Meet The RINOs

Kasich is a RINO. Well done!
Remember Republicans bragged about all their great candidates? All of them turned out to be losers.

The libertarian party is doomed. Think about what happened to Ron Paul. Then a younger more polished Rand Paul emerged yet the Republicans liked rubio Cruz the tea party kasich better than Rand.

This from the far left drones that actually believe they get a choice in their nominations!
We went with Obama 8 years ago.

You saw your party was going to take the nomination away from trump. Did you forget what all the Republicans said about a trump presidency? It took a lot of victories for trump before the GOP figure out if you can't beat em join em

I have no party!

Yet you saw the far left take control and make things worse.

You drones would much rather see the world burn than admit you are wrong!
You couldn't be more wrong. You must be talking about republicans 2007-present

More proof the far left will deny their own horrid history! Just like the Germans!

The far left makes things worse and they will vote for worse than Bush every chance they get!
Remember Republicans bragged about all their great candidates? All of them turned out to be losers.

The libertarian party is doomed. Think about what happened to Ron Paul. Then a younger more polished Rand Paul emerged yet the Republicans liked rubio Cruz the tea party kasich better than Rand.

This from the far left drones that actually believe they get a choice in their nominations!
We went with Obama 8 years ago.

You saw your party was going to take the nomination away from trump. Did you forget what all the Republicans said about a trump presidency? It took a lot of victories for trump before the GOP figure out if you can't beat em join em

I have no party!

Yet you saw the far left take control and make things worse.

You drones would much rather see the world burn than admit you are wrong!
You couldn't be more wrong. You must be talking about republicans 2007-present

More proof the far left will deny their own horrid history! Just like the Germans!

The far left makes things worse and they will vote for worse than Bush every chance they get!
You have zero credibility. This day 8 years ago you said bush was great vote McCain. Your opinion means shit
This from the far left drones that actually believe they get a choice in their nominations!
We went with Obama 8 years ago.

You saw your party was going to take the nomination away from trump. Did you forget what all the Republicans said about a trump presidency? It took a lot of victories for trump before the GOP figure out if you can't beat em join em

I have no party!

Yet you saw the far left take control and make things worse.

You drones would much rather see the world burn than admit you are wrong!
You couldn't be more wrong. You must be talking about republicans 2007-present

More proof the far left will deny their own horrid history! Just like the Germans!

The far left makes things worse and they will vote for worse than Bush every chance they get!
You have zero credibility. This day 8 years ago you said bush was great vote McCain. Your opinion means shit

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Please show where I said such things..

Silly far left drone!
Is it safe to assume that republicans crying about Obama's lack of political experience was just a sack of bull shit since they now clamor for someone with NO EXPERIENCE and that is being touted as a positive?
Is it safe to assume that republicans crying about Obama's lack of political experience was just a sack of bull shit since they now clamor for someone with NO EXPERIENCE and that is being touted as a positive?
Republicans never complained about Obama's lack of political experience. They complained continuously about his lack of experience in the real world aka running anything akin to a business.

Republicans are inconsistent on a lot of things but this is not one of them.
It's a good thing we washed out all those RINOs and picked a guy who is pro gun ban, pro abortion, and pro single payer healthcare! It doesn't matter, as long as he bans those damned Mexicans and Muslims.

Trump could impose communism and take a shit on the constitution, and his supporters would still be right there with him as long as he built the wall and kicked out the establishment.
The discerning voters of the Republican Party filtered out all of the RINO candidates and successfully chose a long time true Conservative for their nominee as President. They just got sick and tired of selecting moderates and getting their asses kicked in the Presidential elections.

Well done, true hearts! Well done!


















Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
The discerning voters of the Republican Party filtered out all of the RINO candidates and successfully chose a long time true Conservative for their nominee as President. They just got sick and tired of selecting moderates and getting their asses kicked in the Presidential elections.

Well done, true hearts! Well done!


















Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

Did you just present the images of the Vice President and some of President Trump's cabinet?
Pardon me while I choke on my coffee with laughter, but why the hell does a clearly left wing poster get to "out" republican RINO's? What's the alternate in the democrat party? Wait, there are no fake democrats. The DNC merely kicks their moderate asses out of the party like they kicked out their former VP candidate, Joe Lieberman.
The discerning voters of the Republican Party filtered out all of the RINO candidates and successfully chose a long time true Conservative for their nominee as President. They just got sick and tired of selecting moderates and getting their asses kicked in the Presidential elections.

Well done, true hearts! Well done!


















Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Kasich is a Rino. The rest are conservatives
The discerning voters of the Republican Party filtered out all of the RINO candidates and successfully chose a long time true Conservative for their nominee as President. They just got sick and tired of selecting moderates and getting their asses kicked in the Presidential elections.

Well done, true hearts! Well done!


















Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Kasich is a Rino. The rest are conservatives

The only one to balance the federal budget is a Rino?
The discerning voters of the Republican Party filtered out all of the RINO candidates and successfully chose a long time true Conservative for their nominee as President. They just got sick and tired of selecting moderates and getting their asses kicked in the Presidential elections.

Well done, true hearts! Well done!


















Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Kasich is a Rino. The rest are conservatives

The only one to balance the federal budget is a Rino?
He didn't balance the budget. Surprised you're falling for his bullshit. The Congress he was a part of did it. Until you show me where he was the architect of that we have nothing to discuss.
The pseudo-cons have whined and whined and whined and whined for EIGHT YEARS that we coulda/shoulda/woulda won if we had just picked a conservative candidate instead of a moderate.

But, boy oh boy, they ran the SEVERAL conservative candidates out of town on a rail this time. They flat out rejected them, tarred them, doused them in gasoline, and burned them to a crisp.

Remember all the happy joyous noises they made about a Carson presidency? Remember when Dr. Carson bitch-slapped Barack Obama with the mighty hand of God at the National Prayer Breakfast?

Remember how Scott Walker was the conservative champion who kicked the liberals asses in THREE elections in a row?

Remember how Mike Huckabee kissed and hugged Kim Davis as the nation's pseudo-cons got a stiffy?

And then...and then one day a billionaire descends from heaven on a golden escalator and calls Mexicans a bunch of rapists and says we need to ban Muslims, and suddenly all those other guys just PALED in comparison to this close personal friend of the Clintons! They just can't hold a candle to this pro abortion, pro gun ban, pro single payer healthcare hero!


And I'm going to tax the One Percenters more, too!

Stupid fucks like you that only see things left or right simply can't see the significance of what has taken place in both parties...because to low I.Q nimotoads like you? It's all'bout braggin' rights even if the status quo stays the same and the puppetmasters stay in control. When I worry about what is coming towards the people of this country (and it will happen) I take some solace in knowing that dumb fucks like you are going to have the "deer caught in the headlights" look and hoping that your beloved corporate gubermint is going to help you...helpt that isn't going to come. Please take a "selfie" of yourself sitting on the curb as you look around hoping for the calvary...for prosterity's sake. (snicker)
Remember Republicans bragged about all their great candidates? All of them turned out to be losers.

The libertarian party is doomed. Think about what happened to Ron Paul. Then a younger more polished Rand Paul emerged yet the Republicans liked rubio Cruz the tea party kasich better than Rand.

This from the far left drones that actually believe they get a choice in their nominations!
We went with Obama 8 years ago.

You saw your party was going to take the nomination away from trump. Did you forget what all the Republicans said about a trump presidency? It took a lot of victories for trump before the GOP figure out if you can't beat em join em

I have no party!

Yet you saw the far left take control and make things worse.

You drones would much rather see the world burn than admit you are wrong!
You couldn't be more wrong. You must be talking about republicans 2007-present

More proof the far left will deny their own horrid history! Just like the Germans!
The far left makes things worse and they will vote for worse than Bush every chance they get!
There is no "worse than Bush".
He didn't balance the budget. Surprised you're falling for his bullshit. The Congress he was a part of did it. Until you show me where he was the architect of that we have nothing to discuss.

