Meet The RINOs

Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Yeah, that son of a bitch balanced the federal budget and gave us a surplus. We sure can't have that.

And then he went on to balance his state's budget and gave them a surplus, too.

Since he is the only Republican candidate who has ever done that, he is a RINO by definition!

Yea, that's not it but ok lol

"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Wanted the US to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives say led to the rise of ISIS.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, a year AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
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The discerning voters of the Republican Party filtered out all of the RINO candidates and successfully chose a long time true Conservative for their nominee as President. They just got sick and tired of selecting moderates and getting their asses kicked in the Presidential elections.

Well done, true hearts! Well done!


















Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Such is the republican circular firing squad.
The discerning voters of the Republican Party filtered out all of the RINO candidates and successfully chose a long time true Conservative for their nominee as President. They just got sick and tired of selecting moderates and getting their asses kicked in the Presidential elections.

Well done, true hearts! Well done!


















Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

Poor far left drones, what difference does it make to you?

You are voting for Hilary!
Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Yeah, that son of a bitch balanced the federal budget and gave us a surplus. We sure can't have that.

And then he went on to balance his state's budget and gave them a surplus, too.

Since he is the only Republican candidate who has ever done that, he is a RINO by definition!

Yea, that's not it but ok lol

"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Wanted the US to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives say led to the rise of ISIS.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, a year AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Put down the crack. Trump being a RINO has no affect on kasich being one
Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Yeah, that son of a bitch balanced the federal budget and gave us a surplus. We sure can't have that.

And then he went on to balance his state's budget and gave them a surplus, too.

Since he is the only Republican candidate who has ever done that, he is a RINO by definition!

Yea, that's not it but ok lol

"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Wanted the US to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives say led to the rise of ISIS.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, a year AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Put down the crack. Trump being a RINO has no affect on kasich being one
Let's do a comparison, shall we? I need the laugh.

Kasich has an ACU rating of 92 percent. So go ahead. Make us laugh, clown.
Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Yeah, that son of a bitch balanced the federal budget and gave us a surplus. We sure can't have that.

And then he went on to balance his state's budget and gave them a surplus, too.

Since he is the only Republican candidate who has ever done that, he is a RINO by definition!

Yea, that's not it but ok lol

"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Wanted the US to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives say led to the rise of ISIS.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, a year AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Put down the crack. Trump being a RINO has no affect on kasich being one
Let's do a comparison, shall we? I need the laugh.

Kasich has an ACU rating of 92 percent. So go ahead. Make us laugh, clown.
Why? Wtf does it matter who the bigger rino is? They are both rinks.
I'm sorry nobody likes your rino, man. There is always the democrat primaries in 2020 or 2024 :thup:
Yeah, that son of a bitch balanced the federal budget and gave us a surplus. We sure can't have that.

And then he went on to balance his state's budget and gave them a surplus, too.

Since he is the only Republican candidate who has ever done that, he is a RINO by definition!

Yea, that's not it but ok lol

"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Wanted the US to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives say led to the rise of ISIS.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, a year AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Put down the crack. Trump being a RINO has no affect on kasich being one
Let's do a comparison, shall we? I need the laugh.

Kasich has an ACU rating of 92 percent. So go ahead. Make us laugh, clown.
Why? Wtf does it matter who the bigger rino is? They are both rinks.
I'm sorry nobody likes your rino, man. There is always the democrat primaries in 2020 or 2024 :thup:
So you have nothing. As I thought. You pseudo-cons just have a trained reflex to call everyone else a RINO to justify your incredibly bizarre defense of Trump.

That's why I made the opening post. To demonstrate the sheer insanity of picking Trump over SEVERAL better choices.

In fact, EVERY choice was better than this pig.
Yea, that's not it but ok lol

"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Wanted the US to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives say led to the rise of ISIS.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, a year AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Put down the crack. Trump being a RINO has no affect on kasich being one
Let's do a comparison, shall we? I need the laugh.

Kasich has an ACU rating of 92 percent. So go ahead. Make us laugh, clown.
Why? Wtf does it matter who the bigger rino is? They are both rinks.
I'm sorry nobody likes your rino, man. There is always the democrat primaries in 2020 or 2024 :thup:
So you have nothing. As I thought. You pseudo-cons just have a trained reflex to call everyone else a RINO to justify your incredibly bizarre defense of Trump.

That's why I made the opening post. To demonstrate the sheer insanity of picking Trump over SEVERAL better choices.

