Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

Very few of us can do that when the state enables illegal immigration by issuing valid CDLs under Motor Voter, and the Feds refuse to enforce the law.

Immigration enforcement has gone up significantly since Obama became president. Whitman can't use that as an excuse.

Deportation of illegal immigrants increases under Obama administration

In a bid to remake the enforcement of federal immigration laws, the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and auditing hundreds of businesses that blithely hire undocumented workers.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency expects to deport about 400,000 people this fiscal year, nearly 10 percent above the Bush administration's 2008 total and 25 percent more than were deported in 2007. The pace of company audits has roughly quadrupled since President George W. Bush's final year in office.


Jesus DICK.

Why do you keep quoting these unreliable sources to support your ridiculous ideas?

The Washington Post is just DC's version of the New York Times.

I believe audits are up though. Only problem it's a different kind of audit that's up. The IRS has increased audits quite a bit since Obama took over.

How about if I start a rumor that Obama is a lying asshole that helps Big Business yet goes hard after small businesses...even while he claims he wants to help them.

I'll use this story to support my claim:

The IRS Picks On the Little Guy

Tax audits of big companies have declined as the Internal Revenue Service shifts its attention to smaller businesses.
Marie Leone - | US

April 28, 2010

The Internal Revenue Service has cut the amount of time it spends auditing large companies by a third since 2005, while reducing the number of large companies audited by 22%, according to a new study. In fact, last year the IRS audited only one in four corporate returns reporting assets of $250 million or more, says the study, which was conducted by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a research organization sponsored by Syracuse University.

What's more, TRAC data shows that large-company audits declined even as the number of IRS revenue agents grew, jumping by 6% since 2005, to about 13,000. (Some of those agents likely were temporarily reassigned to handle tax issues associated with last year's economic stimulus bill.)

The recent cutbacks were made despite evidence that IRS audits of big companies uncover the largest dollar amounts of tax underreporting. For instance, viewed on an hourly basis, audits of large companies exposed $9,354 of underreported taxes per auditor hour in 2009, while audits of small and midsize companies revealed only $1,025 per hour. Meanwhile, collection of underpaid taxes has decreased by 2% since 2005, dropping to $17.4 billion.

"The IRS has stated repeatedly that smaller businesses are the core of the tax-gap problem," he says. Alvin Rabushka, a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institute, puts the size of the gap at $400 billion and rising.

Smaller companies also see the amount of tax they owe reduced in court, but "not nearly as dramatically," notes Zerbe. That's because they may not have the resources to challenge the IRS and are therefore more likely to settle. As a result, the IRS may see a better "bang for the buck" pursuing smaller companies, says Zerbe.

But targeting smaller companies may be bad for the economy on the whole, since audits consume the time and attention of business owners, adds Zerbe. "While politicians in Washington love to give speeches touting how small businesses are the engines for job growth, revving up IRS audits of small business is like putting sugar in the gas tank," he says. The IRS Picks On the Little Guy - -

So at the same time Obama is saying that small businesses are the engine that drives the economy and provides 70% of the jobs.....he's got the IRS fucking them and letting the Fat-cats off the hook.

How do you feel about that?

My guess is you don't care...because his intentions have to be golden. Because he's a Democrat....while Meg Whitman is the anti-christ and her intentions don't fucken matter because she's a Republican.

Talking about bigotry.
The article is a bunch of spin; here' s the money shot:

Morton said the 400,000 people expected to be deported this year -- either physically removed or allowed to leave on their own power -- represent the maximum the overburdened processing, detention and immigration court system can handle.

This is a Jobs Saved or Created metric.

The poor state of the economy is decreasing illegal immigration and causing many illegals to leave the country due to lack of work. The "allowed to leave under their own power" qualifier enables the Obama administration to manipulate the statistics by including out migration in the total.

It's B.S., as the lawsuit against Arizona indicates the Real Agenda to not enforce the law.

How at all does that support your claim that the Fed doesn't enforce immigration laws? To the contrary, it shows you weren't correct.
They're counting people who just LEAVE ON THEIR OWN.

Immigration enforcement has gone up significantly since Obama became president. Whitman can't use that as an excuse.

Deportation of illegal immigrants increases under Obama administration

In a bid to remake the enforcement of federal immigration laws, the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and auditing hundreds of businesses that blithely hire undocumented workers.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency expects to deport about 400,000 people this fiscal year, nearly 10 percent above the Bush administration's 2008 total and 25 percent more than were deported in 2007. The pace of company audits has roughly quadrupled since President George W. Bush's final year in office.


