Meister Has Left the Building

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OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screen shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

When you click on it to delete it or move it, the software considers that moderating it.

When you unclick it the moderated tag goes away.

The mods were able to compartmentalize their two roles - one as a poster and one as a mod. And rarely, if ever, did ANY of them abuse their authority as a mod for personal advantage/gain/desire.

What about that is so difficult for the powers that be to grasp?


Yep, and when mods did abuse their authority they were gone. Didn't help that Gunny had some sort of meltdown and went too OTT on some occasions...

Ya know most of us are new to relatively new and obviously mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. Transition periods can last from a few days to a year or more and people have to find that balance. Maybe if you showed a little more patience and flexibility and a little less condemnation......... Or are you perfect?

That's not the problem, and you know. I PMed you, Pixie et al about an out of control mod that is concerning a pretty big number of posters. You have not got back or addressed the point to any of us. Just runaround...

I for one am sad to see Pixie go. She wasn't a good Admin she was great. Meister I could take or leave. Seemed like a nice bloke, but didn't have much to do with him...
He is trying to make the point TM's rep was declining while someone on the right who would be her equal rep would go up.

TM has no equal (for being an annoyance) regardless of political leanings.


Another TM obsessed poster. LOL I get obsessed over the TM obsessed. Go figure!

You guys need a TM Anonymous Club.

you are just as obsessed with her as anyone else sky..... its you mission in like to try and defend her.
OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screen shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

When you click on it to delete it or move it, the software considers that moderating it.

When you unclick it the moderated tag goes away.


And whose sock are YOU with your 44 posts?
OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screen shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

the "moderation" is done by yourself

That doesn't make sense.
Actually, S, that's the way this board format works. If you check a message, you get a MODERATED note. Essentially, it's telling you that you just moderated the message.
TM has no equal (for being an annoyance) regardless of political leanings.


Another TM obsessed poster. LOL I get obsessed over the TM obsessed. Go figure!

You guys need a TM Anonymous Club.

you are just as obsessed with her as anyone else sky..... its you mission in like to try and defend her.

No. I'm not obsessed by TM. I get bored by the continuous haranging about TM on every thread. I don't think ANYONE deserves to be treated like shit, and I don't like it that she is. Yes, I often champion the underdog.
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OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screen shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

When you click on it to delete it or move it, the software considers that moderating it.

When you unclick it the moderated tag goes away.


And whose sock are YOU with your 44 posts?

There's a lot of vBulletin boards around.

It's not exactly rocket science for most people.
It would be helpful if you actually talked about stuff I was actually saying, instead of what you think I said...

I don't really give too much of a shit about my is switched off. My only concern was about new posters who are of a liberal bent who get negged into oblivion because of their political bent..

And thank you for your input....if you aren't a neocon whackjob loser, you're certainly doing a good impression of one...

Well I imagine if someone has something of value to say they will get good reps. Ladyliberal is one of the new posters I believe is the most impressive from the left. She makes damned good arguments, she is respectful, and she knows her shit. If a newbie does it like she does they will be respected. If they start throwing around "neocon whackjob loser" statements set at a hair trigger they are going to get hammered. Not because they are liberal but because they offer nothing but bullshit. It's not the fault of us "neocon whackjob losers" that there are more of us that can make a good argument than there are of you.
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Yep, and when mods did abuse their authority they were gone. Didn't help that Gunny had some sort of meltdown and went too OTT on some occasions...

Ya know most of us are new to relatively new and obviously mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. Transition periods can last from a few days to a year or more and people have to find that balance. Maybe if you showed a little more patience and flexibility and a little less condemnation......... Or are you perfect?

That's not the problem, and you know. I PMed you, Pixie et al about an out of control mod that is concerning a pretty big number of posters. You have not got back or addressed the point to any of us. Just runaround...

I for one am sad to see Pixie go. She wasn't a good Admin she was great. Meister I could take or leave. Seemed like a nice bloke, but didn't have much to do with him...

How many are left. BaruchMenachem is gone as well. I think about 10 have turned over in just the last two months.
The comparisons are ridiculous. TM couldn't hold her own against teapartysamurai or any of the other right wingers listed, and neither could Lahkota.

It isn't a matter of how far right or's a matter of ability to string words together and make a point, and to provide supporting documentation. Not just saying the same stupid and unsupported garbage over and over and over again.

I agree about the drooling fool that posts as TruthMocker.... but Lahkota, not so much. Seemed fairly rational to me.

It seemed to me that Lahkota did the complete opposite of most posters. Lahkota came on somewhat rational in his posting and then deteriorated severely to the point where it is hardly worth reading his posts anymore. Most posters come in acting like they know everying there is to know about politics and anyone who is not on their side is an idiot and then they moderate after getting to know people.

OK, well I've read up to page 27 of this thread. That's about enough.

I hate to see Pixie and Meister go. But I've worked in psychiatry for 23 years. Likely they will not believe how well I know, but I do.

As to PMs. Here is a screen shot from mine a few days back:


Clearly, someone has the ability to read PMs. It says so on each and every message when I click to delete or move it.

In all honestly, if I owned a forum, I would spot check PMs. After all unmoderated PMs would be the perfect place to plan all kinds of crime, even terrorist activity.

hell i'm new and slow, I don't get any of that notice stuff. Or don’t know where be, Just things just Poof.. Still don't know why maybe its this? Clarity thxs
It would be helpful if you actually talked about stuff I was actually saying, instead of what you think I said...

I don't really give too much of a shit about my is switched off. My only concern was about new posters who are of a liberal bent who get negged into oblivion because of their political bent..

And thank you for your input....if you aren't a neocon whackjob loser, you're certainly doing a good impression of one...

Well I imagine if someone has something of value to say they will get good reps. Ladyliberal is one of the new posters I believe is the most impressive from the left. She makes damned good arguments, she is respectful, and she knows her shit. If a newbie does it like she does they will be respected. If they start throwing around "neocon whackjob loser" statements set at a hair trigger they are going to get hammered. Not because they are liberal but because they offer nothing but bullshit. It's not the fault of us "neocon whackjob losers" that there are more of us that can make a good argument than there are of you.

When somebody comes on here and tells me to shut up and that I have no rights, you just asking for what you get.

And yet when a loonie leftie's conservative equivalent comes onboard they get pos repped to the max...shrug

As for your last sentence - not even on your best day Bubba...:D
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