'Meet the Press' Panel Shreds Biden Over Hunter, Bidenomics, His Age


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Mar 8, 2018
'Meet the Press' Panel Shreds Biden Over Hunter, Bidenomics, His Age : INTERNEWSCAST
When you’re a Democrat president and the talking heads over at NBC’s “Meet the Press” are blasting your performance, you know things are bad. While not as reliably uber-liberal as its sister channel, MSNBC, the Peacock can usually be relied upon to tout leftist talking points.
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Remote : Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:28:02 +0000
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i wonder, why would Trump or Biden get re-elected? those 2 are (imho) so obviously tainted, it stinks and is ugly.

Meet the Press full broadcast — Aug. 20​

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It's not your eectoral system, it's the money in politics and the angle shooting parties engage in to gain power without any consequences.

I disagree.

The FPTP electoral system leads to two political parties.

The same in the UK where there's only Labour and the Tories. The regional parties play a part, but they'll never get into government, and the Lib Dems are like a second left wing party that means the Tories win most of the time.

It clearly changes how people vote.

In Germany they have FPTP and PR on the same day and the change in votes can be up to 10% of the voters, and this is when they know PR will come out on top.

Back in 2017 the CDU/CSU gained 37% of the votes with FPTP and 77% of the seats. It favors the main two parties so much that voters don't bother with smaller parties in the US because they feel it's a wasted vote.

So, the money matters, because with FPTP all you need to do is get a few votes in tight elections and you can have such a massive swing.

The House in 2022 was 213 to 222. If the Dems swing five seats, they control the House.

There were seven Republican seats under 1% difference. Colorado's 3rd district was 0.17% or 546 votes. All you need to do is convince 274 people to vote differently and the make up of the House changes.

So, for that district it's 274 votes, 283 in CA, 801 in MI, 1,077 Iowa and probably about 1,000 something in NY. That's like 3,500 people and the House is yours instead of the Republicans.

Money then talks there.

If it were PR, nobody would be pushing for these few votes because it wouldn't make any difference at all.

But FPTP is an electoral system that is easily bought.
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I disagree.

The FPTP electoral system leads to two political parties.

The same in the UK where there's only Labour and the Tories. The regional parties play a part, but they'll never get into government, and the Lib Dems are like a second left wing party that means the Tories win most of the time.

It clearly changes how people vote.

In Germany they have FPTP and PR on the same day and the change in votes can be up to 10% of the voters, and this is when they know PR will come out on top.

Back in 2017 the CDU/CSU gained 37% of the votes with FPTP and 77% of the seats. It favors the main two parties so much that voters don't bother with smaller parties in the US because they feel it's a wasted vote.

So, the money matters, because with FPTP all you need to do is get a few votes in tight elections and you can have such a massive swing.

The House in 2022 was 213 to 222. If the Dems swing five seats, they control the House.

There were seven Republican seats under 1% difference. Colorado's 3rd district was 0.17% or 546 votes. All you need to do is convince 274 people to vote differently and the make up of the House changes.

So, for that district it's 274 votes, 283 in CA, 801 in MI, 1,077 Iowa and probably about 1,000 something in NY. That's like 3,500 people and the House is yours instead of the Republicans.

Money then talks there.

If it were PR, nobody would be pushing for these few votes because it wouldn't make any difference at all.

But FPTP is an electoral system that is easily bought.
The constitution says nothing about political parties. Says nothing about the type of system we live under. It tells us about freedoms. It tells us about taxation. We have violated most of this. There were checks and balances put in. One of them is the electoral college. Some have been removed and/or changed.
Blah, the same band of turds will stand four square behind Uncle RICO Biden no matter what happens.
It's not your electoral system, it's the money in politics and the angle shooting parties engage in to gain power without any consequences.
It's both, but more importantly, it's the lying - not just by the politicians, but of right wing media.

FOX News should be stripped of their broadcast license in the wake of the Dominion Voting Machines settlement. Having proven that FOX will brazenly lie about something so vital to America democracy as election integrity, FOX and other right wing media have proven that there is no limit to their dishonestly or willingness to subvert the election process to the benefit of their billionaire owners.

The "Fairness Doctrine" needs to be restored so that Americans aren't being bombarded with lies from one side, 24/7.

