Megyn Kelly headed to PMSNBC?

Typical comments from an adolescent loser who's never had a woman and never will.

Wrong again. Look at you still trying to overcompensate as only a closeted homosexual in denial like you would do. You just keep proving that you are a homosexual!
You're awfully preoccupied with homosexuality. Not surprising.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to turn you down. I'm not judging you for your being a homosexual but I am not. Maybe 52nd Street can give you want you are so desperately looking for. Good luck with that.
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Wrong again. Look at you still trying to overcompensate as only a closeted homosexual in denial like you would do. You just keep proving that you are a homosexual!
You're awfully preoccupied with homosexuality. Not surprising.

I'm not judging your for your being a homosexual but I am not.
Sure you're not. That's why you follow me around the boards trolling all my posts like a school boy with a crush. Sorry, but you'll have to settle for playing with yourself, I ain't interested in fruiters.

Maybe 52nd Street can give you want you are so desperately looking for. Good luck with that.
Don't know about 52nd Street, I assume it's a fruiter hangout? Not surprising you would know where to find 'em. You seem to know a lot about something you claim not to be.
You're awfully preoccupied with homosexuality. Not surprising.

I'm not judging your for your being a homosexual but I am not.
Sure you're not. That's why you follow me around the boards trolling all my posts like a school boy with a crush.

Don't beg. It's not going to happen and you're just making a fool of yourself this way. You'll just have to look elsewhere. ShootsSpeeders seems like he might be of your 'orientation.' Maybe give him a try.
I'm not judging your for your being a homosexual but I am not.
Sure you're not. That's why you follow me around the boards trolling all my posts like a school boy with a crush.

Don't beg. It's not going to happen and you're just making a fool of yourself this way. You'll just have to look elsewhere. ShootsSpeeders seems like he might be of your 'orientation.' Maybe give him a try.
You might give "growing up" a try.
Sure you're not. That's why you follow me around the boards trolling all my posts like a school boy with a crush.

Don't beg. It's not going to happen and you're just making a fool of yourself this way. You'll just have to look elsewhere. ShootsSpeeders seems like he might be of your 'orientation.' Maybe give him a try.
You might give "growing up" a try.

I don't care what you try, you transsexual, albino, conjoined twin. Just try it somewhere else. Not interested.
Liberals can't get over the fact that Fox permits dissent and liberal shows do not. "Former" Fox vixen? Really? When did she leave her show?

Watch and see, when Kelly (who is pregnant) goes on maternity leave, how long will it take liberals to say she was fired?


the libtards can't understand how fox has some fair and balanced anchors, talkshow talking heads and because they can't understand it, they make shit up and claim these people are all of a sudden "turning" left and therefore will be fired.

well...she has not been and shep is still there and he has been middle road and slamming the gop when they need it for YEARS, iirc he was very vocal about katrina.
You almost gotta laugh at the left wing sissies who get most of their news analysis from the Comedy Channel attacking a female employee of Fox about her looks.
Don't beg. It's not going to happen and you're just making a fool of yourself this way. You'll just have to look elsewhere. ShootsSpeeders seems like he might be of your 'orientation.' Maybe give him a try.
You might give "growing up" a try.

I don't care what you try, you transsexual, albino, conjoined twin. Just try it somewhere else. Not interested.
Not interested in growing up? Yeah, that's obvious.
Ah-ha! That means you are really a homosexual! Only a homosexual would be trying to overcompensate so much! It's proof! You're gay! You're gay!

Isn't that how your supposed 'thinking' works, idiot? :rolleyes:
Typical comments from an adolescent loser who's never had a woman and never will.

Wrong again. Look at you still trying to overcompensate as only a closeted homosexual in denial like you would do. You just keep proving that you are a homosexual!

he's as gay as a $3 bill :gay:
For the depressed and anal-retentives here, I got no problem with Megyn Kelly playing whore in the GQ photos or being on Fox News....UNTIL she showed her true colors....and I doubt she's at Fox News past the end of her current contract.....who needs the feminazi shit she spewed at Lou?

You mean Crazy Lou Dobbs who got fired from CNN and got buried at one of the Faux News lesser channels where they hope he didn't say anything crazy.

let's get it straight here. Dobbs was reading off an old playbook denouncing "Feminism", when in fact, the country has gotten used to women in the workplace doing the same things men do.
let's get it straight here. Dobbs was reading off an old playbook denouncing "Feminism", when in fact, the country has gotten used to women in the workplace doing the same things men do.

Only a pussy could work for a female boss....grow a set boy jim.

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let's get it straight here. Dobbs was reading off an old playbook denouncing "Feminism", when in fact, the country has gotten used to women in the workplace doing the same things men do.

Only a pussy could work for a female boss....grow a set boy jim.


I find female bosses easier to work with. They are usually more fair and more honest.

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