Meister Has Left the Building

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Yep, and when mods did abuse their authority they were gone. Didn't help that Gunny had some sort of meltdown and went too OTT on some occasions...

Ya know most of us are new to relatively new and obviously mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. Transition periods can last from a few days to a year or more and people have to find that balance. Maybe if you showed a little more patience and flexibility and a little less condemnation......... Or are you perfect?

That's not the problem, and you know. I PMed you, Pixie et al about an out of control mod that is concerning a pretty big number of posters. You have not got back or addressed the point to any of us. Just runaround...

I for one am sad to see Pixie go. She wasn't a good Admin she was great. Meister I could take or leave. Seemed like a nice bloke, but didn't have much to do with him...

Yeah I saw the post but it still doesn't change the fact that you're being a smug, self agrandizing dick, does it?
The fact is you also didn't prove your point about that specific mod being "out of control" as opposed to simply making an error in judgement. And nothing says we have to get back to you if any action is taken in that regard.
If you have a problem with that you can take it up with DanK or you can continue showing everyone here what a perfectionist snob you really are.
Just my observation.
The mods were able to compartmentalize their two roles - one as a poster and one as a mod. And rarely, if ever, did ANY of them abuse their authority as a mod for personal advantage/gain/desire.

What about that is so difficult for the powers that be to grasp?


Yep, and when mods did abuse their authority they were gone. Didn't help that Gunny had some sort of meltdown and went too OTT on some occasions...

Ya know most of us are new to relatively new and obviously mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. Transition periods can last from a few days to a year or more and people have to find that balance. Maybe if you showed a little more patience and flexibility and a little less condemnation......... Or are you perfect?

Nope, none of us are perfect and what happened with Meister and Pixie today hopefully opened some eyes about how much you guys do and the kind of bullcrap you have to put up with. Just a little less bitching and a little more respect would do all of us some good.
Is this a typical active tread? looks more avtive or just not find'g
these thing active treads.. Hmm it reminds me like of wheels?

What he lacks in comprehensibility he makes up for with a huge supply of irrationality!

Normally I'd suggest that CP not post before the drugs wear off. But, alas.

With CP, this is the way he posts AFTER the drugs have worn off.
It's kind of like a family. USMB is the family that put the 'fun' in dysfunctional!~ :D
It's kind of like a family. USMB is the family that put the 'fun' in dysfunctional!~ :D

OMG. You're not kidding. No wonder I have to take frequent vacations! I can tell you exactly what relative of mine is like which poster.
Ya know most of us are new to relatively new and obviously mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. Transition periods can last from a few days to a year or more and people have to find that balance. Maybe if you showed a little more patience and flexibility and a little less condemnation......... Or are you perfect?

That's not the problem, and you know. I PMed you, Pixie et al about an out of control mod that is concerning a pretty big number of posters. You have not got back or addressed the point to any of us. Just runaround...

I for one am sad to see Pixie go. She wasn't a good Admin she was great. Meister I could take or leave. Seemed like a nice bloke, but didn't have much to do with him...

Yeah I saw the post but it still doesn't change the fact that you're being a smug, self agrandizing dick, does it?
The fact is you also didn't prove your point about that specific mod being "out of control" as opposed to simply making an error in judgement. And nothing says we have to get back to you if any action is taken in that regard.
If you have a problem with that you can take it up with DanK or you can continue showing everyone here what a perfectionist snob you really are.
Just my observation.

Which post was it? Those of us who don't spend entire days on forums want to know!
Ya know most of us are new to relatively new and obviously mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. Transition periods can last from a few days to a year or more and people have to find that balance. Maybe if you showed a little more patience and flexibility and a little less condemnation......... Or are you perfect?

That's not the problem, and you know. I PMed you, Pixie et al about an out of control mod that is concerning a pretty big number of posters. You have not got back or addressed the point to any of us. Just runaround...

