Meister Has Left the Building

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No, Art is saying that it isn't fair that extremist loons can't get big rep counts, and has proposed revamping the system to make it so nobody can rep, to even the field.

No one will be impressed with big rep counts, if they look at how many posts it took them to make them. They are all quite low, as far as rep value goes, ( which is the accurate method of measuring someone's rep value. ) Just divide their rep count by their post count, and move the decimal point to the left a couple or more numbers and then you have their true rep value. Or use this to determine it. Homework Help Hot Subject: Percents
OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screen shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.
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Of course rep matters, especially for those just starting out. I for one, if I see somebody consistently in the red I ignore their posts becuase I see them as trolls and not worth my time. Until recently that is. Then I note people with about 100 posts making decent arguments but are in the red. That never used to happen, Art is on the money about being a right-wing rep fest...


As for a changing board, nobody minds that, but when the rules are being arbitrarily changed without consultation of the membership or Mods start using their own judgement about what they think should be on or off limits even if they aren't in the rules, well people are bound to get upset, no?

"The membership"? What is this? A fucking club that we pay dues to? I don't know who owns USMB but we post here because we choose to and we are permitted to assuming we obey the TOS. Whoever owns USMB doesn't require our permission to change the rules.

Never said they did retard. But as with any type of place where there is membership, you keep them out of the loop and they leave in droves.

Unlike you Newby I was here in the bad old days where people did leave in droves. After the retard who used to own this board left, he started a new one. PMed everybody about it, too. Today, if you go to that site, there are two members currently posting on it (and I mean right now as I type) and about 15 people have visited it all day (i'd post a link, but it is against the board rules). Compare that to this site today.

Of course the owners could have the neocon, whackjob, loon fuckwit attitude likes yours, or be inclusive around changes. Does that mean there has to be a consensus about changes or even a consultation process? Of course not. But it would be nice to know what is going on..

If not watch the board die. Seen it happen here once already. DanK is right this board will always be's whether it as 20 or 200 active members that is the point...

Your attitude ensures the latter....:blues:

What was that I said earlier about being civil until someone was uncivil to me? we go.

Well you are the dumb ass who bitched about the rules changing without "consultation of the membership". Sounds like you feel they are accountable to us. You are the one who whined about Mods using their own judgement. Well damn...I thought they were Mods because their judgement was deemed sound.

And take that neocon shit and stuff it straight up your ass, Grump. If you socialist liberals want to cry about "rep inequality" and start endorsing a "redistribution of reps" to make things even for everyone, then by all means appeal to the owners. Otherwise suck it up and be a man about it. Maybe by doing so you will earn more than 1,031 reps in 6 fucking years.

OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screne shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

See the checkboxes at the right?

Uncheck them Sunshine.

You've set them for moderation of your own ie. delete, move, etc...

You're moderating them. :)
OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screen shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

the "moderation" is done by yourself
The mods were able to compartmentalize their two roles - one as a poster and one as a mod. And rarely, if ever, did ANY of them abuse their authority as a mod for personal advantage/gain/desire.

What about that is so difficult for the powers that be to grasp?


Yep, and when mods did abuse their authority they were gone. Didn't help that Gunny had some sort of meltdown and went too OTT on some occasions...

Ya know most of us are new to relatively new and obviously mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. Transition periods can last from a few days to a year or more and people have to find that balance. Maybe if you showed a little more patience and flexibility and a little less condemnation......... Or are you perfect?
The mods were able to compartmentalize their two roles - one as a poster and one as a mod. And rarely, if ever, did ANY of them abuse their authority as a mod for personal advantage/gain/desire.

What about that is so difficult for the powers that be to grasp?


Yep, and when mods did abuse their authority they were gone. Didn't help that Gunny had some sort of meltdown and went too OTT on some occasions...

Ya know most of us are new to relatively new and obviously mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. Transition periods can last from a few days to a year or more and people have to find that balance. Maybe if you showed a little more patience and flexibility and a little less condemnation......... Or are you perfect?

He must be perfect! He did claim a while back that he was beeeeeeeeegged, to be a mod! LMAO. :lol:
OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screen shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

the "moderation" is done by yourself

That doesn't make sense.
I don't even see how one could count the number of conservatives and liberals here.........


We did not hit things off well, I’m just a little well let’s say
“What going to happen type” Hmmm.. Whatever? I would like to start anew, as this is my first posting board and learning. I’ve been reading this thread and finding you here. I want to make some adjustment on my skills, I'm learning from reading tis thread. I feel from just reading we can see clue’s to this identify mystery problem with patterns. I would like to take a wild shot Conservative mid right, Can you confirm this. I want to start private but, correct tally from facts. So I ask for a fact! And hope to read you around more. Nothing was taken personal, hope same btw.
OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screne shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

See the checkboxes at the right?

Uncheck them Sunshine.

You've set them for moderation of your own ie. delete, move, etc...

