Meet The Press?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
What press? First off, Chucky has a panel of leftist nitwits who get a seat by telling him he's the bomb. Why? Because Chucky has a terrible inferiority complex. He's weak, ugly, and gossips like a desperate housewife. And much like giraffe-neck Rachael Madcow, he's a sideshow, not a journalist. Today Chucky told the President's legal counsel he was "confused" by getting the same answer to the same question 3 times. But even more bizarre, he claimed that Trump shouldn't care what's being said about him if it isn't true. If that's the standard on "MTP" then Chucky shouldn't care if I claim he's a child molester. And that I'm investigating several complaints made over the years by now-grown kids and their parents. I can state unequivocally that's there's "plenty of smoke" and if he "lawyers up" that's proof he's guilty. If he sues me he's trying to obstruct my investigation. Would you allow this character around your kids?...well would ya? :eusa_eh:

Great. You read the RWNJ script perfectly. Care to try it again, only with some facts that might back up your claims instead of just your emotions?
Great. You read the RWNJ script perfectly. Care to try it again, only with some facts that might back up your claims instead of just your emotions?

Refute anything I said, Snowflake.
Great. You read the RWNJ script perfectly. Care to try it again, only with some facts that might back up your claims instead of just your emotions?

Refute anything I said, Snowflake.
Refute what. You spouted a bunch of insults, but no facts to back up why you think he has a terrible inferiority complex. He's weak, ugly, and gossips like a desperate housewife. Nothing to explain how Maddow and a giraffes neck are related or what that has to do with anything but your desire to insult. No need to refute that kind of childishness.
This might be slightly off topic, but the other day I was watching a documentary and it showed John Kennedy, when he was running for President on Meet the was in black and white, and it was Kennedy sitting in a chair facing 6 interviewers from the Press...about 15ft to twenty feet away... asking one question after another by the journalists with no time to even take a was an INTENSE Meeting with the Press, like a press conference....

That was the old format.... it was extremely informative, and not an easy task, to Meet the Press.
Horn can only insult. He can support his opinions will objective evidence. Chuck Todd does. End of story.

I had to do a Google search on Chuck Todd since I do not watch anything by the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media and imagine my surprise when I learned that Todd was a leftard....imagine that?
Horn can only insult. He can support his opinions will objective evidence. Chuck Todd does. End of story.

RWNJs think his crap is reasoned discussion.

I am still waiting on you to "discuss" or debate something. You are so irrelevant.....

Not much debate to be had with RWNJs.

You have taken umbrage with the things that I have posted and you chime in with nothing in the way of refuting...thus you have nothing.
I turned off Chuck Todd a long time ago. If you must listen to Meet the Depressed or any of the MSM Sunday political shows spew left wing propaganda...listen on CSPAN Radio at 12 ET on Sunday. No commercials and not a dime of advertising money to NBC, ABC, CBS or CNN.

C-SPAN Radio Live Stream |
What press? First off, Chucky has a panel of leftist nitwits who get a seat by telling him he's the bomb. Why? Because Chucky has a terrible inferiority complex. He's weak, ugly, and gossips like a desperate housewife. And much like giraffe-neck Rachael Madcow, he's a sideshow, not a journalist. Today Chucky told the President's legal counsel he was "confused" by getting the same answer to the same question 3 times. But even more bizarre, he claimed that Trump shouldn't care what's being said about him if it isn't true. If that's the standard on "MTP" then Chucky shouldn't care if I claim he's a child molester. And that I'm investigating several complaints made over the years by now-grown kids and their parents. I can state unequivocally that's there's "plenty of smoke" and if he "lawyers up" that's proof he's guilty. If he sues me he's trying to obstruct my investigation. Would you allow this character around your kids?...well would ya? :eusa_eh:

If I were talking to the guy and he said he shouldn't matter what someone is called if it isn't true, then I would start calling him dirty kocksucker and see if that bothered him.
Refute what. You spouted a bunch of insults, but no facts to back up why you think he has a terrible inferiority complex. He's weak, ugly, and gossips like a desperate housewife. Nothing to explain how Maddow and a giraffes neck are related or what that has to do with anything but your desire to insult. No need to refute that kind of childishness.

Have you ever listened to Chucky's sideshow? Now compare what Trump gets called and accused of by your ilk and tell me what's more childish. BTW, by trying to declaw the President, you're robbing him of the fear he must instill in our enemies and our own corporations that they play ball or else. So I assume you're against American jobs, fair trade deals, and for ISIS and Iran slapping us around like they did Barry the Fairy?
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RWNJs think his crap is reasoned discussion.

I am still waiting on you to "discuss" or debate something. You are so irrelevant.....

Not much debate to be had with RWNJs.

You have taken umbrage with the things that I have posted and you chime in with nothing in the way of refuting...thus you have nothing.

No. As I have told you several times before, I take entertainment from the things you post.
Dale Smith seems to be like the kid who did not get it in elementary school and was teased unmercifully by the other kids.

Yeah, Jake....sounds like a classic case of projecting your short comings onto someone else.
Once again you post stupidity. Prove that public figures cannot be libeled. You can't. Even DarkFury is smarter than you.

I assume your drug use has lead to extensive memory loss....You step to me, I mock you, you run sobbing to a mod to get me, they decline, you insult them and get banned. I'm trying to prevent that tonight so how about you stumble off into somebody's else's thread.
So you cannot give evidence that public figures are exempt from taking action against people like you for libel.

What press? First off, Chucky has a panel of leftist nitwits who get a seat by telling him he's the bomb. Why? Because Chucky has a terrible inferiority complex. He's weak, ugly, and gossips like a desperate housewife. And much like giraffe-neck Rachael Madcow, he's a sideshow, not a journalist. Today Chucky told the President's legal counsel he was "confused" by getting the same answer to the same question 3 times. But even more bizarre, he claimed that Trump shouldn't care what's being said about him if it isn't true. If that's the standard on "MTP" then Chucky shouldn't care if I claim he's a child molester. And that I'm investigating several complaints made over the years by now-grown kids and their parents. I can state unequivocally that's there's "plenty of smoke" and if he "lawyers up" that's proof he's guilty. If he sues me he's trying to obstruct my investigation. Would you allow this character around your kids?...well would ya? :eusa_eh:

If I were talking to the guy and he said he shouldn't matter what someone is called if it isn't true, then I would start calling him dirty kocksucker and see if that bothered him.
Of course it wouldn't bother Todd because he is a dirty cocksucker.
What press? First off, Chucky has a panel of leftist nitwits who get a seat by telling him he's the bomb. Why? Because Chucky has a terrible inferiority complex. He's weak, ugly, and gossips like a desperate housewife. And much like giraffe-neck Rachael Madcow, he's a sideshow, not a journalist. Today Chucky told the President's legal counsel he was "confused" by getting the same answer to the same question 3 times. But even more bizarre, he claimed that Trump shouldn't care what's being said about him if it isn't true. If that's the standard on "MTP" then Chucky shouldn't care if I claim he's a child molester. And that I'm investigating several complaints made over the years by now-grown kids and their parents. I can state unequivocally that's there's "plenty of smoke" and if he "lawyers up" that's proof he's guilty. If he sues me he's trying to obstruct my investigation. Would you allow this character around your kids?...well would ya? :eusa_eh:

If I were talking to the guy and he said he shouldn't matter what someone is called if it isn't true, then I would start calling him dirty kocksucker and see if that bothered him.
Of course it wouldn't bother Todd because he is a dirty cocksucker.
By his measure if he isn't bothered then it isn't true, so if he were bothered that means it is true.

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