Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

DT doesn't even bother to read his own source articles:

But, according to the agency's 2011 congressional budget request, ICE projects that 80 percent of detained immigrants will be criminals, captured by fugitive teams or found in prisons and jails. The rest will primarily come from apprehensions of illegal border crossers. Last year, only 6 percent of the detainee population was booked by ICE's office of investigations.

Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

Exactly, Boe :clap2:

....not focusing on destroying employers who cannot check their workers documents without lawsuits, fines, or imprisonment.

False. So stop it. Employers must be given a system that is sensible and that discourages illegal labor as well as criminal businesses.

Unfortunately they are given a total state of confusion. They can't check anyone brown for their citizenship and they get nailed when they hire them. They get sued for discrimination if they refuse to hire them but they lose their business and do time because they did.

See the rub?

BS. When wingnuts talk about undocumented people, they don't mean Canadians, they mean brown people.
No, your wrong on this one. Napolitano, is shifting ICE from illegals to law breaking illegals. There is a distinct difference.
FYI, if Barry was really concerned about illegal immigration he would first secure the border, then work on what to do with the ones already here. He won't do that, and this is where the problem lies with the TEA Party.

That's false. Several large cases of companies hiring undocumented workers have recently broken, by auditing their records, and compliance, and when determining they were, the workers were rounded up, deported, and the company fined.

I thought the tea bagger bitch was illegals were taking American jobs? Which is it? You want a police state that targets brown people, or do you want to see a problem being solved?
From Boe, post:
But, according to the agency's 2011 congressional budget request, ICE projects that 80 percent of detained immigrants will be criminals, captured by fugitive teams or found in prisons and jails. The rest will primarily come from apprehensions of illegal border crossers. Last year, only 6 percent of the detainee population was booked by ICE's office of investigations.
Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

I now know you don't know what your talking about. If you want to have a real "grown up" debate why don't you knock off the insults about the TEA Party. I know your scared as hell about them. Truth is.....your democrats made them possible this election cycle. You want to bitch....bitch to the democrats
Yes. Even in the case of an arrest, their immigration status ought to be determined by the group responsible and experienced in determining that status. Do you know that an American citizen, unless operating a motor vehicle, or buying alcohol, isn't required to produce identification. But like you indicate, you'd rather see the police state approach of demanding extraordinary documentation from brown people. Yet you don't want employment records audited to find those businesses who create a demand for undocumented labor. Typical Republican.

Sorry. Epic-fail.

We don't want the focus to be only on the employer.

This is a massive war against illegal immigration. It has to be carried out on all fronts....not focusing on destroying employers who cannot check their workers documents without lawsuits, fines, or imprisonment.

No, we don't. We also don't want hick sheriffs, who wouldn't know how to document someone, rounding up brown people, and pretending they know what they're doing. No one is asking that employers "check their workers documents", just document that they've examined them, and when a discrepancy is found, not pretend they never got the letter.

So a guy who enforces the law is a fucken Hick?

What a marvelous stereotype. So anyone white who cuts his hair and wears a uniform and enforces the law must be some dumb fucken hick loser.

I see being honest and all Dudley Do Right is your idea of a fucken hick. We need guys like that more then ever. But since you like shows that make a living making fun of patriotism and being old fashioned and straight-arrow I guess your opinions are a bit jaded.

You pretty much exemplify what's wrong with this country.

When asked in an out-of-character interview with The Onion's A.V. Club for his views on "the 'truthiness' imbroglio that's tearing our country apart", Colbert elaborated on the critique he intended to convey with the word:[3]

Truthiness is tearing apart our country, and I don't mean the argument over who came up with the word…

It used to be, everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. But that's not the case anymore. Facts matter not at all. Perception is everything. It's certainty. People love the President because he's certain of his choices as a leader, even if the facts that back him up don't seem to exist. It's the fact that he's certain that is very appealing to a certain section of the country. I really feel a dichotomy in the American populace. What is important? What you want to be true, or what is true?…

Truthiness is 'What I say is right, and [nothing] anyone else says could possibly be true.' It's not only that I feel it to be true, but that I feel it to be true. There's not only an emotional quality, but there's a selfish quality.