Now you've done it. Posting facts is anathema to the willfully ignorant and will cause them to run, depriving the rest of us of the humor of their 'reasoning'.

Nah, they'll just revert to mindless name calling, and negative reps. It's all they can come up with then their false truthiness is exposed.

False truthiness????


I think you're losing it.
The article is a bunch of spin; here' s the money shot:

Morton said the 400,000 people expected to be deported this year -- either physically removed or allowed to leave on their own power -- represent the maximum the overburdened processing, detention and immigration court system can handle.

This is a Jobs Saved or Created metric.

The poor state of the economy is decreasing illegal immigration and causing many illegals to leave the country due to lack of work. The "allowed to leave under their own power" qualifier enables the Obama administration to manipulate the statistics by including out migration in the total.

It's B.S., as the lawsuit against Arizona indicates the Real Agenda to not enforce the law.

How at all does that support your claim that the Fed doesn't enforce immigration laws? To the contrary, it shows you weren't correct.

No means that the only thing effecting immigration is a lack of jobs not Obama's massive effort to control immigration [in your mind that is].
Now you've done it. Posting facts is anathema to the willfully ignorant and will cause them to run, depriving the rest of us of the humor of their 'reasoning'.

Nah, they'll just revert to mindless name calling, and negative reps. It's all they can come up with then their false truthiness is exposed.

False truthiness????


I think you're losing it.


truthiness is a "truth" that a person claims to know intuitively "from the gut" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.

go figure it out.
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The article is a bunch of spin; here' s the money shot:

Morton said the 400,000 people expected to be deported this year -- either physically removed or allowed to leave on their own power -- represent the maximum the overburdened processing, detention and immigration court system can handle.

This is a Jobs Saved or Created metric.

The poor state of the economy is decreasing illegal immigration and causing many illegals to leave the country due to lack of work. The "allowed to leave under their own power" qualifier enables the Obama administration to manipulate the statistics by including out migration in the total.

It's B.S., as the lawsuit against Arizona indicates the Real Agenda to not enforce the law.

How at all does that support your claim that the Fed doesn't enforce immigration laws? To the contrary, it shows you weren't correct.

No means that the only thing effecting immigration is a lack of jobs not Obama's massive effort to control immigration [in your mind that is].

Except the article demonstrates an increase in enforcement, including a quadrupling of employer record audits, over Bush's final year.
Nah, they'll just revert to mindless name calling, and negative reps. It's all they can come up with then their false truthiness is exposed.

False truthiness????


I think you're losing it.


truthiness is a "truth" that a person claims to know intuitively "from the gut" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.

go figure it out.

A stunt word derived from the Colbert report? Not a real word.

Now I know where you get most of your ideas from.

I heard that lefties like you got all of your real news from the Daily Show and other similar sources.

Maybe you might want to base your information from the real world rather then satire or the Comedy Channel.
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How at all does that support your claim that the Fed doesn't enforce immigration laws? To the contrary, it shows you weren't correct.

No means that the only thing effecting immigration is a lack of jobs not Obama's massive effort to control immigration [in your mind that is].

Except the article demonstrates an increase in enforcement, including a quadrupling of employer record audits, over Bush's final year.

Sorry....the posting said none of that.
False truthiness????


I think you're losing it.


truthiness is a "truth" that a person claims to know intuitively "from the gut" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.

go figure it out.

A stunt word derived from the Cobain report? Not a real word.

Now I know where you get most of your ideas from.

I heard that lefties like you got all of your real news from the Daily Show and other similar sources.

Maybe you might want to base your information from the real world rather then satire or the Comedy Channel.

The Cobain report? I thought that showed he committed suicide?

Personally, I prefer the more clinical term of cognitive dissonance to describe how many on the right are divorced from reality. But truthiness works. Besides, it's a dictionary word:


— n
informal (of a belief, etc) the quality of being considered to be true because of what the believer wishes or feels, regardless of the facts

go figure it out.

A stunt word derived from the Cobain report? Not a real word.

Now I know where you get most of your ideas from.

I heard that lefties like you got all of your real news from the Daily Show and other similar sources.

Maybe you might want to base your information from the real world rather then satire or the Comedy Channel.

