Megyn Kelly Gives Dinesh D'Souza The Friendliest Of Post-Guilty Plea Interviews


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
If this isn't a case of RW media owership trying to spin an obvious story into something it's not I don't what is.

Megyn Kelly Gives Dinesh D'Souza The Friendliest Of Post-Guilty Plea Interviews

I've never seen a better case of A$$kissing such as Megyn Kelly performed last night, she gently held his right cheek, then his left cheek, puckered up, and went in for the gusto!

Megyn Kelly seems to be sinking to deeper and deeper depths of sleazy journalism.


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Dinesh lost any chance of getting coddled by me and many other conservatives when he chose to plead guilty. He pled GUILTY. That means that he admitted that he did the illegal campaign finance thing.

If we disapprove of it when liberal democrat supporters do it for liberal Democrat politicians, then consistency demands that we disapprove of it when conservatives do it for their favored candidates, too.

Frankly, it is a minor league attempt that he engaged in (by his own admission). But still, he did it.

So, no sympathy from me. Liberal Democrat persecutors may engage in some heavy handed bullshit, and targeting Dinesh was likely part of that tawdry pattern. But I can't get overly upset by their targeting behavior when the one they chose to go after actually is guilty.
Ten grand is what D'Souza was accused of "illegally" donating. Ten grand is such chicken feed compared to the millions of dollars solicited by politicians that it doesn't even make sense that he was targeted unless you consider that he is a high profile conservative who offended the administration. When Al Gore was caught committing not one but two felonies related to political donations soliciting money over the phone from a foreign religious group from the freaking White House he made the incredible claim "there is no legal authority" to enforce the law. Hmm.
Dinesh lost any chance of getting coddled by me and many other conservatives when he chose to plead guilty. He pled GUILTY. That means that he admitted that he did the illegal campaign finance thing.

If we disapprove of it when liberal democrat supporters do it for liberal Democrat politicians, then consistency demands that we disapprove of it when conservatives do it for their favored candidates, too.

Frankly, it is a minor league attempt that he engaged in (by his own admission). But still, he did it.

So, no sympathy from me. Liberal Democrat persecutors may engage in some heavy handed bullshit, and targeting Dinesh was likely part of that tawdry pattern. But I can't get overly upset by their targeting behavior when the one they chose to go after actually is guilty.
[MENTION=42714]IlarMeilyr[/MENTION], I had to rep you for honesty.

So do you, by extension, condemn Megyn Kelly for such blatant partisan spinning trying to make him seem innocent and/or targetted?
omg, now they're demanding we condemn Megan Kelly

can you believe how petty? anyone give a crap about this?

some people really need a life
The ironic thing is that the same attorney general who went after D'Souza was on duty in the Clinton administration when Al Gore said "there is no controlling legal authority" to enforce the election laws he was caught violating.
omg, now they're demanding we condemn Megan Kelly

can you believe how petty?
JACKASS, SHE's the one who's spinning it.

The criminal sat there and, to his credit, seemed to at least ATTEMPT to be truthful.

The dirty sleazeball RW journalist Megyn Kelly was the one who ADDED nonsense like "wasn't that what they wanted all along?" In fact that's how the woman STARTED the interview.

Her questions weren't questions...they were statements with a semi inquisitive tone.

Yes, she needs to be CONDEMNED, by ANYONE who considers themselves to be a fair-minded and decent human being, regardless of party affiliation.
:lol: Someone is crashing bad on Meghan Kelly. Wish she would caress your cheek?

It was a fine interview, he admitted his guilt and she pointed out another hypocracy of the obama administration

Like Steph said...yawn
omg, now they're demanding we condemn Megan Kelly

can you believe how petty?
JACKASS, SHE's the one who's spinning it.

The criminal sat there and, to his credit, seemed to at least ATTEMPT to be truthful.

The dirty sleazeball RW journalist Megyn Kelly was the one who ADDED nonsense like "wasn't that what they wanted all along?" In fact that's how the woman STARTED the interview.

Her questions weren't questions...they were statements with a semi inquisitive tone.

Yes, she needs to be CONDEMNED, by ANYONE who considers themselves to be a fair-minded and decent human being, regardless of party affiliation.

Change the appropriate words and you described Chris Matthews and his recent interview of President Obama perfectly.

Somehow, though, I am sure that you don't see it that way.

Because the President made absolutely no attempt to be truthful, but then, he never does and never has.
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omg, now they're demanding we condemn Megan Kelly

can you believe how petty?
JACKASS, SHE's the one who's spinning it.

The criminal sat there and, to his credit, seemed to at least ATTEMPT to be truthful.

The dirty sleazeball RW journalist Megyn Kelly was the one who ADDED nonsense like "wasn't that what they wanted all along?" In fact that's how the woman STARTED the interview.

