
A guy who was on the same Olympic team just said that Caitlin was always there.

There's little doubt that that is true.

Just as everyone's sexual identity is always there.

Yep. Sexual identity is undeniable.

Just look down.

Got a dick? You a dude.
Got a vag? You a chick.

Very simple.
Only you are simple. Other people are more complicated.

May or may not have happened, but President Lincoln once asked a man, if you call the tail of a horse a leg, how many legs does a horse have?

The man answered that the horse would have five legs.

Lincoln responded, no, a horse only has 4 legs. Even if you call a horses tail a leg, it
doesn't make it one.
Caitlyn Jenner will receive the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage at this year’s ESPY awards, ESPN confirmed on Monday.

Jenner, who came out as transgender in an interview with Diane Sawyer back in April, made her first appearance on the July cover ofVanity Fair. (Jenner, who was formerly known as Bruce Jenner, won the gold medal in the men’s decathlon at the 1976 Olympics.)

“It’s not about the fanfare, it’s not about people cheering in the stadium, it’s not about going down the street and everybody giving you ‘that a boy, Bruce,’ pat on the back, O.K. This is about your life,”the former Olympian toldVanity Fair.

Caitlyn Jenner to Receive Arthur Ashe Award for Courage


Just when you thought you could not possibly hate liberals more.
And just how does this impact your life?
One source said she began hormone therapy 30 years ago but stopped.
A guy who was on the same Olympic team just said that Caitlin was always there.

There's little doubt that that is true.

Just as everyone's sexual identity is always there.

Yep. Sexual identity is undeniable.

Just look down.

Got a dick? You a dude.
Got a vag? You a chick.

Very simple.
Only you are simple. Other people are more complicated.

May or may not have happened, but President Lincoln once asked a man, if you call the tail of a horse a leg, how many legs does a horse have?

The man answered that the horse would have five legs.

Lincoln responded, no, a horse only has 4 legs. Even if you call a horses tail a leg, it
doesn't make it one.
I dont get the point of your story? Why would what Lincoln said or didnt say mean anything of importance in this instance? Was he a scientist or something?
only an idiot would attempt to 'debate' jenner's gender.. oh wait.

Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
One source said she began hormone therapy 30 years ago but stopped.
A guy who was on the same Olympic team just said that Caitlin was always there.

There's little doubt that that is true.

Just as everyone's sexual identity is always there.

Yep. Sexual identity is undeniable.

Just look down.

Got a dick? You a dude.
Got a vag? You a chick.

Very simple.
Only you are simple. Other people are more complicated.

May or may not have happened, but President Lincoln once asked a man, if you call the tail of a horse a leg, how many legs does a horse have?

The man answered that the horse would have five legs.

Lincoln responded, no, a horse only has 4 legs. Even if you call a horses tail a leg, it
doesn't make it one.
I dont get the point of your story? Why would what Lincoln said or didnt say mean anything of importance in this instance? Was he a scientist or something?

Says a lot about your comprehension, or rather, lack of.
only an idiot would attempt to 'debate' jenner's gender.. oh wait.

Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
Thats fine. Now what are you going do about it?
Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

He can call himself a horse, a cow, or a bucket of rice. Doesn't change the facts, does it?
Facts are just agreed upon ideas. Facts rarely are truth. The point is why not call him what he wants instead of fainting because he wants to be called a woman?


Facts are just agreed upon ideas?

and how long, in your estimation, have animals with a penis been referred to as the male of the species?

I was born a white male.

Guess I can claim im a black woman.

You racist sexist bitches!!! Angry black woman dont be playin!!!!

Since we now must recognize what you wish to be called, I would suggest you ask for reparations.
There's little doubt that that is true.

Just as everyone's sexual identity is always there.

Yep. Sexual identity is undeniable.

Just look down.

Got a dick? You a dude.
Got a vag? You a chick.

Very simple.
Only you are simple. Other people are more complicated.

May or may not have happened, but President Lincoln once asked a man, if you call the tail of a horse a leg, how many legs does a horse have?

The man answered that the horse would have five legs.

Lincoln responded, no, a horse only has 4 legs. Even if you call a horses tail a leg, it
doesn't make it one.
I dont get the point of your story? Why would what Lincoln said or didnt say mean anything of importance in this instance? Was he a scientist or something?

Says a lot about your comprehension, or rather, lack of.
it says more about your lack of ability to be relevant.
only an idiot would attempt to 'debate' jenner's gender.. oh wait.

Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
Thats fine. Now what are you going do about it?

Serious question, would you do Caitlyn anally?
only an idiot would attempt to 'debate' jenner's gender.. oh wait.

Debate his gender?

An examination by any medical doctor in the world would tell you he is physically a male.
He said he is a female didnt he? Why not just call him what he wants to be called? No skin off your nose right?

I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me since you and others stole my land.
By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.
Thats fine. Now what are you going do about it?

I'm going to contact my lawmakers. And you as a white liberal should be willing to help me in my quest for reparations.

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