Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

Enforcement is not up - harassment of employers is.

go figure it out.

A stunt word derived from the Cobain report? Not a real word.

Now I know where you get most of your ideas from.

I heard that lefties like you got all of your real news from the Daily Show and other similar sources.

Maybe you might want to base your information from the real world rather then satire or the Comedy Channel.

The Cobain report? I thought that showed he committed suicide?

Personally, I prefer the more clinical term of cognitive dissonance to describe how many on the right are divorced from reality. But truthiness works. Besides, it's a dictionary word:


— n
informal (of a belief, etc) the quality of being considered to be true because of what the believer wishes or feels, regardless of the facts

I guess you have that down of all people would understand that....since you support folks like Obama.
Scuze me - but if it's wrong for the state to look at the papers of suspected illegals, how are employers supposed to be able to review them in place of the state?

Yes. Even in the case of an arrest, their immigration status ought to be determined by the group responsible and experienced in determining that status. Do you know that an American citizen, unless operating a motor vehicle, or buying alcohol, isn't required to produce identification. But like you indicate, you'd rather see the police state approach of demanding extraordinary documentation from brown people. Yet you don't want employment records audited to find those businesses who create a demand for undocumented labor. Typical Republican.
Selectively auditing small businesses instead of deporting illegals is harassment.
Selectively auditing small businesses instead of deporting illegals is harassment.

What's the "instead"? Obama's ICE is doing both. Don't you want to see companies comply with regulations regarding documenting their workers? Perhaps not, because you seem to think that Whitman did no wrong.
Scuze me - but if it's wrong for the state to look at the papers of suspected illegals, how are employers supposed to be able to review them in place of the state?

Yes. Even in the case of an arrest, their immigration status ought to be determined by the group responsible and experienced in determining that status. Do you know that an American citizen, unless operating a motor vehicle, or buying alcohol, isn't required to produce identification. But like you indicate, you'd rather see the police state approach of demanding extraordinary documentation from brown people. Yet you don't want employment records audited to find those businesses who create a demand for undocumented labor. Typical Republican.

Sorry. Epic-fail.

We don't want the focus to be only on the employer.

This is a massive war against illegal immigration. It has to be carried out on all fronts....not focusing on destroying employers who cannot check their workers documents without lawsuits, fines, or imprisonment.
DT doesn't even bother to read his own source articles:

But, according to the agency's 2011 congressional budget request, ICE projects that 80 percent of detained immigrants will be criminals, captured by fugitive teams or found in prisons and jails. The rest will primarily come from apprehensions of illegal border crossers. Last year, only 6 percent of the detainee population was booked by ICE's office of investigations.

Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image
....not focusing on destroying employers who cannot check their workers documents without lawsuits, fines, or imprisonment.

False. So stop it. Employers must be given a system that is sensible and that discourages illegal labor as well as criminal businesses.
Selectively auditing small businesses instead of deporting illegals is harassment.

What's the "instead"? Obama's ICE is doing both. Don't you want to see companies comply with regulations regarding documenting their workers? Perhaps not, because you seem to think that Whitman did no wrong.

No, your wrong on this one. Napolitano, is shifting ICE from illegals to law breaking illegals. There is a distinct difference.
FYI, if Barry was really concerned about illegal immigration he would first secure the border, then work on what to do with the ones already here. He won't do that, and this is where the problem lies with the TEA Party.
DT doesn't even bother to read his own source articles:

But, according to the agency's 2011 congressional budget request, ICE projects that 80 percent of detained immigrants will be criminals, captured by fugitive teams or found in prisons and jails. The rest will primarily come from apprehensions of illegal border crossers. Last year, only 6 percent of the detainee population was booked by ICE's office of investigations.

Rebranding at ICE meant to soften immigration enforcement agency's image

Exactly, Boe :clap2:
Scuze me - but if it's wrong for the state to look at the papers of suspected illegals, how are employers supposed to be able to review them in place of the state?

Yes. Even in the case of an arrest, their immigration status ought to be determined by the group responsible and experienced in determining that status. Do you know that an American citizen, unless operating a motor vehicle, or buying alcohol, isn't required to produce identification. But like you indicate, you'd rather see the police state approach of demanding extraordinary documentation from brown people. Yet you don't want employment records audited to find those businesses who create a demand for undocumented labor. Typical Republican.

Sorry. Epic-fail.

We don't want the focus to be only on the employer.

This is a massive war against illegal immigration. It has to be carried out on all fronts....not focusing on destroying employers who cannot check their workers documents without lawsuits, fines, or imprisonment.

No, we don't. We also don't want hick sheriffs, who wouldn't know how to document someone, rounding up brown people, and pretending they know what they're doing. No one is asking that employers "check their workers documents", just document that they've examined them, and when a discrepancy is found, not pretend they never got the letter.
Scuze me - but if it's wrong for the state to look at the papers of suspected illegals, how are employers supposed to be able to review them in place of the state?

Yes. Even in the case of an arrest, their immigration status ought to be determined by the group responsible and experienced in determining that status. Do you know that an American citizen, unless operating a motor vehicle, or buying alcohol, isn't required to produce identification. But like you indicate, you'd rather see the police state approach of demanding extraordinary documentation from brown people. Yet you don't want employment records audited to find those businesses who create a demand for undocumented labor. Typical Republican.

I'd rather that the State not issue valid IDs to illegal aliens which enable them to commit ID fraud and dupe employers.
No, your wrong on this one. Napolitano, is shifting ICE from illegals to law breaking illegals. There is a distinct difference.
FYI, if Barry was really concerned about illegal immigration he would first secure the border, then work on what to do with the ones already here. He won't do that, and this is where the problem lies with the TEA Party.

That's false. Several large cases of companies hiring undocumented workers have recently broken, by auditing their records, and compliance, and when determining they were, the workers were rounded up, deported, and the company fined.

I thought the tea bagger bitch was illegals were taking American jobs? Which is it? You want a police state that targets brown people, or do you want to see a problem being solved?
Yes. Even in the case of an arrest, their immigration status ought to be determined by the group responsible and experienced in determining that status. Do you know that an American citizen, unless operating a motor vehicle, or buying alcohol, isn't required to produce identification. But like you indicate, you'd rather see the police state approach of demanding extraordinary documentation from brown people. Yet you don't want employment records audited to find those businesses who create a demand for undocumented labor. Typical Republican.

Sorry. Epic-fail.

We don't want the focus to be only on the employer.

This is a massive war against illegal immigration. It has to be carried out on all fronts....not focusing on destroying employers who cannot check their workers documents without lawsuits, fines, or imprisonment.

No, we don't. We also don't want hick sheriffs, who wouldn't know how to document someone, rounding up brown people, and pretending they know what they're doing. No one is asking that employers "check their workers documents", just document that they've examined them, and when a discrepancy is found, not pretend they never got the letter.

Would you mind to link us with your source on this?....if you can't quit lying about it. :evil:
I'd rather that the State not issue valid IDs to illegal aliens which enable them to commit ID fraud and dupe employers.

I agree. A federal ID card that all carry, verified by state and federal procedures in order to stop illegals from having them, is the way to go. With the world centralizing and technology linking us all together, we can't afford not to.
....not focusing on destroying employers who cannot check their workers documents without lawsuits, fines, or imprisonment.

False. So stop it. Employers must be given a system that is sensible and that discourages illegal labor as well as criminal businesses.

Unfortunately they are given a total state of confusion. They can't check anyone brown for their citizenship and they get nailed when they hire them. They get sued for discrimination if they refuse to hire them but they lose their business and do time because they did.

See the rub?

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