melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Like I often say, my Iroquois ancestors had slaves and ate them. My Confederate ancestors had slaves but didn't eat them.
And American families will undercut and undermine absolutely everything you do. How do you suppose Lee's honorable memory has lasted for well over 100 years?
Because racists and deplorables outnumbered decent people in the South. Statues to your heroes are coming down because that's no longer the case. You can make up some fanfiction about what white people are going to do all you like but in the real world I see white people helping to dismantle Monument Ave right in the heart of Dixie. I see Georgia electing a black Democrat to the Senate because black Americans have taken over the party of Confederates and segregationists. I see popular culture, even popular southern culture like Nascar telling racist whites to leave their traitor flag of slavers home and not bring that piece of shit rag to their races. Mostly I see you and your culture going extinct and I love it. 😁
Because racists and deplorables outnumbered decent people in the South. Statues to your heroes are coming down because that's no longer the case. You can make up some fanfiction about what white people are going to do all you like but in the real world I see white people helping to dismantle Monument Ave right in the heart of Dixie. I see Georgia electing a black Democrat to the Senate because black Americans have taken over the party of Confederates and segregationists. I see popular culture, even popular southern culture like Nascar telling racist whites to leave their traitor flag of slavers home and not bring that piece of shit rag to their races. Mostly I see you and your culture going extinct and I love it. 😁
Blah blah. Blacks are 12.4% of the population. Between abortion, murdering one another and drug deaths, we should plan on putting the last one in a zoo exhibit. Good riddance too.
Blah blah. Blacks are 12.4% of the population. Between abortion, murdering one another and drug deaths, we should plan on putting the last one in a zoo exhibit. Good riddance too.
More ridiculous fanfiction. You have no real victories to extol so you make up this childish cartoon shit about zoo exhibits. No one in the mainstream is going to be praising Confederates. Their legacy will be that of mutants and deplorables as will everyone who idolizes them.
I never tore down anti-slavery statues and this isn't you making an intellectual argument for why these statues need to be preserved, this just your sad attempt to save face by referencing some other people's mistake that has nothing to do with me or my argument that history isn't perserved or lost in statues and that Lee was a piece of shit slaver. No cuck boy deflections will erase your inability to argue against those two facts.

There's no hidden agenda because unlike Confederate and slavers idolaters I don't have to pretend my interest in their statues has to do with preserving history, unlike you cowards. I can be open and proud in my disdain for slavers and their monuments in a way you sad cucks can never be about your agenda. I love that you have to live your life pretending out of shame. 😂 At least EvilCat Breath is honest about his love for slavers.
Hollow words you spew constantly, and you can't separate yourself from an organized movement as if you are this loan independent activist when your moron cult goes to far. Must have rang a bell in truth because your inward character is being revealed as to just how snowflaked that you are on these matters. Moron.
More ridiculous fanfiction. You have no real victories to extol so you make up this childish cartoon shit about zoo exhibits. No one in the mainstream is going to be praising Confederates. Their legacy will be that of mutants and deplorables as will everyone who idolizes them.
Are you black? Nothing else could explain such foolishness. No one cares if the mainstream praises Confederates or not. The inheritors of the Confederacy are gleefully watching the descendants of slaves killing one another and themselves. And you are happy about statues. Dolt.

It would be worthwhile to see Putin come here and put an end to all of your kind.
Hollow words you spew constantly, and you can't separate yourself from an organized movement as if you are this loan independent activist when your moron cult goes to far. Must have rang a bell in truth because your inward character is being revealed as to just how snowflaked that you are on these matters. Moron.

Nope. Still just incredibly amused that you still deflecting to some other persons mistake is an affective cover for you being unable to argue against my 2 point.

1. That slavers are pieces of shit.

2. That Lee was a slaver.
Are you black? Nothing else could explain such foolishness. No one cares if the mainstream praises Confederates or not. The inheritors of the Confederacy are gleefully watching the descendants of slaves killing one another and themselves. And you are happy about statues. Dolt.