Her questions weren't questions...they were statements with a semi inquisitive tone.

Yes, she needs to be CONDEMNED, by ANYONE who considers themselves to be a fair-minded and decent human being, regardless of party affiliation.

Change the appropriate words and you described Chris Matthews and his recent interview of President Obama perfectly.

Somehow, though, I am sure that you don't see it that way.

Because the President made absolutely no attempt to be truthful, but then, he never does and never has.
Has Obama been charged and pleaded GUILTY to a crime?

Right...I didn't think so.


omg, now they're demanding we condemn Megan Kelly

can you believe how petty?
JACKASS, SHE's the one who's spinning it.

The criminal sat there and, to his credit, seemed to at least ATTEMPT to be truthful.

The dirty sleazeball RW journalist Megyn Kelly was the one who ADDED nonsense like "wasn't that what they wanted all along?" In fact that's how the woman STARTED the interview.

Her questions weren't questions...they were statements with a semi inquisitive tone.

Yes, she needs to be CONDEMNED, by ANYONE who considers themselves to be a fair-minded and decent human being, regardless of party affiliation.

Change the appropriate words and you described Chris Matthews and his recent interview of President Obama perfectly.

Somehow, though, I am sure that you don't see it that way.

Because the President made absolutely no attempt to be truthful, but then, he never does and never has.

Yep, and that was after being found guilty by the majority of the people, (60% disapproves of him) of all the scandals in his administration
and what did he say, oh those are minor things move along now
but somehow this is EARTH SHATTERING frikken news and we all need to CONDEMN Mrs.Kelly
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There is no question that he reimbursed his friend. Democrats do it all the time which is why he intended to use selective prosecution as part of his defense. The judge denied that defense. In exchange for a guilty plea on the one charge a more serious trumped up charge was dismissed.

Democrats do it and there are no charges at all. Pay for play indeed. Democrats pay off in millions.
There is no question that he reimbursed his friend. Democrats do it all the time which is why he intended to use selective prosecution as part of his defense. The judge denied that defense. In exchange for a guilty plea on the one charge a more serious trumped up charge was dismissed.

Democrats do it and there are no charges at all. Pay for play indeed. Democrats pay off in millions.

yes they do but that's ok because they're Democrats...
There is no question that he reimbursed his friend. Democrats do it all the time which is why he intended to use selective prosecution as part of his defense. The judge denied that defense. In exchange for a guilty plea on the one charge a more serious trumped up charge was dismissed.

Democrats do it and there are no charges at all. Pay for play indeed. Democrats pay off in millions.
Got a link to support all that TRIPE you just posted?
Dinesh lost any chance of getting coddled by me and many other conservatives when he chose to plead guilty. He pled GUILTY. That means that he admitted that he did the illegal campaign finance thing.

If we disapprove of it when liberal democrat supporters do it for liberal Democrat politicians, then consistency demands that we disapprove of it when conservatives do it for their favored candidates, too.

Frankly, it is a minor league attempt that he engaged in (by his own admission). But still, he did it.

So, no sympathy from me. Liberal Democrat persecutors may engage in some heavy handed bullshit, and targeting Dinesh was likely part of that tawdry pattern. But I can't get overly upset by their targeting behavior when the one they chose to go after actually is guilty.
[MENTION=42714]IlarMeilyr[/MENTION], I had to rep you for honesty.

So do you, by extension, condemn Megyn Kelly for such blatant partisan spinning trying to make him seem innocent and/or targetted?

I didn't bother to look at Megyn's report.

But sight unseen I can tell you that I don't "condemn" her for it either way.

I may disagree with her spin. I disagree with almost all the spin I see on the major liberal outlets, too.
You can thank me by kissing my A$$.

LOl, your ass is so chapped all the time, I don't think anyone or anything would want to kiss it, even your dog would probably chap his tongue

sorry folks, I had to go there
Dinesh lost any chance of getting coddled by me and many other conservatives when he chose to plead guilty. He pled GUILTY. That means that he admitted that he did the illegal campaign finance thing.

If we disapprove of it when liberal democrat supporters do it for liberal Democrat politicians, then consistency demands that we disapprove of it when conservatives do it for their favored candidates, too.

Frankly, it is a minor league attempt that he engaged in (by his own admission). But still, he did it.

So, no sympathy from me. Liberal Democrat persecutors may engage in some heavy handed bullshit, and targeting Dinesh was likely part of that tawdry pattern. But I can't get overly upset by their targeting behavior when the one they chose to go after actually is guilty.
[MENTION=42714]IlarMeilyr[/MENTION], I had to rep you for honesty.

So do you, by extension, condemn Megyn Kelly for such blatant partisan spinning trying to make him seem innocent and/or targetted?

And conversely do you condemn MSNBC hosts for blantantly fluffing Barry and other dimocrats day after day after day?

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