Melania will be an awesome First Lady !!

she is an ok lady! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

nothing wrong with her! :biggrin:
She's an embarrassment. The woman barely speaks English. Evangelicals will stay home rather than put this trash in the White House.
She's an embarrassment. The woman barely speaks English. Evangelicals will stay home rather than put this trash in the White House.
Wait a minute, you're mixing up the things: the embarrassment is already in the White House, wake up!
I suspect booze was involved before his real daddy, Frank Davis, nailed her

Is this Frank Davis the Communist?

That be the commie

The apple hasn't fallen far from the tree then.

If only his mama had swallowed

I SO didn't want this image in my head, you are simply EVIL :crybaby::scared1:
Too late!

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