In fact, EVERY choice was better than this pig.
Get off the dope. Or get on it one.
Btw, I am voting for the better candidate. I won't vote trump :thup:
Let's do a comparison, shall we? I need the laugh.

Kasich has an ACU rating of 92 percent. So go ahead. Make us laugh, clown.

And I would be willing to bet 50 of the republican senators and 200+ republicans in the House have an ACU rating of 92% or better. But they are not doing what they promised!!! They are not even trying!!

So we are sick of the status quo! We did not check Trump's credentials when he started firing away at this B.S. We just decided put in the angry rogue and let the chips fall as they may. Because Washington DC politics has been taking us for a ride as long as anyone can remember.

So you can pretend we are stupid and do not know what we are doing and have a nice dinner. We really are not impressed.
And I would be willing to bet 50 of the republican senators and 200+ republicans in the House have an ACU rating of 92% or better. But they are not doing what they promised!!! They are not even trying!!

So we are sick of the status quo! We did not check Trump's credentials when he started firing away at this B.S. We just decided put in the angry rogue and let the chips fall as they may. Because Washington DC politics has been taking us for a ride as long as anyone can remember.

So you can pretend we are stupid and do not know what we are doing and have a nice dinner. We really are not impressed.

So Trump is shown that he is a Dem, by his own admission he leans more D than R and has a history that supports such, and even though we've just had eight years of a D administration that the right has bitched and moaned about that is now irrelevant because the guy who is the "big business" that "big gov't" is in bed with says some great catch phrases, isn't a politician, is going to fix what's wrong with America by doing what he says (or not, it depends on how he feels on any given day), and if he doesn't, oh well ... let the chips fall where they may, #Trump2016, hell yeah and screw all of you conservatives and Republicans who don't support him!

Do I have that correct?
And I would be willing to bet 50 of the republican senators and 200+ republicans in the House have an ACU rating of 92% or better. But they are not doing what they promised!!! They are not even trying!!

So we are sick of the status quo! We did not check Trump's credentials when he started firing away at this B.S. We just decided put in the angry rogue and let the chips fall as they may. Because Washington DC politics has been taking us for a ride as long as anyone can remember.

So you can pretend we are stupid and do not know what we are doing and have a nice dinner. We really are not impressed.

So Trump is shown that he is a Dem, by his own admission he leans more D than R and has a history that supports such, and even though we've just had eight years of a D administration that the right has bitched and moaned about that is now irrelevant because the guy who is the "big business" that "big gov't" is in bed with says some great catch phrases, isn't a politician, is going to fix what's wrong with America by doing what he says (or not, it depends on how he feels on any given day), and if he doesn't, oh well ... let the chips fall where they may, #Trump2016, hell yeah and screw all of you conservatives and Republicans who don't support him!

Do I have that correct?
No, you do not have it correct.

I explained it already in Post #10. Well enough at least.

Feel free to ignore it all or make up your own interpretation.
And I would be willing to bet 50 of the republican senators and 200+ republicans in the House have an ACU rating of 92% or better. But they are not doing what they promised!!! They are not even trying!!

So we are sick of the status quo! We did not check Trump's credentials when he started firing away at this B.S. We just decided put in the angry rogue and let the chips fall as they may. Because Washington DC politics has been taking us for a ride as long as anyone can remember.

So you can pretend we are stupid and do not know what we are doing and have a nice dinner. We really are not impressed.

So Trump is shown that he is a Dem, by his own admission he leans more D than R and has a history that supports such, and even though we've just had eight years of a D administration that the right has bitched and moaned about that is now irrelevant because the guy who is the "big business" that "big gov't" is in bed with says some great catch phrases, isn't a politician, is going to fix what's wrong with America by doing what he says (or not, it depends on how he feels on any given day), and if he doesn't, oh well ... let the chips fall where they may, #Trump2016, hell yeah and screw all of you conservatives and Republicans who don't support him!

Do I have that correct?
No, you do not have it correct.

I explained it already in Post #10. Well enough at least.

Feel free to ignore it all or make up your own interpretation.

I'm spot on.

"We did not check Trump's credentials when he started firing away at this B.S. We just decided put in the angry rogue and let the chips fall as they may. Because Washington DC politics has been taking us for a ride as long as anyone can remember. "

But keep telling yourself otherwise if it makes you feel better.
And I would be willing to bet 50 of the republican senators and 200+ republicans in the House have an ACU rating of 92% or better. But they are not doing what they promised!!! They are not even trying!!

