Meister Has Left the Building

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I can't think of what "Changes" you are referring to other then the fact that we've asked (we've always asked) for our moderation team to be courteous to the membership and act like a moderator. Flaming users left and right isn't something we want the people who lead the site doing. You should lead by example.

Some moderators a long time ago did not agree with that policy and they stepped down.

And that was what used to be one of the good things about this board. And that is how it grew and grew..mods could mix in with the rest of us without fear or favour, and they knew when to draw the line. They could be part of the fun and then wave a stick

And Gunny et al haven't been gone that long at all...

I suggest you read the thread again.....

No, she's just seeing it differently. I did too. Just seeing TM's username sets posters off, she got banned and they're still grumbling about her.

I have read maybe 10 of her posts since I've been here, since 2009. It's easy to ignore posters. Even without the official ignore button.

you've only read 10 of her posts since 2009... yet you know for a fact she gets a raw deal from everyone here?

How... unlikely.

I see all the threads started about her. Complete craziness.
Apparently rep is important to artie..

If it can't be distributed fairly then eliminate it, right artie?

Alinsky would be proud...:lol:

You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.

I have to say that the lefties that come in here and get negged to hell and back (I am not part of the group that does this) seem to be the biased jackasses that don't come here to debate. They come here to spread one sided bullshit that seems to have been written by rdean.

When fair-minded people come to the forum people welcome them whether they are left or right wing. What we do not tend to accept are the idiots from DU that think they can poison our board.

I just hope we haven't lost that by losing Pixie and Meister. Come to think of it, you were a pretty good mod in your day too, now that I think about it.

This is now a place where any new liberal gets negged into oblivion and any new right wing nut is welcomed with open arms.

Way to go, guy.


I certainly don't agree with your opinion but I must ask... who cares if you get negged? Does it change your views? Does it restrict you from posting? Do your words carry less weight?

Grow up. The forum is an ever changing, living thing. It never stays the same over the course of time. It grows and changes based on the membership. We do very little to change it's direction. We just keep it running. The membership decides how it's going to be to participate here and that's not changing.

Of course rep matters, especially for those just starting out. I for one, if I see somebody consistently in the red I ignore their posts becuase I see them as trolls and not worth my time. Until recently that is. Then I note people with about 100 posts making decent arguments but are in the red. That never used to happen, Art is on the money about being a right-wing rep fest...

And if you don't give a shit about the rep system, or think it doesn't matter, get rid of it.

As for a changing board, nobody minds that, but when the rules are being arbitrarily changed without consultation of the membership or Mods start using their own judgement about what they think should be on or off limits even if they aren't in the rules, well people are bound to get upset, no?
I've been here about 2 1/2 years now. At times I have felt the board leaned left, at other times I felt the board leaned right, and many subjects have been made left vs right when they really weren't......

All in all this board still has a better mix than 3 of the other boards I write in.........

Sorry if that seems to be contrary to what some might believe......
Apparently rep is important to artie..

If it can't be distributed fairly then eliminate it, right artie?

Alinsky would be proud...:lol:

You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.

I have to say that the lefties that come in here and get negged to hell and back (I am not part of the group that does this) seem to be the biased jackasses that don't come here to debate. They come here to spread one sided bullshit that seems to have been written by rdean.

When fair-minded people come to the forum people welcome them whether they are left or right wing. What we do not tend to accept are the idiots from DU that think they can poison our board.

I just hope we haven't lost that by losing Pixie and Meister. Come to think of it, you were a pretty good mod in your day too, now that I think about it.


That's an unfair characterization of people whose politics lean left and who get criticised for it.
I've been here about 2 1/2 years now. At times I have felt the board leaned left, at other times I felt the board leaned right, and many subjects have been made left vs right when they really weren't......

All in all this board still has a better mix than 3 of the other boards I write in.........

Sorry if that seems to be contrary to what some might believe......


It is contrary to what I experience here. There's no need to apologize for having a different view.

Your experiences are historically contrary to reality, Sky. It's nothing new.
I can't think of what "Changes" you are referring to other then the fact that we've asked (we've always asked) for our moderation team to be courteous to the membership and act like a moderator. Flaming users left and right isn't something we want the people who lead the site doing. You should lead by example.

