Meister Has Left the Building

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Start with the OP..... she chimes in right away. Look in the flame zone...she posts about FREEDOM.

I saw that one. I've seen a bunch of them lately. Looks like usmb burnout to me. I've checked the first two pages and haven't seen one post by her. It's funny how solid you think everything and everyone is. As if USMB were truly representative of the worth of a human being's life.

Oh she is there... just keep gets better as she goes on. It was rather sad her turning a good by thread into its an all about liesmatters thread......once again.

She didn't do that. ALL OF YOU did.
What a joke............

Pixie , sorry to see you made up your mind to step down as Admin, but I sincerely hope you find the peace you deserve.

Meister, I never had any encounters with you at all in my time here, but Pixie told me you were good people, and that is good enough for me. I hope the same for you.

As for this board, I regret the day I accepted Pixie's invitation. This is the most immature board I've ever been on. EVER. And I've been on a LOT of message boards.

Look just in THIS thread at how many people are jumping up and down about posters doing exactly what they themselves do. Like a bunch of goddamned children.

Follow that train of thought and see all the idiots screaming about thicker skin, and "rep doesn't matter" and " i give as good i gets" and so on and so forth. Who raised you people? Shame on them.

A person should be able to post on a message board without seeing their name slammed about for hours on end until FINALLY someone just says shut up. Hell last night 2 posters just went on and on and on about another poster in a thread for SIX fucking hours after that poster had already left the thread until a moderator finally tired of asking them to drop it and just closed the fucking thread. Now how is THAT a poster having thin skin? It's not, it's about two little children who don't know how to act like adults.

Article15 is arguing that rep should be removed. What would that accomplish? Not much, but those who say it doesn't get abused here are flat liars. Amazing too that those who claim that doesn't get abused are those with HUGE reps. All the while screaming that rep doesn't matter :rofl: they are right , rep doesn't matter. to anyone but them.

And the flame zone? It should be renamed the idiot zone. I was once told by a poster that that zone was there so that people didn't always have to act like adults.... What a joke.... I've seen supposed 40 year old people acting like 12 year olds in there.

My God there is a thread ran on Fridays that some of you idiots plan your entire week around.

And if that isn't bad enough, some of you don't just blast people for things they actually do, oh no that's not good enough. Instead some tell lies, push the rules right to the limits, misquote people, fabricate stories, accuse people of breaking rules, spread rumors and lies via pm. THEN when your target of choice finally has enough and complains you run around screaming "what a baby" all the while it was YOU who are acting like children.

Some of you assholes think YOU run the board and THAT is almost certainly why moderators and admins don't last long.

Frankly this place needs a big dose of hard assed moderation. Especially in the "real " forums where people deflect, lie, misquote, call names, and just do generally anything BUT debate the topic.

Couple that with shutting down that god awful flame zone and this place would be a decent place to have discussions as there are quite a few smart people left, right, and center.

Unfortunately a few douchebags just ruin that.

Pixies gain is this board's loss. That I can tell you for sure.

Peace out Pixie talk to you later.
Piss off.

This board is made up of POSTERS, not rulers.

You hate it here, so leave.
Well....even if he does, he'll be back.

Under yet another handle, fer sure.
No. They haven't.

Are you arguing for being as nasty as possible for no other reason than you can?

I enjoy civil discussion.

no mostly I was trying to point out that this is a bunch of virtual drivel and getting upset about it is way too dramatic for my blood.

I think it's a bit more than that. So many mods have quit, been fired, whatever.. It feels like the board is falling apart.

I saw that one. I've seen a bunch of them lately. Looks like usmb burnout to me. I've checked the first two pages and haven't seen one post by her. It's funny how solid you think everything and everyone is. As if USMB were truly representative of the worth of a human being's life.

Oh she is there... just keep gets better as she goes on. It was rather sad her turning a good by thread into its an all about liesmatters thread......once again.

She didn't do that. ALL OF YOU did.

