Meet Elizabeth Warren chief of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
By now some of you may have heard, we have a new oversight bureau created via Dodd-frank finance. reform bill called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Its head has apparently become Elizabeth Warren, here, I’ll let the ‘androgynous’ wiki tell it;

“oversee the development of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Her position will include the responsibility of recommending a director for this new entity, although it is unclear whether Warren herself will be considered for the position.”

She pretty much has the reigns; there will be no hearing as this entity is basically outside oversight, even as to its financial sppt. etc.)

This is the New Yorker mags bus. editor, James Surowiecki interviewing her, (so it was a friendly environment)

James Surowiecki spoke with Elizabeth Warren, a professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism. They met in Washington, D.C., on November 5th.

The Balance Sheet: Video: Elizabeth Warren : The New Yorker

She spends a lot of times animatedly and articulately ( in that she says what’s exactly on her mind and theres little left to the imagination) making a case as to why people should be relieved of their personal responsibility, but never seems to get to a point where in she at least alludes to governments own part in that 30 pages of legalese, and a result of the gov. getting involved in the first place going beyond a simple mandate to ensure that it says what it needs it is required to say, absent misleading mumbo jumbo.

The rest is a peon to the consumer who is to confused to understand any of it ( yea I agreed with that to an extent) and how the gov. will help them clear it all up, one would think these ‘tricks and traps’ she speaks to are penalties created to carry the folks whom they should not be carrying in the first place ( but have been coerced to carry) and to cover the other gov. driven directives that take from the bottom line.

I believe that the gov. regs and agencies exists solely to referee the playing field, this is nowhere near what she appears to grasp, on one hand saying she would not have sppted giving money out in Oct. 2008 unless the whole mgt. of whatever co. on the receiving end got fired, ( does that means she should be fired as they basically made B of A buy Countrywide at gunpoint?) but never thinks hey, maybe, we should never have offered the money in the first place?

It’s spookily surreal. “Markets are broken”, so who better to explain whats wrong and fix it…..than…a Harvard lawyer, who’s spent every living breathing moment of her working life in academia, what could go wrong?

Her past includes a row over her joint publication speaking the discovery that "at least" 46% of personal bankruptcy filings in 2001 (the year from they collected the data) was the result of "medical causes," and that this represented a 23-fold increase over 20 years” ( see citation 1* below) , in 2007 she performed another study that took that figure upwards of 60%.... to say that there was some ‘differing opinions’ as to the veracity of these claims is to say water is wet.

1* Todd Zywicki: In Elizabeth Warren We Trust? -

Read more The Balance Sheet: Video: Elizabeth Warren : The New Yorker
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She sounds like another nitwit who's never even run a lemonade stand.

I can see why Barry would have hired her.

She sounds like another nitwit who's never even run a lemonade stand.

I can see why Barry would have hired her.

Spot on with the reading skills, a nitwit and she's never been in charge of anything you say?....

"professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism."


She sounds like another nitwit who's never even run a lemonade stand.

I can see why Barry would have hired her.

Spot on with the reading skills, a nitwit and she's never been in charge of anything you say?....

"professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism."


spot on with pretending definitions don't count and the gov. and bus. are one and the same:rolleyes:

She sounds like another nitwit who's never even run a lemonade stand.

I can see why Barry would have hired her.

Spot on with the reading skills, a nitwit and she's never been in charge of anything you say?....

"professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism."


spot on with pretending definitions don't count and the gov. and bus. are one and the same:rolleyes:

Your back must be hurting from moving those goal posts.
I love how keeping people protected from deceptive business practices is "absolving them of personal responsibility".

Elizabeth Warren is brilliant. You should actually try listening to her sometime.
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Spot on with the reading skills, a nitwit and she's never been in charge of anything you say?....

"professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism."


spot on with pretending definitions don't count and the gov. and bus. are one and the same:rolleyes:

Your back must be hurting from moving those goal posts.

why yes, a business and a gov. comm. are so much alike....and you don't sound any smarter employing glib non witty phrases either.
I love how keeping people from deceptive business practices is "absolving them of personal responsibility".

Elizabeth Warren is brilliant. You should actually try listening to her sometime.

I, me, posted this Jillian.....

its from a friendly site in a friendly interview Jilllian.

I chose on purpose so as not to negatively pejoratize the content Jillian.

In fact there are I think 2 (?) phrases she uses in the interview plus topical matters she mentions I speak directly to Jillian.....

which leads ME to believe YOU either;
a) didn't watch or
b) didn't even read what I wrote.....]

or.. there is of course

c) which is a combo plate menu item- its a and b AND, I should stfu and just "listen" to her as in; go Jonestown on the Warren Kool aid...
Do I understand this right?

frank-dodd fuck up Franny and freddie, then they get a say in who thier boss will be?

She sounds like another nitwit who's never even run a lemonade stand.

I can see why Barry would have hired her.

Spot on with the reading skills, a nitwit and she's never been in charge of anything you say?....

"professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism."


Yep. Another nitwit who has no real life experience.

Example: we are just now finding out that TARP money was lent to a bunch of large foreign banks at 0% interest. Why didn't the Oversight Panel uncover this?

She sounds like another nitwit who's never even run a lemonade stand.

I can see why Barry would have hired her.

Spot on with the reading skills, a nitwit and she's never been in charge of anything you say?....

"professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism."


Yep. Another nitwit who has no real life experience.

Example: we are just now finding out that TARP money was lent to a bunch of large foreign banks at 0% interest. Why didn't the Oversight Panel uncover this?

I've asked this before and you never do answer. Tell us about your "real life experience" that makes you such an expert on the topic.

Elizabeth Warren. She'd be a hell of a POTUS.

That woman is above reproach. I defy any of you to show me otherwise.
Spot on with the reading skills, a nitwit and she's never been in charge of anything you say?....

"professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism."


Yep. Another nitwit who has no real life experience.

Example: we are just now finding out that TARP money was lent to a bunch of large foreign banks at 0% interest. Why didn't the Oversight Panel uncover this?

I've asked this before and you never do answer. Tell us about your "real life experience" that makes you such an expert on the topic.

I don't post PI on message boards, you sad little booby.

And the fact that you are still here after you said you would quit the board when I proved you were wrong makes me even less inclined to provide any information to you.
Do I understand this right?

frank-dodd fuck up Franny and freddie, then they get a say in who thier boss will be?


Fannie and Freddie followed the Wall Street herd into fucked-uppery (BEFORE being nationalized btw), and now we're taking measures to make sure it doesn't happen again. :thup:
Yep. Another nitwit who has no real life experience.

Example: we are just now finding out that TARP money was lent to a bunch of large foreign banks at 0% interest. Why didn't the Oversight Panel uncover this?

I've asked this before and you never do answer. Tell us about your "real life experience" that makes you such an expert on the topic.

I don't post PI on message boards, you sad little booby.

LOL, just like I thought. I didn't ask for your SSN or your name. You can easily tell us what kind of degree you have or what you do for a living. Unless you have a magical one-off degree that would easily identify you, is that it? :lol:

She sounds like another nitwit who's never even run a lemonade stand.

I can see why Barry would have hired her.

Spot on with the reading skills, a nitwit and she's never been in charge of anything you say?....

"professor at Harvard Law School and the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), about the importance of transparency in consumer financing, the future of the regulatory system, and what’s good about capitalism."


Great comprehension skill there Sparky.

Again, she's just another nitwit who's never even run a lemonade stand.
That Agency will be one of the first things to go Jan 2013

We need more government like a picnic need fire ants

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