Melania Trump welcomes the White House Christmas tree

I give her credit for holding up her end of this business deal of a marriage a whole lot better than Trump........

Shove that pathetic bullshit up your ass.

They don't live together. She lives in North Washington near Barron's school, with her parents. Every time he physically reaches out to touch her, she slaps him away, or moves out of his reach.

Melania is little more than a paid escort who the President has on his arm on social occasions. Rich men hire high end escorts all of the time for such purposes.
Every man woman and child living free in the United States should care. She is a living symbol of our country.

What happened? Did you trip and fall into a steaming vat full of Crime Family-R brainwashing broth or sumptin'?
She is the embodiment of the dignity that accompanies being First Lady.

Yes she is, which is why these filthy Leftist vermin hate her so much. Melania reminds them of what lowlifes they actually are
Every man woman and child living free in the United States should care. She is a living symbol of our country.

What happened? Did you trip and fall into a steaming vat full of Crime Family-R brainwashing broth or sumptin'?
I would lasso you an drag your ass through cactus you...less than gentlemanly person. (This a post about our First Lady so I won’t call you what I want to.)
Every man woman and child living free in the United States should care. She is a living symbol of our country.

What happened? Did you trip and fall into a steaming vat full of Crime Family-R brainwashing broth or sumptin'?
I would lasso you an drag your ass through cactus you...less than gentlemanly person. (This a post about our First Lady so I won’t call you what I want to.)

Fuck the first lady and the tax payer funded horse and carriage she rode in on.:cool:
Every man woman and child living free in the United States should care. She is a living symbol of our country.

What happened? Did you trip and fall into a steaming vat full of Crime Family-R brainwashing broth or sumptin'?
I would lasso you an drag your ass through cactus you...less than gentlemanly person. (This a post about our First Lady so I won’t call you what I want to.)

Fuck the first lady and the tax payer funded horse and carriage she rode in on.:cool:
Classy. Please, keep going. More of this type of post will only help President Trump get reelected.
Every man woman and child living free in the United States should care. She is a living symbol of our country.

What happened? Did you trip and fall into a steaming vat full of Crime Family-R brainwashing broth or sumptin'?
I would lasso you an drag your ass through cactus you...less than gentlemanly person. (This a post about our First Lady so I won’t call you what I want to.)

Fuck the first lady and the tax payer funded horse and carriage she rode in on.:cool:
Classy. Please, keep going. More of this type of post will only help President Trump get reelected.

Sorry that my blaspheming one of the elitist pricks that inhabit Washington D.C. has triggered you.:(

.. and personally I don't really give a fuck if Donny gets re-elected or not, I leave the worrying about which douche bag ends up in the Oval Office to you partisan lemmings.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" -- The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
Fake and plastic, with implants and botox, her beauty isn't real, and is only achieved because she's spent more money than most people earn in a lifetime on implants, botox and the most expensive wardrobe money can buy. She's a participant in a sham marriage and no longer lives with her husband, but pretends that she does. She really doesn't care, do you?

Fake, plastic, wearing stilettos to a disaster area. No real First Lady projects or good works. She shows up and looks good, saying little, in broken English.

Bush92 is correct. Melania Trump is a living symbol of your country.
Fake and plastic, with implants and botox, her beauty isn't real, and is only achieved because she's spent more money than most people earn in a lifetime on implants, botox and the most expensive wardrobe money can buy. She's a participant in a sham marriage and no longer lives with her husband, but pretends that she does. She really doesn't care, do you?

Fake, plastic, wearing stilettos to a disaster area. No real First Lady projects or good works. She shows up and looks good, saying little, in broken English.

Bush92 is correct. Melania Trump is a living symbol of your country.
Get a life
giphy (1).gif
Fake and plastic, with implants and botox, her beauty isn't real, and is only achieved because she's spent more money than most people earn in a lifetime on implants, botox and the most expensive wardrobe money can buy. She's a participant in a sham marriage and no longer lives with her husband, but pretends that she does. She really doesn't care, do you?

Fake, plastic, wearing stilettos to a disaster area. No real First Lady projects or good works. She shows up and looks good, saying little, in broken English.

Bush92 is correct. Melania Trump is a living symbol of your country.
I'd rather wake up next to Melania than Hillary or Michael Obama.
Fake and plastic, with implants and botox, her beauty isn't real, and is only achieved because she's spent more money than most people earn in a lifetime on implants, botox and the most expensive wardrobe money can buy. She's a participant in a sham marriage and no longer lives with her husband, but pretends that she does. She really doesn't care, do you?

Fake, plastic, wearing stilettos to a disaster area. No real First Lady projects or good works. She shows up and looks good, saying little, in broken English.

Bush92 is correct. Melania Trump is a living symbol of your country.
I'd rather wake up next to Melania than Hillary or Michael Obama.
It would be hard to sleep next to any of them.

For quite different reasons.
Fake, plastic, wearing stilettos to a disaster area.
That was fake news.

I saw her on the White House lawn in her stilettos as they were leaving for Houston. Don't try to tell me that never happened. I am also aware that by the time she got to Houston, she had changed her shoes, probably because there were comments on it as they were flying from DC to Houston.

This woman is little more that an actress portraying the First Lady in this reality show Presidency. She left him when he got himself elected, staying in New York after the Inauguration, and now living in North Washington. This is a fake marriage for a fake president.
Melania Trump welcomes the White House Christmas tree

On Monday, November 25, Pennsylvania resident Larry Snyder of Mahantongo Valley Farms presented the 2019 White House Christmas Tree. Since 1966, the National Christmas Tree Association has held a contest that awards its winner with the honor of presenting their tree to The First Family. The prizewinning tree will be brought to the North Portico of the White House in a horse-drawn carriage and will serve as a centerpiece for Christmas decorations in the Blue Room of the White House.

ME: Lets see who the lowlife leftists will say to smear Melania in this thread

Although her English fluency may be questioned, I doubt she actually thought she was welcoming a tree to the WH
I would rather talk about trying to keep our air & water clean, than worry about White House wife's, but if you want to go their, remember when most of you complained when Michelle wore a sleeveless dress.

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