There is a survey of Trump voters that found 73% of Trump voters believe what Trump tells them. Only 42% of these voters believe their church leaders. When you believe the most dishonest politician in American history, without question, that's the definition of a "cult".

If all of the Republicans leaders and right wing media had come out after the 2020 election, and said "Trump is lying. He lost", Republican voters would have accepted it, even if Trump didn't. Instead, both the leadership of the party and right wing media backed up and supported his every lie, right from Inauguration Day when he lied about his crowd size.

When Leslie Stahl asked Trump why he lied about everything, including stuff that doesn't matter, Trump replied "So that when I tell them something important, they'll believe me". Trump lied about everything so that when he told his voters the election was "stolen", they believed him.

You cannot have a country when one side has no relationship with the truth.
It's both, but more importantly, it's the lying - not just by the politicians, but of right wing media.

FOX News should be stripped of their broadcast license in the wake of the Dominion Voting Machines settlement. Having proven that FOX will brazenly lie about something so vital to America democracy as election integrity, FOX and other right wing media have proven that there is no limit to their dishonestly or willingness to subvert the election process to the benefit of their billionaire owners.

The "Fairness Doctrine" needs to be restored so that Americans aren't being bombarded with lies from one side, 24/7.

There is a survey of Trump voters that found 73% of Trump voters believe what Trump tells them. Only 42% of these voters believe their church leaders. When you believe the most dishonest politician in American history, without question, that's the definition of a "cult".

If all of the Republicans leaders and right wing media had come out after the 2020 election, and said "Trump is lying. He lost", Republican voters would have accepted it, even if Trump didn't. Instead, both the leadership of the party and right wing media backed up and supported his every lie, right from Inauguration Day when he lied about his crowd size.

When Leslie Stahl asked Trump why he lied about everything, including stuff that doesn't matter, Trump replied "So that when I tell them something important, they'll believe me". Trump lied about everything so that when he told his voters the election was "stolen", they believed him.

You cannot have a country when one side has no relationship with the truth.
oh geezus.....so the left never lies?....they sure stuck a flag in your ass...
It's both, but more importantly, it's the lying - not just by the politicians, but of right wing media.

FOX News should be stripped of their broadcast license in the wake of the Dominion Voting Machines settlement. Having proven that FOX will brazenly lie about something so vital to America democracy as election integrity, FOX and other right wing media have proven that there is no limit to their dishonestly or willingness to subvert the election process to the benefit of their billionaire owners.

The "Fairness Doctrine" needs to be restored so that Americans aren't being bombarded with lies from one side, 24/7.

There is a survey of Trump voters that found 73% of Trump voters believe what Trump tells them. Only 42% of these voters believe their church leaders. When you believe the most dishonest politician in American history, without question, that's the definition of a "cult".

If all of the Republicans leaders and right wing media had come out after the 2020 election, and said "Trump is lying. He lost", Republican voters would have accepted it, even if Trump didn't. Instead, both the leadership of the party and right wing media backed up and supported his every lie, right from Inauguration Day when he lied about his crowd size.

When Leslie Stahl asked Trump why he lied about everything, including stuff that doesn't matter, Trump replied "So that when I tell them something important, they'll believe me". Trump lied about everything so that when he told his voters the election was "stolen", they believed him.

You cannot have a country when one side has no relationship with the truth.
Hoserlady says what? :laughing0301:
Our system of primaries and caucuses can be strategically manipulated to boost an unpopular candidate to the nomination on both sides. While 2024 might be the worst ever example of this, 2016 was a fine election to examine.

Trump had the ardent support of about 25% of Republicans, but he was going up against a dozen or more better-qualified candidates. And in a field this large, 25% is a mountain to climb. Few Democrats (mainly Leftist women) wanted HRC, but she fairly breezed through the primary season.

And the result was two candidates who made the top vote-getters, "Not Hillary," and "Not Trump." Next time around, it appears that the top vote-getters will be "Not Trump" and "Not Biden."
Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz...do you want me to go on? Chris Christie, John Kasich...

All were better qualified than Trump. Not many knowledgeable observers dreamed that he would be as good a President as he turned out to to be, in spite of being a flaming ass-hole.
Biden is unelectable. He can't even do a real press conference.

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