You're moderating them. :)

You have to check the boxes in order to delete them.

"The membership"? What is this? A fucking club that we pay dues to? I don't know who owns USMB but we post here because we choose to and we are permitted to assuming we obey the TOS. Whoever owns USMB doesn't require our permission to change the rules.

Never said they did retard. But as with any type of place where there is membership, you keep them out of the loop and they leave in droves.

Unlike you Newby I was here in the bad old days where people did leave in droves. After the retard who used to own this board left, he started a new one. PMed everybody about it, too. Today, if you go to that site, there are two members currently posting on it (and I mean right now as I type) and about 15 people have visited it all day (i'd post a link, but it is against the board rules). Compare that to this site today.

Of course the owners could have the neocon, whackjob, loon fuckwit attitude likes yours, or be inclusive around changes. Does that mean there has to be a consensus about changes or even a consultation process? Of course not. But it would be nice to know what is going on..

If not watch the board die. Seen it happen here once already. DanK is right this board will always be's whether it as 20 or 200 active members that is the point...

Your attitude ensures the latter....:blues:

What was that I said earlier about being civil until someone was uncivil to me? we go.

Well you are the dumb ass who bitched about the rules changing without "consultation of the membership". Sounds like you feel they are accountable to us. You are the one who whined about Mods using their own judgement. Well damn...I thought they were Mods because their judgement was deemed sound.

And take that neocon shit and stuff it straight up your ass, Grump. If you socialist liberals want to cry about "rep inequality" and start endorsing a "redistribution of reps" to make things even for everyone, then by all means appeal to the owners. Otherwise suck it up and be a man about it. Maybe by doing so you will earn more than 1,031 reps in 6 fucking years.


It would be helpful if you actually talked about stuff I was actually saying, instead of what you think I said...

I don't really give too much of a shit about my is switched off. My only concern was about new posters who are of a liberal bent who get negged into oblivion because of their political bent..

And thank you for your input....if you aren't a neocon whackjob loser, you're certainly doing a good impression of one...
Personally, I don't see the Rep System having much to do with the problems here. I Rarely give Neg Reps, usually when I do, it's for a Heads Up, and I delete them. On Rare Occasion, I give them on Request (CausingPain :), though I feel bad supporting Masochism.

Communication is an art form, right. So make your point, and move on. Pages and pages of Cat Fights, repeating misquotes, adding nothing new, is not necessarily contributing. When Mods have to spend hours sorting through that shit, it's depressing. Get a clue. Make your point and move on.

I'm thinking CP put that signature in just to head off the negs he expected. Sort of trying to make us think the negs don't matter to him.

I don't neg, but when I read that I debated as to whether to neg him or pos him just to be a jerk. I think I will stick to the no neg policy with him.

OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screne shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

See the checkboxes at the right?

Uncheck them Sunshine.

You've set them for moderation of your own ie. delete, move, etc...

You're moderating them. :)

You have to check the boxes in order to delete them.

And when you do that you are moderating (performing operations) on your own files (PM's).
Hahaha. That's hysterical.

You're blaming ME for this thread turning into a TM bash?

In case you didn't notice, MEISTER left the room. So did TM, quite awhile ago.

If YOU had not noticed or read the thread...... i did not comment on liesmatters until you claimed i was obsessed about her.

I came on the thread and posted b/c meister announced his departure. You're fixated on TM. You can't even refer to her by her actual screen name.

excuse me? i suggest you read the thread. I prefer her pet name.... fits her so much better
I miss Gunny! The board hasn't been the same since he left.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I do remember some pretty bad meltdowns and then later in the day the thread mysteriously gone away. I like Gunny but the bad times are memorable. He could be quite charming at times tho. An exercise in extremes.

Liability must be an acquired taste.

Sensible folks never acquire that taste.

Here let me fix that for you. :)

I think that best describes the latest As the USMB Turns storyline.

And NOW we're busy assessing the relative "quality" of mods who do their schtick for fucking FREE?


One can occasionally disagree with a mod determination. One can even poke occasional good-natured fun at a mod or three.

But WTF is up with this sniping shit?

Is it just me or have a few folks kinda lost sight of the fact that this is just an interwebz message board?

If YOU had not noticed or read the thread...... i did not comment on liesmatters until you claimed i was obsessed about her.

I came on the thread and posted b/c meister announced his departure. You're fixated on TM. You can't even refer to her by her actual screen name.

excuse me? i suggest you read the thread. I prefer her pet name.... fits her so much better

Damn this TM stuff is boring. Calling a poster by something other than their screen name is tacky.
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Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I do remember some pretty bad meltdowns and then later in the day the thread mysteriously gone away. I like Gunny but the bad times are memorable. He could be quite charming at times tho. An exercise in extremes.

Liability must be an acquired taste.

Sensible folks never acquire that taste.

Here let me fix that for you. :)

Like a fine Scotch, little miss.

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