Melting ice a 'sleeping giant' that will push sea levels higher, scientist says


When insanely rich liberals start selling their gazillion dollar estates in Newport, the Hamptons, South Beach, and Malibu, I might be able to scrape up a damn to give.

When a hundred million south east Asians have no homes and no water, insufficient food, breed disease and mob the high ground, will you give a damn?
Were I one of the hundred million south east Asians, I wouldn't get too concerned until the rich people with insanely expensive seaside estates started liquidating them for pennies on the dollar.

When insanely rich liberals start selling their gazillion dollar estates in Newport, the Hamptons, South Beach, and Malibu, I might be able to scrape up a damn to give.

When a hundred million south east Asians have no homes and no water, insufficient food, breed disease and mob the high ground, will you give a damn?

No water? :cuckoo: Isn't the problem too much water? Supposedly, maybe.
Do you drink seawater?

The loss of the glaciers will have a serious impact on drinking and irrigation water availability in southeast Asia.

Surely you knew that.

When insanely rich liberals start selling their gazillion dollar estates in Newport, the Hamptons, South Beach, and Malibu, I might be able to scrape up a damn to give.

When a hundred million south east Asians have no homes and no water, insufficient food, breed disease and mob the high ground, will you give a damn?
Were I one of the hundred million south east Asians, I wouldn't get too concerned until the rich people with insanely expensive seaside estates started liquidating them for pennies on the dollar.

You guys are all something else. And I bet each and every one of you thinks of yourself as a good christian.
Do you drink seawater?

The loss of the glaciers will have a serious impact on drinking and irrigation water availability in southeast Asia.

Surely you knew that.

In 15,000 years (give or take) I have a feeling that whatever advanced life form is dominant on this planet will have no problem dealing with it.
i filled my bucket glass with ice and 3 fingers of filled the glass about 1" from the top.

I got a telephone call from an old friend and forgot about the drink. When i came back the ice had melted and the glass was still about 1" from the top........

gee willikers! No kidding?!?! Who woulda thunkit?
When a hundred million south east Asians have no homes and no water, insufficient food, breed disease and mob the high ground, will you give a damn?
Were I one of the hundred million south east Asians, I wouldn't get too concerned until the rich people with insanely expensive seaside estates started liquidating them for pennies on the dollar.

You guys are all something else. And I bet each and every one of you thinks of yourself as a good christian.

Your faux concern is cute, but we all know this is what it's all about...

The fatcat ecocrats exposed: Web of 'green' politicians, tycoons and power brokers who help each other benefit from billions raised on your bills

Four of nine-person Climate Change Committee, official watchdog that dictates green energy policy, are, or were until recently, being paid by firms that benefit from committee decisions

Read more: Web of 'green' politicians, tycoons and power brokers who help each other benefit from billions raised on your bills | Mail Online
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What amazes me is that you can all express such disregard for massive human suffering yet you condemn me for failing to be concerned about the money - your money - that it would cost to prevent that suffering.
I filled my bucket glass with ice and 3 fingers of filled the glass about 1" from the top.

I got a telephone call from an old friend and forgot about the drink. When I came back the ice had melted and the glass was still about 1" from the top........
You mean it didn't flood your house?
What amazes me is that you can all express such disregard for massive human suffering yet you condemn me for failing to be concerned about the money - your money - that it would cost to prevent that suffering.

We'll spare no expense in deprogramming the AGWCult, it's well worth it

"The ice caps are meltingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg."
What amazes me is that you can all express such disregard for massive human suffering yet you condemn me for failing to be concerned about the money - your money - that it would cost to prevent that suffering.

The only thing you care about is stealing from the middle class to give to the rich. To date there has been no empirical data to show that anyone has suffered from global warming.


No amount of hand waving and spouting off about GHG's will change that. The simple fact is, no warming IS occurring, and hasn't for the last 16 years, so all of your horsepoo is just that. Horsepoo.
Don't worry. We're "safe". Republicans think science is a "faith" and it's a faith they don't believe in. So everything is good.
When a hundred million south east Asians have no homes and no water, insufficient food, breed disease and mob the high ground, will you give a damn?
Were I one of the hundred million south east Asians, I wouldn't get too concerned until the rich people with insanely expensive seaside estates started liquidating them for pennies on the dollar.

You guys are all something else. And I bet each and every one of you thinks of yourself as a good christian.

Not even close. I'm non-religious.

I could not care less about the climate alarmists and their predictions of DOOM!!!!! It's the oldest con in the book.

In the 1970's we were facing a "new ice age"- that didn't happen. Then it was "global warming" - that didn't happen. Now it's "climate change" ......:lol:

Barnum was right, a sucker IS born every minute.
Don't worry. We're "safe". Republicans think science is a "faith" and it's a faith they don't believe in. So everything is good.

Yeah, well I'm a Democrat and I can quite safely tell you that AGW is yet another in a long line of scams going back thousands of years that bunko artists have been pulling on feeble minded idiots (such as yourself) to enrich themselves.
I filled my bucket glass with ice and 3 fingers of filled the glass about 1" from the top.

I got a telephone call from an old friend and forgot about the drink. When I came back the ice had melted and the glass was still about 1" from the top........

Erm, the bulk of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are NOT in the ocean. You didn't know this? Huh.

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