Btw dipshit....I have spell check. Type up truthiness....see if you don't get one of those squiggly red lines beneath it.
False. So stop it. Employers must be given a system that is sensible and that discourages illegal labor as well as criminal businesses.

Unfortunately they are given a total state of confusion. They can't check anyone brown for their citizenship and they get nailed when they hire them. They get sued for discrimination if they refuse to hire them but they lose their business and do time because they did.

See the rub?

BS. When wingnuts talk about undocumented people, they don't mean Canadians, they mean brown people.

Conservatived are very clear that it's both Canadians and Mexicans. The problem we are facing are the vast numbers of 12-20 million of them. There is no where close to that many Canadians that are illegal in our borders.

The Urban Institute estimates "between 65,000 and 75,000 undocumented Canadians currently live in the United States
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See the difference....I hope you can.
No, your wrong on this one. Napolitano, is shifting ICE from illegals to law breaking illegals. There is a distinct difference.
FYI, if Barry was really concerned about illegal immigration he would first secure the border, then work on what to do with the ones already here. He won't do that, and this is where the problem lies with the TEA Party.

That's false. Several large cases of companies hiring undocumented workers have recently broken, by auditing their records, and compliance, and when determining they were, the workers were rounded up, deported, and the company fined.

I thought the tea bagger bitch was illegals were taking American jobs? Which is it? You want a police state that targets brown people, or do you want to see a problem being solved?
From Boe, post:
But, according to the agency's 2011 congressional budget request, ICE projects that 80 percent of detained immigrants will be criminals, captured by fugitive teams or found in prisons and jails. The rest will primarily come from apprehensions of illegal border crossers. Last year, only 6 percent of the detainee population was booked by ICE's office of investigations.
Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

I now know you don't know what your talking about. If you want to have a real "grown up" debate why don't you knock off the insults about the TEA Party. I know your scared as hell about them. Truth is.....your democrats made them possible this election cycle. You want to bitch....bitch to the democrats

So you agree with not investigating employers who hire undocumented workers, while the tea baggers claim that the issue is they take away American jobs. Of course, the law breakers have always constituted the vast number of those deported. That's nothing new. The issue is the increasing number of investigations, which quadrupled since Obama took office, which will reduce the demand for undocumented workers.

BTW, are you really that thin skinned that you run around with nothing more than personal ad hominen attacks, and get your panties in a wad because I refuse to show the tea baggers any respect? Interesting example of cognitive dissonance.
False. So stop it. Employers must be given a system that is sensible and that discourages illegal labor as well as criminal businesses.

Unfortunately they are given a total state of confusion. They can't check anyone brown for their citizenship and they get nailed when they hire them. They get sued for discrimination if they refuse to hire them but they lose their business and do time because they did.

See the rub?

BS. When wingnuts talk about undocumented people, they don't mean Canadians, they mean brown people.

The race isn't the issue...or the fact that they're brown.

California is a mess because of a flood of illegals soaking up money and sending massive amounts of cash to Mexico. They tie up traffic, they cause the costs of health care to go up and fill the waiting rooms at doctor offices.

This has nothing to do with whether they're brown or purple.

Germany went through a similar situation when the wall came down. East Germans flooded back into the FRG and were given benefits that the locals had been paying into for all of their working lives. In a matter of years all of their futures were gone. They're still trying to recover.

Like I said...this has nothing to do with being brown.
Unfortunately they are given a total state of confusion. They can't check anyone brown for their citizenship and they get nailed when they hire them. They get sued for discrimination if they refuse to hire them but they lose their business and do time because they did.

See the rub?

BS. When wingnuts talk about undocumented people, they don't mean Canadians, they mean brown people.

Conservatived are very clear that it's both Canadians and Mexicans. The problem we are facing are the vast numbers of 12-20 million of them. There is no where close to that many Canadians that are illegal in our borders.