The Cobain report? I thought that showed he committed suicide?

Personally, I prefer the more clinical term of cognitive dissonance to describe how many on the right are divorced from reality. But truthiness works. Besides, it's a dictionary word:


— n
informal (of a belief, etc) the quality of being considered to be true because of what the believer wishes or feels, regardless of the facts

Well that would describe you to the "t".
DT is absolutely cognitively dissonant. The article he posted links to this article:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will realign its duties to promote criminal investigations over immigrant deportation, officials have announced.

By streamlining and renaming several offices, officials hope to highlight the agency's counterterrorism, money laundering and other complex criminal investigations and in the process "re-brand" ICE, turning the public -- and political -- spotlight away from its immigration work.

ICE Assistant Secretary John Morton said that immigration enforcement remains a top priority but that the intention of the image makeover is to show the agency's "true face."

Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

IOW, they're harassing employers instead of deporting illegals.
No means that the only thing effecting immigration is a lack of jobs not Obama's massive effort to control immigration [in your mind that is].

Except the article demonstrates an increase in enforcement, including a quadrupling of employer record audits, over Bush's final year.

Sorry....the posting said none of that. rules state that you shouldn't post too much of copyrighted material. I know how difficult it is for some to actually click a link and read an article, but I don't make the rules. The article I linked demonstrates that enforcement of immigration law is up significantly under Obama. This clearly conflicts with right wing truthiness memes.
Except the article demonstrates an increase in enforcement, including a quadrupling of employer record audits, over Bush's final year.

Sorry....the posting said none of that. rules state that you shouldn't post too much of copyrighted material. I know how difficult it is for some to actually click a link and read an article, but I don't make the rules. The article I linked demonstrates that enforcement of immigration law is up significantly under Obama. This clearly conflicts with right wing truthiness memes.

Dood, you didn't even bother to click one of the links in the article which shows that it's all nonsense.
DT is absolutely cognitively dissonant. The article he posted links to this article:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will realign its duties to promote criminal investigations over immigrant deportation, officials have announced.

By streamlining and renaming several offices, officials hope to highlight the agency's counterterrorism, money laundering and other complex criminal investigations and in the process "re-brand" ICE, turning the public -- and political -- spotlight away from its immigration work.

ICE Assistant Secretary John Morton said that immigration enforcement remains a top priority but that the intention of the image makeover is to show the agency's "true face."

Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

IOW, they're harassing employers instead of deporting illegals.

Part of their war against capitalism.

It's also selective immigration enforcement.
DT is absolutely cognitively dissonant. The article he posted links to this article:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will realign its duties to promote criminal investigations over immigrant deportation, officials have announced.

By streamlining and renaming several offices, officials hope to highlight the agency's counterterrorism, money laundering and other complex criminal investigations and in the process "re-brand" ICE, turning the public -- and political -- spotlight away from its immigration work.

ICE Assistant Secretary John Morton said that immigration enforcement remains a top priority but that the intention of the image makeover is to show the agency's "true face."

Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

IOW, they're harassing employers instead of deporting illegals.

In other words, you prefer the police state approach of demanding that brown people show their papers, rather than determine which businesses create the demand for undocumented labor, and profit from it. That's quite a Republican perspective.
Scuze me - but if it's wrong for the state to look at the papers of suspected illegals, how are employers supposed to be able to review them in place of the state?
Except the article demonstrates an increase in enforcement, including a quadrupling of employer record audits, over Bush's final year.

Sorry....the posting said none of that. rules state that you shouldn't post too much of copyrighted material. I know how difficult it is for some to actually click a link and read an article, but I don't make the rules. The article I linked demonstrates that enforcement of immigration law is up significantly under Obama. This clearly conflicts with right wing truthiness memes.

It states that the way Obama is enforcing immigration laws is discriminatory. Whether Obama is responsible for the rise in enforcement is debatable.
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Sorry....the posting said none of that. rules state that you shouldn't post too much of copyrighted material. I know how difficult it is for some to actually click a link and read an article, but I don't make the rules. The article I linked demonstrates that enforcement of immigration law is up significantly under Obama. This clearly conflicts with right wing truthiness memes.

Dood, you didn't even bother to click one of the links in the article which shows that it's all nonsense.

Except it doesn't contradict the original article that enforcement is up significantly under Obama. Your claim that the Feds don't enforce immigration law is still false.

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