Meeting addresses battle in GOP: Establishment vs trump repub party

Don't worry. You won't face any repercussions for your actions. Why should anyone expect you to be more ethical than that fat orange clown you support?
I don't support the orange man, I'm hoping he doesn't run in 24. But you sure use a broad brush, don't you?
If a person isn't for the nitwit, he's got to be for the orangeman.
I see you now know that Ukraine was part of the sourced site. Good for you.

The repub party is twisting itself into pretzels in an effort to support Russia...while the Establishment of the GOP sees a chance for resurgence in the Ukranian war. What to do...What to do?
You are delusional....what you claim is shit. Seems Biden be the one helping Russia telling them that it is ok to invade Ukraine and yet you try to imply shit about others. It's sick.
I don't support the orange man, I'm hoping he doesn't run in 24. But you sure use a broad brush, don't you?
If a person isn't for the nitwit, he's got to be for the orangeman.
I see you now know that Ukraine was part of the sourced site. Good for you.
Broad brush = Children of Saul ....

They are his descendants and don't even know it.


The repub party is twisting itself into pretzels in an effort to support Russia...while the Establishment of the GOP sees a chance for resurgence in the Ukranian war. What to do...What to do?
Neither wing of the repub party is pro russia

thats a lib lie
Neither wing of the repub party is pro russia

thats a lib lie
The dems and some Republicans are too are just scared shitless that their dirty little Ukrainian secrets will be spilled out to the world. Pelosi's children and Romney's children both hold no show jobs there in Ukraine. Something they really don't want the world to know about.
The dems and some Republicans are too are just scared shitless that their dirty little Ukrainian secrets will be spilled out to the world. Pelosi's children and Romney's children both hold no show jobs there in Ukraine. Something they really don't want the world to know about.
Dirty slimy swamp rats all
Dirty slimy swamp rats all
I don't know how many people in congress, present and former presidents/VP's and people in government agencies are on the take but I bet it's a shocking %. That's why none of them will be held accountable, if one goes down they all go down. Or pass away unexpectedly on a park bench.

The repub party is twisting itself into pretzels in an effort to support Russia...while the Establishment of the GOP sees a chance for resurgence in the Ukranian war. What to do...What to do?
Wow !

Trump has buddied up to Putin even calling him a genius a few weeks ago !
That has sure backfired per usual.
Trumpers don't know what to do right now, they need to be told who to support.
Wow !

Trump has buddied up to Putin even calling him a genius a few weeks ago !
That has sure backfired per usual.
Trumpers don't know what to do right now, they need to be told who to support.
Correction.... We know who to bury...
Dirty slimy swamp rats all got that right. And while we're at it let me complain about how we select that presidents. Trump is still the best choice for that office.
I never did like the guy though.
That has nothing to do with his ability to take the country in the right direction. It is shameful the parade of clowns that we have allowed to sit in that seat over the past 100 years. A great nation like this should have a much better selection process. Instead we are doomed to follow behind drunkards pedophiles and dopes who get the crown for 4 years at a time.
I don't know how many people in congress, present and former presidents/VP's and people in government agencies are on the take but I bet it's a shocking %. That's why none of them will be held accountable, if one goes down they all go down. Or pass away unexpectedly on a park bench.
In Liberish its called honest graft
Wow !

Trump has buddied up to Putin even calling him a genius a few weeks ago !
That has sure backfired per usual.
Trumpers don't know what to do right now, they need to be told who to support.
Trump is a private citizen. Meanwhile Biden and Dems continue to fail.
In Liberish its called honest graft
Understand the government worker culture, they all believe they are vastly underpaid and hence they convinced themselves they are entitled to more money. There are vast quantities of schemes, bribes, graft, pay to play going on at all levels of government.

We founded a great country, then politicians and government corrupted it.

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