The Urban Institute estimates "between 65,000 and 75,000 undocumented Canadians currently live in the United States
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See the difference....I hope you can.

How many Hispanics are here as citizens or documented? A hell of a lot more than that exaggerated number you just claimed. The bottom line is you're suggesting a police state that targets brown skinned people.
That's false. Several large cases of companies hiring undocumented workers have recently broken, by auditing their records, and compliance, and when determining they were, the workers were rounded up, deported, and the company fined.

I thought the tea bagger bitch was illegals were taking American jobs? Which is it? You want a police state that targets brown people, or do you want to see a problem being solved?
From Boe, post:
But, according to the agency's 2011 congressional budget request, ICE projects that 80 percent of detained immigrants will be criminals, captured by fugitive teams or found in prisons and jails. The rest will primarily come from apprehensions of illegal border crossers. Last year, only 6 percent of the detainee population was booked by ICE's office of investigations.
Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

I now know you don't know what your talking about. If you want to have a real "grown up" debate why don't you knock off the insults about the TEA Party. I know your scared as hell about them. Truth is.....your democrats made them possible this election cycle. You want to bitch....bitch to the democrats

So you agree with not investigating employers who hire undocumented workers, while the tea baggers claim that the issue is they take away American jobs. Of course, the law breakers have always constituted the vast number of those deported. That's nothing new. The issue is the increasing number of investigations, which quadrupled since Obama took office, which will reduce the demand for undocumented workers.

BTW, are you really that thin skinned that you run around with nothing more than personal ad hominen attacks, and get your panties in a wad because I refuse to show the tea baggers any respect? Interesting example of cognitive dissonance.

Don't attach this to the Tea Party.

The primary concern of the TP is runaway spending and over taxation without equal representation.

There's alot of concerns but they are mainly concerned with those two issues.
Don't attach this to the Tea Party.

The primary concern of the TP is runaway spending and over taxation without equal representation.

There's alot of concerns but they are mainly concerned with those two issues.

They seem to want to waste a lot of tax money to make sure that Obama has the right papers.
That's false. Several large cases of companies hiring undocumented workers have recently broken, by auditing their records, and compliance, and when determining they were, the workers were rounded up, deported, and the company fined.

I thought the tea bagger bitch was illegals were taking American jobs? Which is it? You want a police state that targets brown people, or do you want to see a problem being solved?
From Boe, post:
But, according to the agency's 2011 congressional budget request, ICE projects that 80 percent of detained immigrants will be criminals, captured by fugitive teams or found in prisons and jails. The rest will primarily come from apprehensions of illegal border crossers. Last year, only 6 percent of the detainee population was booked by ICE's office of investigations.
Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

I now know you don't know what your talking about. If you want to have a real "grown up" debate why don't you knock off the insults about the TEA Party. I know your scared as hell about them. Truth is.....your democrats made them possible this election cycle. You want to bitch....bitch to the democrats

So you agree with not investigating employers who hire undocumented workers, while the tea baggers claim that the issue is they take away American jobs. Of course, the law breakers have always constituted the vast number of those deported. That's nothing new. The issue is the increasing number of investigations, which quadrupled since Obama took office, which will reduce the demand for undocumented workers.

BTW, are you really that thin skinned that you run around with nothing more than personal ad hominen attacks, and get your panties in a wad because I refuse to show the tea baggers any respect? Interesting example of cognitive dissonance.

Did I say that I agreed to anything? No I didn't, so stop your projecting on what I think. To get what needs to be done is going to have more than one level to get the results.
You think that all the illegals are doing jobs we won't do? Come up to the northwest, sonny, you will see that real Americans are doing the jobs that the illegals are doing along the border states. From harvesting crops, to construction, to fast food outlets, to working in the motels and hotels. So, yes they are taking jobs from unemployed Americans. Stop drinking your Kool-Aid.
Don't attach this to the Tea Party.

The primary concern of the TP is runaway spending and over taxation without equal representation.