I for one am sad to see Pixie go. She wasn't a good Admin she was great. Meister I could take or leave. Seemed like a nice bloke, but didn't have much to do with him...

Yeah I saw the post but it still doesn't change the fact that you're being a smug, self agrandizing dick, does it?
The fact is you also didn't prove your point about that specific mod being "out of control" as opposed to simply making an error in judgement. And nothing says we have to get back to you if any action is taken in that regard.
If you have a problem with that you can take it up with DanK or you can continue showing everyone here what a perfectionist snob you really are.
Just my observation.

Oh, aren't you stepping outside of your perview calling me a dick, fuckface?

Actually, the point has been proven via another thread and is with a real mod, not a wannabe like you..

Dank never gets back to me or anybody for that matter

I have made two complaints in five years - yeah, I'm a real thorn in the side of this place (rolls eyes)...

Of course you don't have to get back to me..Hey folks, welcome to the USMB circa 2006....what a great place it will be...where members were shed faster than BluePhantom whacking off at a Miley Cyrus pic

And you thinking that you guys can now ride rough shod over people isn't being snobby?
Her bat shit craziness and the inability of many here to ignore said bat shit craziness was/is a major board distraction.

Amen. I'm guilty of not being able to ignore her bat shit craziness all the time, but I have to admit that until last night I was doing pretty well for a while.

It will be nice to have a chance to actually discuss things without her interference for a bit.


I'm sorry that you feel that your entire posting life has been affected by TM.

Well, you seem to have put her on ignore because as you say you never look for and apparently never read her posts.

I tend to think using ignore is a bit wimpy. I'll scroll past people I don't feel like reading at the time, but I only put sales spammers on ignore and since this site has done so well in keeping them out, I don't need to ignore anyone.

'xcept you when you get annoying. :tongue:

When somebody comes on here and tells me to shut up and that I have no rights, you just asking for what you get.

Well you don't have any rights genius. Neither do I. We don't pay dues, we haven't signed any membership agreements that give us rights. There is simply a place on the net provided for us to speak our minds provided we abide by the TOS. That doesn't mean we have any fucking rights. :lol: I mean you have to be kidding me.

And yet when a loonie leftie's conservative equivalent comes onboard they get pos repped to the max...shrug

Must be a vast right wing conspiracy, right? What we need is "rep redistribution" apparently. This is so typical of a damned liberal. Earn it and you will have it. If you can't earn it, don't whine because others can and bitch that someone is keeping you down.

As for your last sentence - not even on your best day Bubba...:D

Well then what are you bitching about? If it's so easy for you then why are you weeping because the left can't keep up with the right? opened this door, pal.
That's not the problem, and you know. I PMed you, Pixie et al about an out of control mod that is concerning a pretty big number of posters. You have not got back or addressed the point to any of us. Just runaround...

I for one am sad to see Pixie go. She wasn't a good Admin she was great. Meister I could take or leave. Seemed like a nice bloke, but didn't have much to do with him...

Yeah I saw the post but it still doesn't change the fact that you're being a smug, self agrandizing dick, does it?
The fact is you also didn't prove your point about that specific mod being "out of control" as opposed to simply making an error in judgement. And nothing says we have to get back to you if any action is taken in that regard.
If you have a problem with that you can take it up with DanK or you can continue showing everyone here what a perfectionist snob you really are.
Just my observation.

Oh, aren't you stepping outside of your perview calling me a dick, fuckface?

Actually, the point has been proven via another thread and is with a real mod, not a wannabe like you..

Dank never gets back to me or anybody for that matter

I have made two complaints in five years - yeah, I'm a real thorn in the side of this place (rolls eyes)...

Of course you don't have to get back to me..Hey folks, welcome to the USMB circa 2006....what a great place it will be...where members were shed faster than BluePhantom whacking off at a Miley Cyrus pic

And you thinking that you guys can now ride rough shod over people isn't being snobby?
Well I guess that means you're stuck dealing with a wannabe mod, fuckface. It must suck to be you.
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