Megalomaniacal speciesism


Active Member
Jul 22, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
Humans are especially prone to deny the sufferings of nature, and are one-eyedly oriented toward the expansion of our own species. The population increase in the Third World must be sustained at all costs. The fact that the monkeys and apes are eaten as bush meat, and the rain forest is cut down, is a small matter compared with the glorious proliferation of our species. It has been denoted 'speciesism', an egoism focusing on the needs of our own species, to the detriment of all other life on earth.

Fishing-vessels have demolished many coral reefs in Scandinavia through bottom trawling, thereby destroying the capacity for regeneration of fish. Comparatively, there are fish species that eat corals. But they take care not to eat too much on a coral reef before swimming to another. In this way corals can regrow. So these fish prefer to risk their own lives by swimming between coral reefs, rather than staying put and destroying the conditions for future generations. The conclusion is that fish have greater wisdom than humans.

Haiti exemplifies the future prospect of the earth, should we continue on this destructive path. Haiti was once called "The pearl of the Caribbean." It was a wonderful island, but now the rain forest is almost gone--less than 2% of it remains. The rains erode the earth and leave the bedrock bare, on which the African descendants raise their ramshackles. These hapless people are supported by Western taxpayers so that they can multiply and continue to cause devastation. But is this good, really? Mustn't we, after all, accept the divine order of things, and realize that this earth wasn't created only for us humans?

We do not care about the sufferings of nature and of animals nearly as much. We think that animals merely follow a machinelike program, and have no real feelings, corresponding to death's anguish or sorrow. Nothing could be more wrong. They are more exposed to, and more defenceless against, their own terror, pain, and anguish, than are humans. A human being can always withdraw into himself, into his inner intellectual universe, but an animal is left at the mercy of his/her feelings and sufferings.

If the animal kingdom must put up with so much suffering, including the agony of death and the extinction of their own kind, why can't the human species carry some of the load, too? Why must we always expand our species, maximize welfare and well-being for ourselves, and remove all the sufferings of humanity, while at the same time chewing up the earth like a voracious monster? Pig farmers are so mean that they refuse to give the pigs filings to root in and to rest on. They have to make do with a concrete floor.

The only thing that is really essential, in today's ideology of welfarism, is how to create many more of this voracious monster--homo sapiens--and how to make human life as comfortable as possible, at extreme costs to the environment. The ideology of global welfarism, including the nearly religious principle of human maximization, seems to be blindly accepted across political party lines. The politicians never question it. As a human being, I feel ashamed of my own species. But we needn't be such voracious monsters--we needn't be fixated on the well-being for all humanity at all cost. Instead, we must accept the darkness of nature, including our own suffering and death, like humanity did in earlier times. We must learn to tolerate life's sufferings and acknowledge the dark side of existence. This stands in contrast to United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25:

"Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control."

It is a declaration of speciesism. There is not a word about the sufferings of Mother Nature, who pays the price for our welfare fixation. Nor is there are word about the rights of other species. The UN and the Western states have adopted a view according to which the number of human beings on the planet must be maximized. Every person, especially those living in the Third World, must be fended for in any way possible. The population in black Africa, and the Third World overall, is exploding. Western institutions make provisions for this development in the form of medicine, food distribution, monetary aid, etc. The environmental cost is enormous. Forests are cut down and the sea is emptied of fish. Animals, such as the the gorilla and the rhino, are threatened with extinction. The immigration from the Third World to the Western world, is tearing society apart.

But we cannot always go against the current of dark nature. It's time to accept that suffering and death is part and parcel of life. We should do what is humanly possible but not pretend that we are gods capable of maximizing well-being on this earth. Instead we must go along with our instincts, with a focus on our private social circle. However, we ought not go beyond this and develop megalomaniacal visions of a paradisal global welfare society, where every human being is fended for. Should the UN:s article 25 apply to rabbits, that is, if they were given the right to food and medicine, then the whole of earth's surface would soon be covered with rabbits. Somebody has calculated the immense speed by which the layer of rabbits would increase. It would soon reach the orbit of the moon. Somewhere beyond Jupiter, the perimeter would approach the speed of light.

We cannot endorse doctrines that lead to the devastation of earth and all living beings other than humans. It is as if humanity, like Icarus, unconsciously identifies with God and attempts to fly up to the highest crest of divinity. But megalomania always leads to a crash-landing.

Mats Winther
Last edited:'re in luck. After Germany legalizes incest, they're going for legalization of pet/owner marriage.
Humans are especially prone to deny the sufferings of nature, and are one-eyedly oriented toward the expansion of our own species. The population increase in the Third World must be sustained at all costs. The fact that the monkeys and apes are eaten as bush meat, and the rain forest is cut down, is a small matter compared with the glorious proliferation of our species. It has been denoted 'speciesism', an egoism focusing on the needs of our own species, to the detriment of all other life on earth.

The management of earth invites you to leave if you are unsatisfied with our species.
Why must we always expand our species, maximize welfare and well-being for ourselves, and remove all the sufferings of humanity...

