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Melania (Wonder-Woman): Electro's Wall Street


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is my one and only ode to First Lady Melania Trump.

Cheers (love and peace),



Melania was actually Wonder-Woman. No one really cared until that fateful day when the excellent First Lady rescued a group of American tourist-hostages on the Eiffel Tower being held by anti-American terrorists from ISIS as Wonder-Woman. Wonder-Woman carried a metaphysically-glowing yellow (pure) aura which she used to ward off the demons of modernism cynics (e.g., terrorists).


Wonder-Woman (Melania) was soon engaged with the cyber-demon Electro, an eerie netherworld 'vestige' of generally bad-computing and virus generation. Electro was a composite of all kinds of anti-layering destabilizer programs and was as malicious as he was intelligent. Electro obviously resented being a 'freak' of modern civilization, a creation of pure abomination. Wonder-Woman (Melania) quickly resorted to promoting J. Crew, Martha Stewart online, and Amazon.com (a very successful company). This frustrated the political narcissism of Electro who immediately recognized that the First Lady (Melania Trump) was merely (and humbly) only a 'marketing diplomat.' Electro would be remembered as a 'god of media-machinery.'


GOD: Will Electro impact NASDAQ?
SATAN: I think people will remember how he unnerved tech-fantasies...
GOD: Is NASDAQ really a 'toy' totem for modern consumerism?
SATAN: American investments in computers (Apple/Microsoft) are folklore.
GOD: There may be some 'hidden idealism' behind the use of gadgets/toys.
SATAN: I like new American films such as Ghost in the Machine and Tron.
GOD: Yes, those films symbolize civilization sorcery (modern).
SATAN: Melania/Wonder-Woman will affect what people say about women's humor.
GOD: There's nothing wrong with Halloween-oriented vigilantism fairy-tales.
SATAN: Are you a fan of Sleeping Beauty?
GOD: I'm a huge fan of Small Wonder (TV).
SATAN: Perhaps there's hidden peace in 'consumerism-art.'
GOD: I'm a huge fan of Yale University's new Fisher-Price exhibit...
SATAN: Consumerism is creating lots of 'marketing euphoria.'
GOD: That's the promise; people should appreciate Green Giant.
SATAN: The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the new FBI.
GOD: Commerce will radically 'alter' politics folklore aesthetics...
SATAN: That's what Enron/Microsoft showed us(!).



The Gold Coast

Is consumerism changing the way we discuss shortcut-aesthetics?


Shiva (Hindu god of destruction/meditation) and Vishnu (Hindu god of protection) descended to Earth to evaluate the metaphysical impact of consumerism iconic 'relics' (or modernism artefacts) such as 1980s-1990s compact cassettes. Shiva and Vishnu considered '80s tapes 'trophies' of modernism and civilization-evolution. The tapes were to these gods what the Oracles of infinity/immortality were to the gods of Ancient Greece (Zeus, Athena, Perseus, etc.).


Well, Americans were interested in tapes and consumerism too(!) and arguably more so(!). American wannabe-vigilantes blogging on the Internet with 'cute' alias/avatars such as 'Ajay Satan' and movie-icons such as Tom Hanks making films about culture-customs were all the 'rage.' So what would consumerism 'sculpt' out of the hellish-clay of etiquette confusion? Only time would tell...


The old English warlock Mordred rose of the dead to wreak havoc on modern man. Mordred believed the 'idealistic modernism' work of 'Ajay Satan' and 'Tom Hanks' were nothing more than media-frivolity requiring prosecution and perhaps even persecution! However, Mordred was typically cruel, so no modern-day Washington Democrat took him seriously as a Republicanism-throwback potentially challenging/threatening DNP-directed favors in the nation's capital. Nevertheless, Hollywood began making governance-gusto films such as Kingdom of Heaven, Robin Hood, and King Arthur in this new Age of Netflix.


SHIVA: It seems we've studied modernism fears...
VISHNU: Mordred is a messenger of piracy!
SHIVA: We have to separate symbolism from idol-worship.
VISHNU: Is there a way to 'standardize gambling' (Wall Street)?
SHIVA: Capitalism offers commerce-aesthetics creativity (e.g., Wendy's).
VISHNU: I suppose standards of civics promote dutiful pedestrianism.
SHIVA: That's the theory Trotsky tried to champion in his failed USSR.
VISHNU: I wonder if U.S. First Lady Melania Trump adores Middle Eastern jewelry.
SHIVA: Society icons have a right to expound on the 'fineries' of their rivals!
VISHNU: Isn't that just what anti-Western terrorists want --- proof of indulgences?
SHIVA: Consumerism is a 'finery' system itself, but there's accolades (e.g., Consumerism Reports).
VISHNU: Consumerism Reports is an important modernism-magazine...
SHIVA: Do today's journalists/accountants take commercial intellectualism seriously?
VISHNU: I think your everyday businessman appreciates Facebook, Amazon.com, Wikipedia (etc.).
SHIVA: As long as bureaucracy/infrastructure is upheld, humanity will find fortunes(!).
VISHNU: Will the dark-spirit of Mordred threaten Ajay Satan and Tom Hanks today?
SHIVA: I doubt the 'adversaries of cyber-liberalism' will achieve complete salesmanship-destruction.
VISHNU: In that case, let's cheer on Wall Street (and all NYSE/NASDAQ exorcists).




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