Some moderators a long time ago did not agree with that policy and they stepped down.

Some stuck it out like Meister and Pixie -- and I can assure you, we are sad to see them go. However, they decided to leave on their own for their own reasons. Sometimes running a board like this can burn you out quick. It's a thankless job with nothing but headaches and complaints... no matter what you do someone is going to think your doing it wrong.

We are very grateful for the time and effort that Meister and Pixie put in (and the rest of the moderation team as well!) and can't thank them enough.

With that said, people come and people go. It's normal and natural. We have a moderation team in place and we will bringing in some additional Administrators. For now, we expect the board to self-moderate. If you see something that needs the attention of the Administration or Moderation team please use the built in REPORT POST feature.

It's not the end of the world ;)

This is now a place where any new liberal gets negged into oblivion and any new right wing nut is welcomed with open arms.

Way to go, guy.


You have examples? Because as far as I've seen recently... the ones who get 'negged into oblivion' are those who post racist shit all over the board. I would have thought that rep is bipartisan.

Just look around. You think it by accident that some posters have been here for 6 months or a year, who are uber conservative have over 1000 rep points and only about 1000 posts? pppfffttt....;o)
Nope. I'm not obsessed enough to do that. What I notice though, is that instead of attacking the post, the habit here, is to attack the poster.

This thread is a goodbye Meister thread. I'm very sorry to see him go. He's got class.

I did not have choice now did i...i actually read the thread before i posted. Did i comment on her in my first, second or third post? So don't go on about obsessed sky.

If you want to bring this around to a good by thread....why keep harping on her?
Hahaha. That's hysterical.

You're blaming ME for this thread turning into a TM bash?

In case you didn't notice, MEISTER left the room. So did TM, quite awhile ago.

If YOU had not noticed or read the thread...... i did not comment on liesmatters until you claimed i was obsessed about her.
What a joke............

Pixie , sorry to see you made up your mind to step down as Admin, but I sincerely hope you find the peace you deserve.

Meister, I never had any encounters with you at all in my time here, but Pixie told me you were good people, and that is good enough for me. I hope the same for you.

As for this board, I regret the day I accepted Pixie's invitation. This is the most immature board I've ever been on. EVER. And I've been on a LOT of message boards.

Look just in THIS thread at how many people are jumping up and down about posters doing exactly what they themselves do. Like a bunch of goddamned children.

Follow that train of thought and see all the idiots screaming about thicker skin, and "rep doesn't matter" and " i give as good i gets" and so on and so forth. Who raised you people? Shame on them.

A person should be able to post on a message board without seeing their name slammed about for hours on end until FINALLY someone just says shut up. Hell last night 2 posters just went on and on and on about another poster in a thread for SIX fucking hours after that poster had already left the thread until a moderator finally tired of asking them to drop it and just closed the fucking thread. Now how is THAT a poster having thin skin? It's not, it's about two little children who don't know how to act like adults.

Article15 is arguing that rep should be removed. What would that accomplish? Not much, but those who say it doesn't get abused here are flat liars. Amazing too that those who claim that doesn't get abused are those with HUGE reps. All the while screaming that rep doesn't matter :rofl: they are right , rep doesn't matter. to anyone but them.

And the flame zone? It should be renamed the idiot zone. I was once told by a poster that that zone was there so that people didn't always have to act like adults.... What a joke.... I've seen supposed 40 year old people acting like 12 year olds in there.

My God there is a thread ran on Fridays that some of you idiots plan your entire week around.

And if that isn't bad enough, some of you don't just blast people for things they actually do, oh no that's not good enough. Instead some tell lies, push the rules right to the limits, misquote people, fabricate stories, accuse people of breaking rules, spread rumors and lies via pm. THEN when your target of choice finally has enough and complains you run around screaming "what a baby" all the while it was YOU who are acting like children.

Some of you assholes think YOU run the board and THAT is almost certainly why moderators and admins don't last long.