If it will assuage your throbbing conscience, please feel free to reduce your own welfare, suffer greatly, and then decrease our species by the count of 1 you. Get on with it.
I think I'll make a donation to PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
These people have no problem with birds eating earth worms or lions eating gazelle, but when we harm a friggin mouse we are cruel. It's called the top of the food chain, pal.
These people have no problem with birds eating earth worms or lions eating gazelle, but when we harm a friggin mouse we are cruel. It's called the top of the food chain, pal.

At least until the Kanamits arrive.
Yes, this is what I'm talking about--people who are only thinking about themselves and their own well-being. It's a sickness of our time. Thanks for corroborating my thesis. /Mlw
I do. I live under small circumstances; I have no car, etc. So I leave a small ecological footprint, unlike most of the voracious homo sapiens monsters in this thread. /Mlw
I do. I live under small circumstances; I have no car, etc. So I leave a small ecological footprint, ...

Small to you maybe, but inexcusably selfish to our animal friends, our fish family, our bird brethren, our bacterial buddies, and familiar flora who might be making use of the resources you soullessly hoard out of your own greedy desire to live. Shame on you.
Yes, this is what I'm talking about--people who are only thinking about themselves and their own well-being. It's a sickness of our time. Thanks for corroborating my thesis. /Mlw
Thesis? Yeah. OK. All animals think primarily about their own well being Why should we be all that different?
What are you doing to ensure the wellbeing of other species other than shedding a tear here and there?
You say that you are much like an animal. But I am somewhat higher on the scale of evolution. That's the difference between you and me. So it boils down to brains. Those lacking in brain function think mostly about themselves and give not much thought to Mother Nature; to the future of our species and our civilization. /Mlw
So -- this forum get ONE serious conservation thread and the mob goes wild?
I welcome it.. Seriously... I'm so starved for a REAL discussion of enviro issues that doesnt have to do GWarming, that I'd eat worms to get it...
You say that you are much like an animal. But I am somewhat higher on the scale of evolution. That's the difference between you and me. So it boils down to brains. Those lacking in brain function think mostly about themselves and give not much thought to Mother Nature; to the future of our species and our civilization. /Mlw

My largest problem with your post is when the eco-nauts put on their powered wigs and knickers and start acting like 17th Century Imperialists telling the 3rd world what fraction of OUR lifestyle they can have and DICTATING rules of development. Because in that post - you singled out 3rd world nations and Africa -- where burning cow dung is a really SUSTAINABLE source of energy. In fact -- in the "BRAINY" part of the world -- eco-frauds call burning trees and tree waste or animal waste as GREEN. Left out the bigger issues of Asia and India.

The issue is conservation -- not economic imperialism. And the best way to preserve nature -- IS TO BUY IT and manage it correctly. If 1/2 of the handwringing and lawyer dominated eco-groups like NRDC and WWF were directed to ACQUISTION and management of the land (like my favored Nature Conservancy) -- we'd be a lot farther to helping species..
The population explosion in the Third World occurs at such a pace that nothing of the kind has ever occurred before. A central ambition of politicians, including the UN, is that they shall attain a welfare level that corresponds to Europe and USA.

"Nigeria expected to have larger population than US by 2050"
Nigeria expected to have larger population than US by 2050 Global development The Guardian

The ecological footprint of the average American is today 8.00 global hectares/person. The ecological footprint of Nigerians is 1.44.
List of countries by ecological footprint - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So what happens when Nigerians increase their consumption and become more like us? After all, this is what all the politicians want to achieve. Moreover, since it is so "good" that people have recourse to all the material boons in life, politicians endorse immigration of Third World people to the Western world. When this occurs, an immigrant's ecological footprint is doubled several times. The consequences are only destructive, and it doesn't remove poverty, as Roy Beck explains:

M. Winther
So what happens when Nigerians increase their consumption and become more like us?

Their fertility rate will go down, they will live longer, and will be more productive which in turn will help lift more people out of poverty.

Sorry if the answer isn't "kill all humans" as you wanted.
No, less than half of sub-Saharan Africa shows significant fertility decline.
Why Has the Demographic Transition Stalled in Sub-Saharan Africa New Security Beat

With an increased survival rate this vouches for a rapid increase in population. And all would want to move to Europe and the Western world. According to the worst projections, there will be almost 1 billion people only in Nigeria, by the end of this century. It is necessary to introduce the concept of family planning to the Africans. Alternatively, they must introduce a one-child policy, like the Chinese. But since the Western countries have vouched to always provide for the Africans, there is a lack of motivation to put a curb on population growth. Money keeps pouring in; 650 billion dollars so far. The idea is to support the glorious expansion of the human species until no other living being than homo sapiens remains on this earth. /Mlw
And western religious organizations would fight any anti-fertility measures.
I do. I live under small circumstances; I have no car, etc. So I leave a small ecological footprint, unlike most of the voracious homo sapiens monsters in this thread. /Mlw
Then why are you on the internet?

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