Meeting addresses battle in GOP: Establishment vs trump repub party

Nope...Pro Putin....He is their authoritarian hero. They want trump to be the Pootin of the US.
That of course is not possible.
Even if Trump aspired to that he could never have it. Your assumption that he does is quite Lame brained though.
He would have been much wealthier and much better off had he never gone into public office. So to some extent he has a sense of civic duty there too.

I did notice that Biden, unlike Trump, did not donate his salary to charity. Just sayin... Maybe he needs it to cover Hunter's legal bills and back taxes.
Wow !

Trump has buddied up to Putin even calling him a genius a few weeks ago !
That has sure backfired per usual.
Trumpers don't know what to do right now, they need to be told who to support.
Compared to the people we choose to run our country Putin is... relatively speaking a genius..
He also seems to have a shocking disregard for human life. But then again so did Barack Obama who ended the lives of hundreds of innocent victims through military actions.
How do we judge men of power like this against each other or against the the laws of common decency? Dunno....

Understand the government worker culture, they all believe they are vastly underpaid and hence they convinced themselves they are entitled to more money. There are vast quantities of schemes, bribes, graft, pay to play going on at all levels of government.

We founded a great country, then politicians and government corrupted it.
The Founders were well aware of the danger from government

but all they could do is point us in the right direction

each generation has to slay the dragon in its own way

our generation just happens to be especially weak
You mean Pootin is not a "genius?" The admiration among the trump MAGA is sickening.

All the while...the Ukranians are making his military look like the Key Stone Kops.
It appears to be a common failure of the russian character

the Fins embarrassed Stalin’s Red Army during the Winter War in 1939 also
If a person isn't for the nitwit, he's got to be for the orangeman.

are you new to this forum?

Anyone that does not worship Trump is a Biden loving supporter on this forum according to most of you all.
Is this just to deflect away from Brandon's multiple gaffes relating to the Ukrainian War?
The GOP is also twisting itself into pretzels in an effort to attack President Biden by supporting Putin – with ridiculous lies such as President Biden is ‘to blame’ for Putin’s lawless attack on Ukraine, where Putin alone is responsible and to blame.
This place is full of MAGA Mods....they are above the rules like trump is above the law....he thinks he is.
Hey blind fool, I bet you missed the story in the NY Times that Hunter's laptop is REAL and his old man is knee deep in the corruption just like Hilda and Bill. Nobody believes your bull shit anymore. Those fools make Trump look like a choirboy.

The repub party is twisting itself into pretzels in an effort to support Russia...while the Establishment of the GOP sees a chance for resurgence in the Ukranian war. What to do...What to do? are really funny....

Obama on video telling medvedev.....tell putin I'll help him after I win the election....the clintons selling our uranium to putin, the biden's hosing up millions in cash from putin and his buddies....

You really are funny...
I disagree, there are some that still hold Hillary in high esteem from your tent, GG.
I am sure you would vote for her.

There are credible accusations of violent rape by bill clinton....which would end just about any other political career...he is still allowed at democrat party functions as a headliner.....
I disagree, there are some that still hold Hillary in high esteem from your tent, GG.
I am sure you would vote for her.

Nobody in my tent thinks highly of her. I did not vote for her in 2016, I would not do so any time she might run.

I have said multiple times on here that I think she should be in jail for her handling of classified material based on the fact that if I had done the same thing as a Marine when I was tasked with safe guarding classified material I would have spent a long ass time in jail
No, no I am not, I asked a legit question, Vrenn. Seems the media always tries to divert away from the obvious.

You Rumpsters want to change subject and discussion away from Rump and the GOP. Here is the subject. Notice, not mention of the Dems nor Biden in it.

Meeting addresses battle in GOP: Establishment vs trump repub party​

I don't support the orange man, I'm hoping he doesn't run in 24. But you sure use a broad brush, don't you?
If a person isn't for the nitwit, he's got to be for the orangeman.
I see you now know that Ukraine was part of the sourced site. Good for you.

Hardly anyone voted for him until he runs again and then all of you rumpsters will fall in line once again.

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