Frankly this place needs a big dose of hard assed moderation. Especially in the "real " forums where people deflect, lie, misquote, call names, and just do generally anything BUT debate the topic.

Couple that with shutting down that god awful flame zone and this place would be a decent place to have discussions as there are quite a few smart people left, right, and center.

Unfortunately a few douchebags just ruin that.

Pixies gain is this board's loss. That I can tell you for sure.

Peace out Pixie talk to you later.

I was right. You are an annoying putz, and if this post is any example, an Olympic class suck up.

^ A perfect example of the rampant stupidity around here.

How's that sucking up working out for you?
More evidence that you are a Catholic in name only.

What a disgusting thing to say, equating this holy day with a couple of anonymous posters leaving a meaningless message board.
That is absolutely not true. We lose good people we care about, and it doesn't matter what day it is.

Take your meds. Everyone else is working out their lugubrious experience in creative ways.

Don't waste your time with it, becs. Synthia has no value other than to whine.

What "value" do you bring?

I did not have choice now did i...i actually read the thread before i posted. Did i comment on her in my first, second or third post? So don't go on about obsessed sky.

If you want to bring this around to a good by thread....why keep harping on her?
Hahaha. That's hysterical.

You're blaming ME for this thread turning into a TM bash?

In case you didn't notice, MEISTER left the room. So did TM, quite awhile ago.

If YOU had not noticed or read the thread...... i did not comment on liesmatters until you claimed i was obsessed about her.

I came on the thread and posted b/c meister announced his departure. You're fixated on TM. You can't even refer to her by her actual screen name.
I did not leave as admin because of a right left thing in my mind, I left because most of you need to look in the mirror and ask yourselves how freaking old you are, and how far are you willing to go to get your shits and giggles and hungry you are to control others, but not yourselves

Many of you turned down my request to be an moderator, so you guys have no right to say anything about my choices for mods, nor did you know how bad it really got for Meister or myself. I tell you all, and you know who you are, to take a flying leap and kiss my ass. It is your guys fault, not DanK. I stayed as long as I did, for Meister. We spoke on the phone and had the same idea of leaving at the same time. I feel better as most of you should, you got your way. Thanks for nothing

I am sorry danK, that the past mods of this forum has made it difficult for all concerned.

That would be see which past mods have made it difficult...
Of course rep matters, especially for those just starting out. I for one, if I see somebody consistently in the red I ignore their posts becuase I see them as trolls and not worth my time. Until recently that is. Then I note people with about 100 posts making decent arguments but are in the red. That never used to happen, Art is on the money about being a right-wing rep fest...


As for a changing board, nobody minds that, but when the rules are being arbitrarily changed without consultation of the membership or Mods start using their own judgement about what they think should be on or off limits even if they aren't in the rules, well people are bound to get upset, no?

"The membership"? What is this? A fucking club that we pay dues to? I don't know who owns USMB but we post here because we choose to and we are permitted to assuming we obey the TOS. Whoever owns USMB doesn't require our permission to change the rules.
I am sorry danK, that the past mods of this forum has made it difficult for all concerned.

Don't blame you in the slightest. It's a thankless job. It's made more difficult when past mods want to see this place fail just so they can justify to themselves in their mind "how important" they were and "how this place can't run without them".

Like I said, we will stay here and be strong. You and Meister are welcomed back anytime.

What past mods have made life difficult? I thought you and Pix were talking about people having a thicker skin?
I did not leave as admin because of a right left thing in my mind, I left because most of you need to look in the mirror and ask yourselves how freaking old you are, and how far are you willing to go to get your shits and giggles and hungry you are to control others, but not yourselves

Many of you turned down my request to be an moderator, so you guys have no right to say anything about my choices for mods, nor did you know how bad it really got for Meister or myself. I tell you all, and you know who you are, to take a flying leap and kiss my ass. It is your guys fault, not DanK. I stayed as long as I did, for Meister. We spoke on the phone and had the same idea of leaving at the same time. I feel better as most of you should, you got your way. Thanks for nothing

I am sorry danK, that the past mods of this forum has made it difficult for all concerned.

That would be see which past mods have made it difficult...

The only one who ever gave me any grief was del.
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