So we are sick of the status quo! We did not check Trump's credentials when he started firing away at this B.S. We just decided put in the angry rogue and let the chips fall as they may. Because Washington DC politics has been taking us for a ride as long as anyone can remember.

So you can pretend we are stupid and do not know what we are doing and have a nice dinner. We really are not impressed.

So Trump is shown that he is a Dem, by his own admission he leans more D than R and has a history that supports such, and even though we've just had eight years of a D administration that the right has bitched and moaned about that is now irrelevant because the guy who is the "big business" that "big gov't" is in bed with says some great catch phrases, isn't a politician, is going to fix what's wrong with America by doing what he says (or not, it depends on how he feels on any given day), and if he doesn't, oh well ... let the chips fall where they may, #Trump2016, hell yeah and screw all of you conservatives and Republicans who don't support him!

Do I have that correct?
No, you do not have it correct.

I explained it already in Post #10. Well enough at least.

Feel free to ignore it all or make up your own interpretation.

I'm spot on.

"We did not check Trump's credentials when he started firing away at this B.S. We just decided put in the angry rogue and let the chips fall as they may. Because Washington DC politics has been taking us for a ride as long as anyone can remember. "

But keep telling yourself otherwise if it makes you feel better.
That’s funny because I never even read your whole explanation --- just enough was enough for me.

Trump said enough right things early on plus his disgust with D.C. and the media that that was good enough. It was the status quo that we hated most of all.

You see, we did not care to consider his past --- for one, Trump was never that passionate about any of those issues. He was merely going where it was best for his business climate. So if he becomes more involved now on social and geo-political matters, it may well be he has changed on a number of those issues. And I would bet he intends to try to do something about them, out of personable responsibility. I think he has more integrity than you are hoping.

That is why I say let the chips fall, because 40 years of lying promises, rhetoric and self serving phonies is long enough.
Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Remember Republicans bragged about all their great candidates? All of them turned out to be losers.

The libertarian party is doomed. Think about what happened to Ron Paul. Then a younger more polished Rand Paul emerged yet the Republicans liked rubio Cruz the tea party kasich better than Rand.
Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Remember Republicans bragged about all their great candidates? All of them turned out to be losers.

The libertarian party is doomed. Think about what happened to Ron Paul. Then a younger more polished Rand Paul emerged yet the Republicans liked rubio Cruz the tea party kasich better than Rand.

This from the far left drones that actually believe they get a choice in their nominations!
Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Remember Republicans bragged about all their great candidates? All of them turned out to be losers.

The libertarian party is doomed. Think about what happened to Ron Paul. Then a younger more polished Rand Paul emerged yet the Republicans liked rubio Cruz the tea party kasich better than Rand.

This from the far left drones that actually believe they get a choice in their nominations!
We went with Obama 8 years ago.

You saw your party was going to take the nomination away from trump. Did you forget what all the Republicans said about a trump presidency? It took a lot of victories for trump before the GOP figure out if you can't beat em join em
Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Remember Republicans bragged about all their great candidates? All of them turned out to be losers.

The libertarian party is doomed. Think about what happened to Ron Paul. Then a younger more polished Rand Paul emerged yet the Republicans liked rubio Cruz the tea party kasich better than Rand.

This from the far left drones that actually believe they get a choice in their nominations!
We went with Obama 8 years ago.

You saw your party was going to take the nomination away from trump. Did you forget what all the Republicans said about a trump presidency? It took a lot of victories for trump before the GOP figure out if you can't beat em join em

I have no party!

Yet you saw the far left take control and make things worse.

You drones would much rather see the world burn than admit you are wrong!
Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Remember Republicans bragged about all their great candidates? All of them turned out to be losers.

The libertarian party is doomed. Think about what happened to Ron Paul. Then a younger more polished Rand Paul emerged yet the Republicans liked rubio Cruz the tea party kasich better than Rand.

This from the far left drones that actually believe they get a choice in their nominations!
We went with Obama 8 years ago.

You saw your party was going to take the nomination away from trump. Did you forget what all the Republicans said about a trump presidency? It took a lot of victories for trump before the GOP figure out if you can't beat em join em

I have no party!

Yet you saw the far left take control and make things worse.

You drones would much rather see the world burn than admit you are wrong!
You couldn't be more wrong. You must be talking about republicans 2007-present
The terms RINO and 'establishment candidate' no longer have any real meaning. They are used simply to shut down conversation and demand support for the most insane in the room.

It seems to me that the base is so fed up that they have lost their minds and will simply vote for anyone without any actual thought or reason.

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