Yeah, 'bout that. Kasich was the primary architect. This is common knowledge, how do you not know this already?
He didn't balance the budget. Surprised you're falling for his bullshit. The Congress he was a part of did it. Until you show me where he was the architect of that we have nothing to discuss.

Yeah, 'bout that. Kasich was the primary architect. This is common knowledge, how do you not know this already?
Then he must have a rough draft that you will link me to right?
He didn't balance the budget. Surprised you're falling for his bullshit. The Congress he was a part of did it. Until you show me where he was the architect of that we have nothing to discuss.

Yeah, 'bout that. Kasich was the primary architect. This is common knowledge, how do you not know this already?
Then he must have a rough draft that you will link me to right?
Yeah I thought so.

Fuck Kasich. There's a reason he only won one state
He didn't balance the budget. Surprised you're falling for his bullshit. The Congress he was a part of did it. Until you show me where he was the architect of that we have nothing to discuss.

Yeah, 'bout that. Kasich was the primary architect. This is common knowledge, how do you not know this already?
Then he must have a rough draft that you will link me to right?
Yeah I thought so.

Fuck Kasich. There's a reason he only won one state


Wow, you're not just misinformed about this, you're passionately uninformed. Too afraid there that you might have something thrown into your face that you could only let the a 20 minute window the middle of the night go by before you tried for a touchdown spike? :lol:

You're usually pretty quick to point out when one or both sides are drowning themselves in utterly mindless political bullshittery. But you're doing the very same thing right here.

I don't even know what it is you're pretending to be asking for. Are you seriously not aware that Kasich was the primary author of the balanced budget of 1997? Or are you simply denying that it's actually true? Because that's lunacy. Absolute lunacy. You're trying to re-write history.
He didn't balance the budget. Surprised you're falling for his bullshit. The Congress he was a part of did it. Until you show me where he was the architect of that we have nothing to discuss.

Yeah, 'bout that. Kasich was the primary architect. This is common knowledge, how do you not know this already?
Then he must have a rough draft that you will link me to right?
Yeah I thought so.

Fuck Kasich. There's a reason he only won one state


Wow, you're not just misinformed about this, you're passionately uninformed. Too afraid there that you might have something thrown into your face that you could only let the a 20 minute window the middle of the night go by before you tried for a touchdown spike? :lol:

You're usually pretty quick to point out when one or both sides are drowning themselves in utterly mindless political bullshittery. But you're doing the very same thing right here.

I don't even know what it is you're pretending to be asking for. Are you seriously not aware that Kasich was the primary author of the balanced budget of 1997? Or are you simply denying that it's actually true? Because that's lunacy. Absolute lunacy. You're trying to re-write history.
I was not aware he was the author. Only things I know about him is I didn't like his campaign rhetoric In 1997 I was busy raising a family & working ridiculous hours. I had very little time to pay attention to politics.
He didn't balance the budget. Surprised you're falling for his bullshit. The Congress he was a part of did it. Until you show me where he was the architect of that we have nothing to discuss.

Yeah, 'bout that. Kasich was the primary architect. This is common knowledge, how do you not know this already?
Then he must have a rough draft that you will link me to right?
Yeah I thought so.

Fuck Kasich. There's a reason he only won one state


Wow, you're not just misinformed about this, you're passionately uninformed. Too afraid there that you might have something thrown into your face that you could only let the a 20 minute window the middle of the night go by before you tried for a touchdown spike? :lol:

You're usually pretty quick to point out when one or both sides are drowning themselves in utterly mindless political bullshittery. But you're doing the very same thing right here.

I don't even know what it is you're pretending to be asking for. Are you seriously not aware that Kasich was the primary author of the balanced budget of 1997? Or are you simply denying that it's actually true? Because that's lunacy. Absolute lunacy. You're trying to re-write history.
I was not aware he was the author. Only things I know about him is I didn't like his campaign rhetoric In 1997 I was busy raising a family & working ridiculous hours. I had very little time to pay attention to politics.

Well enough. I apologize for my aggressiveness.

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