There's alot of concerns but they are mainly concerned with those two issues.

They seem to want to waste a lot of tax money to make sure that Obama has the right papers.

They don't do any such thing. You're talking about Truthers. You want to attach every issue to a single straw man.

Besides...if he would produce an original it wouldn't be a problem.
Wow. Stupendous. That is the most amazing thing I think I've ever seen. An entire political group who supported illegal immigration is now all of a sudden against it. Simply amazing.
From Boe, post:
But, according to the agency's 2011 congressional budget request, ICE projects that 80 percent of detained immigrants will be criminals, captured by fugitive teams or found in prisons and jails. The rest will primarily come from apprehensions of illegal border crossers. Last year, only 6 percent of the detainee population was booked by ICE's office of investigations.
Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

I now know you don't know what your talking about. If you want to have a real "grown up" debate why don't you knock off the insults about the TEA Party. I know your scared as hell about them. Truth is.....your democrats made them possible this election cycle. You want to bitch....bitch to the democrats

So you agree with not investigating employers who hire undocumented workers, while the tea baggers claim that the issue is they take away American jobs. Of course, the law breakers have always constituted the vast number of those deported. That's nothing new. The issue is the increasing number of investigations, which quadrupled since Obama took office, which will reduce the demand for undocumented workers.

BTW, are you really that thin skinned that you run around with nothing more than personal ad hominen attacks, and get your panties in a wad because I refuse to show the tea baggers any respect? Interesting example of cognitive dissonance.

Did I say that I agreed to anything? No I didn't, so stop your projecting on what I think. To get what needs to be done is going to have more than one level to get the results.
You think that all the illegals are doing jobs we won't do? Come up to the northwest, sonny, you will see that real Americans are doing the jobs that the illegals are doing along the border states. From harvesting crops, to construction, to fast food outlets, to working in the motels and hotels. So, yes they are taking jobs from unemployed Americans. Stop drinking your Kool-Aid.

So who's hiring the undocumented labor? Do you not understand the simple fact that if you punish these people, you both uncover and deport more undocumented people and reduce the demand for undocumented labor? I'm amazed this escapes you.

Actually I'm not amazed. I've come to expect this ignorant cognitive dissonance from those who support Whitman's undocumented maid.
Don't attach this to the Tea Party.

The primary concern of the TP is runaway spending and over taxation without equal representation.

There's alot of concerns but they are mainly concerned with those two issues.

They seem to want to waste a lot of tax money to make sure that Obama has the right papers.

They don't do any such thing. You're talking about Truthers. You want to attach every issue to a single straw man.

Besides...if he would produce an original it wouldn't be a problem.

You sure see quite a few signs wanting to send Obama back to Kenya at those tea bagger circle jerks.
Is this her latest excuse? Awesome!

I guess being forced to spend millions on your defense would be sort of an impediment.
Pity. An experienced CEO should have a basic grasp of vetting people before they hire them.

There are limitations on how much you can look into these people's lives. You should know that.

We can't check up on them. We can't send out private investigators as was suggested. We can't even ask them if they're citizens because that would be discrimination according to the Obama Administration.

You can't refuse employment if their visa is running out. Seems the government has businesses by the balls and the brown folks just walk as long as they don't murder somebody...and even those folks get a pass on occasion.
BS. When wingnuts talk about undocumented people, they don't mean Canadians, they mean brown people.

Conservatived are very clear that it's both Canadians and Mexicans. The problem we are facing are the vast numbers of 12-20 million of them. There is no where close to that many Canadians that are illegal in our borders.

See the difference....I hope you can.

How many Hispanics are here as citizens or documented? A hell of a lot more than that exaggerated number you just claimed. The bottom line is you're suggesting a police state that targets brown skinned people.

Why don't you give us some links instead of your uneducated opinion?

January 1, 2004.
Immigration Studies quoting 10 - 11 million illegal aliens present in the U.S.
So if you want to split hairs feel free
Your projecting what I think, again....

Most of which is Mexicans.
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