Yeah, it's all of us. TM couldn't possibly be to blame for her own problems, huh :rolleyes:
Start with the OP..... she chimes in right away. Look in the flame zone...she posts about FREEDOM.

I saw that one. I've seen a bunch of them lately. Looks like usmb burnout to me. I've checked the first two pages and haven't seen one post by her. It's funny how solid you think everything and everyone is. As if USMB were truly representative of the worth of a human being's life.

Oh she is there... just keep gets better as she goes on. It was rather sad her turning a good by thread into its an all about liesmatters thread......once again.


You're obsessed by her.

I don't read her or follow her like you do. You can't leave her alone.
no mostly I was trying to point out that this is a bunch of virtual drivel and getting upset about it is way too dramatic for my blood.

I think it's a bit more than that. So many mods have quit, been fired, whatever.. It feels like the board is falling apart.


Oh look, another keyboard commando.. and one thanking him too!

I don't know the details, but if two great people are leaving over the same issue at the same time, somebody needs to be banned.....

Most people leave their jobs or their relationships because they are no longer feeling appreciated. These two classy mods., weren't even being paid to feel betrayed. Who can blame them for trying to improve their lives, by going back to a comfort level that involved, among other things, decency. out of reps and must spread it around to boot!
I saw that one. I've seen a bunch of them lately. Looks like usmb burnout to me. I've checked the first two pages and haven't seen one post by her. It's funny how solid you think everything and everyone is. As if USMB were truly representative of the worth of a human being's life.

Oh she is there... just keep gets better as she goes on. It was rather sad her turning a good by thread into its an all about liesmatters thread......once again.

She didn't do that. ALL OF YOU did.

I suggest you read the thread again.....
Did you read her this thread and several others.. jubilant over pix and meister stepping down. Sorry, i like them far to much to give liesmatters a pass on that one. It was some pretty damn low shit. Search my posts in this thread sky...i said the same my self. :tongue:

No, I didn't see her post. I don't usually go looking for her posts. I'm just tired of seeing her discussed in every thread whether she posts in it or not.

I've been wishing she'd take a break for some time.

Start with the OP..... she chimes in right away. Look in the flame zone...she posts about FREEDOM.


Damn Truth Matters got axed? this Friday got a little better.

Her bat shit craziness and the inability of many here to ignore said bat shit craziness was/is a major board distraction.

Amen. I'm guilty of not being able to ignore her bat shit craziness all the time, but I have to admit that until last night I was doing pretty well for a while.

It will be nice to have a chance to actually discuss things without her interference for a bit.


Oh she is there... just keep gets better as she goes on. It was rather sad her turning a good by thread into its an all about liesmatters thread......once again.

She didn't do that. ALL OF YOU did.

I suggest you read the thread again.....

Nope. I'm not obsessed enough to do that. What I notice though, is that instead of attacking the post, the habit here, is to attack the poster.

This thread is a goodbye Meister thread. I'm very sorry to see him go. He's got class.
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Damn Truth Matters got axed? this Friday got a little better.

Her bat shit craziness and the inability of many here to ignore said bat shit craziness was/is a major board distraction.

Amen. I'm guilty of not being able to ignore her bat shit craziness all the time, but I have to admit that until last night I was doing pretty well for a while.

It will be nice to have a chance to actually discuss things without her interference for a bit.


I'm sorry that you feel that your entire posting life has been affected by TM.
I saw that one. I've seen a bunch of them lately. Looks like usmb burnout to me. I've checked the first two pages and haven't seen one post by her. It's funny how solid you think everything and everyone is. As if USMB were truly representative of the worth of a human being's life.

Oh she is there... just keep gets better as she goes on. It was rather sad her turning a good by thread into its an all about liesmatters thread......once again.


You're obsessed by her.

I don't read her or follow her like you do. You can't leave her alone.

No, i don't follow her, she usually jumps into every tell me, how does one avoid her.
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