Melting ice a 'sleeping giant' that will push sea levels higher, scientist says

I filled my bucket glass with ice and 3 fingers of filled the glass about 1" from the top.

I got a telephone call from an old friend and forgot about the drink. When I came back the ice had melted and the glass was still about 1" from the top........

What a fucking dumb ass you are to make a statement like that. There is this rather large continent sitting on the south end of this planet with up to two miles of ice sitting on top of it in places. Ice that is all above sea level, and when it melts, will run downhill to sea level. One has to wonder if you flunked third grade geography.
Don't worry. We're "safe". Republicans think science is a "faith" and it's a faith they don't believe in. So everything is good.

Yeah, well I'm a Democrat and I can quite safely tell you that AGW is yet another in a long line of scams going back thousands of years that bunko artists have been pulling on feeble minded idiots (such as yourself) to enrich themselves.

And I can safely tell you that over 90% of the scientific community states exactly the opposite. By the way, you weren't on the podium again at the AGU Conferance. Can't get up there with the real scientists to present your views?

What political party you belong to is irrelevant, it is the evidence from the cryosphere, from the warming of the oceans and troposphere, and the increasing acidification of the ocean that supports the consensus in the scientific community.
Were I one of the hundred million south east Asians, I wouldn't get too concerned until the rich people with insanely expensive seaside estates started liquidating them for pennies on the dollar.

You guys are all something else. And I bet each and every one of you thinks of yourself as a good christian.

Not even close. I'm non-religious.

I could not care less about the climate alarmists and their predictions of DOOM!!!!! It's the oldest con in the book.

In the 1970's we were facing a "new ice age"- that didn't happen. Then it was "global warming" - that didn't happen. Now it's "climate change" ......:lol:

Barnum was right, a sucker IS born every minute.

And that sucker is you. No, the scientific community was not stating that an ice age was imminent in the '70s. Some were afraid that the amount of particulates that industry was releasing into the atmosphere would cause a cooling, like that from a volcanic eruption. However, most were predicting a warming due to the increasing amount of GHGs in the atmosphere.

This has been pointed out to you before, therefore one can only assume that you are purposely lying.
I see the AGW church will do and say anything to protect their religion, almost like how the far left Obama drones do the same.
Don't worry. We're "safe". Republicans think science is a "faith" and it's a faith they don't believe in. So everything is good.

Yeah, well I'm a Democrat and I can quite safely tell you that AGW is yet another in a long line of scams going back thousands of years that bunko artists have been pulling on feeble minded idiots (such as yourself) to enrich themselves.

And I can safely tell you that over 90% of the scientific community states exactly the opposite. By the way, you weren't on the podium again at the AGU Conferance. Can't get up there with the real scientists to present your views?

What political party you belong to is irrelevant, it is the evidence from the cryosphere, from the warming of the oceans and troposphere, and the increasing acidification of the ocean that supports the consensus in the scientific community.

And, I see you remembered which persona to use this particular "insult" in...GOOD FOR YOU finally remembered who you are! And the fact remains I don't hide under multiple socko's like you, so who gives a shit what you think.

Scientists also said "Children just aren't going to know what snow is" a few years ago.

Mark Landsbaum: Climate alarmists' search for proof going cold | warming, global, temperature - Opinion - The Orange County Register

These dolts will say anything for attention.

Warming cultists can bring up all the paid experts and faked modeling they want. They just can't repeal reality, which is arctic ice has increased by 60%, it's snowing in Cairo and Israel, over 2000 cold records have been broken in the US alone and it's snowing in Australia in the middle of summer.

In the 1970s it was global cooling and the whole world was going to be locked in ice down to a narrow band around the equator.

Some sane minds tried to say no. It was cooling, but the cooling was part of a normal 40 year sun cycle. They were treated just the way warming skeptics are treated today.

Then the cooling stopped and it started warming. Turn over all your money, the seas are going to rise. Sure enough, after 40 years, it's starting to cool again.

Scientists also said "Children just aren't going to know what snow is" a few years ago.

Mark Landsbaum: Climate alarmists' search for proof going cold | warming, global, temperature - Opinion - The Orange County Register

These dolts will say anything for attention.

You're quoting Mark Landsbaum? Really?


From the unread article,

"Just 13 years ago, Dr. David Viner, senior scientist at Britain’s University of East Anglia’s climatic research unit, confidently predicted that, within a few years, winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event.”

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.
It's familiar because you and lot of deniallists lied your asses off about people there, got caught, and had to slink away in disgrace.

Are you still proud of that lying, or do you feel some regret over it? After all, now people just assume everything you and the denialists say is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise. In hindsight, do you think flushing your reputations like that was a wise move?
They have been saying this for decades now.

But hey, any minute now it could happen.
It's familiar because you and lot of deniallists lied your asses off about people there, got caught, and had to slink away in disgrace.

Are you still proud of that lying, or do you feel some regret over it? After all, now people just assume everything you and the denialists say is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise. In hindsight, do you think flushing your reputations like that was a wise move?

If global warming was a religion you'd be part of the sect that handles snakes and speaks in tongues.
It's familiar because you and lot of deniallists lied your asses off about people there, got caught, and had to slink away in disgrace.

Are you still proud of that lying, or do you feel some regret over it? After all, now people just assume everything you and the denialists say is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise. In hindsight, do you think flushing your reputations like that was a wise move?

If global warming was a religion you'd be part of the sect that handles snakes and speaks in tongues.
Denialist! :lol:
It's familiar because you and lot of deniallists lied your asses off about people there, got caught, and had to slink away in disgrace.

Are you still proud of that lying, or do you feel some regret over it? After all, now people just assume everything you and the denialists say is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise. In hindsight, do you think flushing your reputations like that was a wise move?

Hide the Decline

Mann's Nature Trick
The displacement of tens of millions of Americans is why that is just off base.
They have plenty of time.
This is a problem which poses no immediate threat and therefore concerns mainly those of us who have grandchildren. Because there is no question the oceans will rise creating problems which will seriously affect everyone whether or not they live near water. Those who do live near water will be forced to move inland. Those who live inland will be encroached on.
The displacement of tens of millions of Americans is why that is just off base.
They have plenty of time.
This is a problem which poses no immediate threat and therefore concerns mainly those of us who have grandchildren. Because there is no question the oceans will rise creating problems which will seriously affect everyone whether or not they live near water. Those who do live near water will be forced to move inland. Those who live inland will be encroached on.
Let me know if you want to sell your beachfront property really cheap (heh, heh, heh).
They have plenty of time.
This is a problem which poses no immediate threat and therefore concerns mainly those of us who have grandchildren. Because there is no question the oceans will rise creating problems which will seriously affect everyone whether or not they live near water. Those who do live near water will be forced to move inland. Those who live inland will be encroached on.
Let me know if you want to sell your beachfront property really cheap (heh, heh, heh).

I hope you can afford the flood insurance. Hehehe.

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