Melania goes to holocaust museum

When I accompanied some nurses there a few years ago, we were told they reached a limit and wouldn’t be allowed in.
After talking with someone at the ticket counter, we were given color coded tickets that put us in front of the line. :)
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Good for her.

Its a bit Princess Di but you have to support an abused woman.

WTF? Melania Trump is an "abused woman"?

You Limey blighters need to stop drinking that polluted water straight out of the lower Thames River. God knows what's in that shit.
Do these Holocaust museums cover Polish Catholic, Gypsy, Gay, mentally challenged, and mentally disturbed individuals also killed by the Nazis in the German death camps?
/----/ Interesting read: Was the Holocaust Only Against Jews? Many were exterminated but only the Jews were marked for total elimination.
2 million ethnic Poles
6 million Soviet citizens
2 million Soviet POW's
1.5 million Gypsies
200,000 handicapped and mentally retarded Germans
5,000 – 15,000 homosexuals
Nazi racial theory graded all non-Aryan populations as inferior beings – Slavs, Poles and Russians near the bottom, Scandinavians near the top, with the rest of Europeans falling somewhere in between.1 Gypsies, a landless, defenseless population, were relegated to a sub-human status similar to that of Jews. Mentally retarded and homosexual Germans were purged as defective individuals who damaged the purity and future of the superior Aryan race. Non-Jews died in the gas chambers, were tortured, starved and shot to death alongside their Jewish counterparts in vast numbers, and were clearly also targets of the satanic Nazi agenda.
I toured it when it first opened. And yeah, they talk about all the people that were put in the camps.

One of the creepiest rooms I saw was where they had actual cots and things from the death camps, and made the room look like a barracks where the prisoners were kept.
Good for her. The room with all the shoes is pretty haunting.
Do these Holocaust museums cover Polish Catholic, Gypsy, Gay, mentally challenged, and mentally disturbed individuals also killed by the Nazis in the German death camps?
/----/ Interesting read: Was the Holocaust Only Against Jews? Many were exterminated but only the Jews were marked for total elimination.
2 million ethnic Poles
6 million Soviet citizens
2 million Soviet POW's
1.5 million Gypsies
200,000 handicapped and mentally retarded Germans
5,000 – 15,000 homosexuals
Nazi racial theory graded all non-Aryan populations as inferior beings – Slavs, Poles and Russians near the bottom, Scandinavians near the top, with the rest of Europeans falling somewhere in between.1 Gypsies, a landless, defenseless population, were relegated to a sub-human status similar to that of Jews. Mentally retarded and homosexual Germans were purged as defective individuals who damaged the purity and future of the superior Aryan race. Non-Jews died in the gas chambers, were tortured, starved and shot to death alongside their Jewish counterparts in vast numbers, and were clearly also targets of the satanic Nazi agenda.

The irony here is Poles, Ukrainians, and Russians are actually the most Aryan populations, much more of their heritage comes directly from Kurgan Expansion cultures like Yamnaya, or Corded-Ware.
You know, it does make a person wonder why she did this.

Instead of skiing and meeting with powerful people, she chose to go to the Holocaust museum unannounced by herself.

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