It would be worthwhile to see Putin come here and put an end to all of your kind.
I just know progress for black Americans will come swifter with racist whites relegated to minority status.
More ridiculous fanfiction. You have no real victories to extol so you make up this childish cartoon shit about zoo exhibits. No one in the mainstream is going to be praising Confederates. Their legacy will be that of mutants and deplorables as will everyone who idolizes them.
So of course you hope that a change won't come where everything gets turned on it's head (me too), but every step in the wrong direction that the dummies make, causes people to start scratching their heads as to whether or not their ancestor's were wrong or shockingly right about the culture of those exhibiting very bad social behavior's, and exhibiting anti-American or worse criminal minded traits that are able to flourish freely within various political and social group's without consequence these days, otherwise questionable actions that are slowly being seen a lot more of today than before sadly enough.

The struggle is a good thing, but allowing bad apples to represent along side of the good apples equally in the struggle is a very bad thing. They will undermine the cause, and sadly they have to some extent given ammunition to the supposed alledged enemy to use against the struggle politically and socially.

What I'm saying is don't screw it all up, and don't make people think that they've made the wrong choices to stand up for those who were oppressed, and for those who were abused, and for the equal right's bills, the voting right's bills, all American liberties, and their freedom's, and the justice being won for all.

Nope. Still just incredibly amused that you still deflecting to some other persons mistake is an affective cover for you being unable to argue against my 2 point.

1. That slavers are pieces of shit.

2. That Lee was a slaver.
I have no dog's in the fight, so I could care less about what you think about the slaver's. I never owned a slave, and I'm not a racist, but I have seen racist attacks against white's by black's that are unjustified, and white's against black's that were unjustified. I say let all you racist go to hell together, and leave the good folk's in life alone.
I just know progress for black Americans will come swifter with racist whites relegated to minority status.
What about racist black's ? You do know that black's sold other black's into world slave trade hands right ? You do know that black's right here in America got in on the slave owning thing right ? Character is all that you or anyone can use to judge a man, but the using of skin color reveals the racist within everytime.
So of course you hope that a change won't come where everything gets turned on it's head (me too), but every step in the wrong direction that the dummies make, causes people to start scratching their heads as to whether or not their ancestor's were wrong or shockingly right about the culture of those exhibiting very bad social behavior's, and exhibiting anti-American or worse criminal minded traits that are able to flourish freely within various political and social group's without consequence these days, otherwise questionable actions that are slowly being seen a lot more of today than before sadly enough.

The struggle is a good thing, but allowing bad apples to represent along side of the good apples equally in the struggle is a very bad thing. They will undermine the cause, and sadly they have to some extent given ammunition to the supposed alledged enemy to use against the struggle politically and socially.

What I'm saying is don't screw it all up, and don't make people think that they've made the wrong choices to stand up for those who were oppressed, and for those who were abused, and for the equal right's bills, the voting right's bills, all American liberties, and their freedom's, and the justice being won for all.

Take that soy boy emotional bullshit to someone who's impressed by it. I don't care about the feelings of racist whites nor do I fear their capabilities. I am here telling you we mean to shame and ridicule Confederate culture in to extinction and so far I've seen fuck all they can do about it.

Take that soy boy emotional bullshit to someone who's impressed by it. I don't care about the feelings of racist whites nor do I fear their capabilities. I am here telling you we mean to shame and ridicule Confederate culture in to extinction and so far I've seen fuck all they can do about it.
You like name calling which proves you are losing in the debate, and your last salvo was that of the Bismarck as she sank beneath the waves. Your party is one that in God's eyes will be worthy of a talent being placed upon the neck, and sank to the bottom of the ocean, but all you see is race. Wake up.
I have no dog's in the fight, so I could care less about what you think about the slaver's. I never owned a slave, and I'm not a racist,
You tell yourself whatever you need to you coward, I don't believe the denials of someone who argues that taking down statues of slavers is akin to erasing history. That sort of embarrassingly bad argument is only made by those trying to defend the continued veneration of slavers. You make that hilariously embarrassing argument because you'd be more embarrassed to admit you venerate slavers. And you should be. That's how I know shame and ridicule works in pushing Confederate culture towards extinction. Half of you are too embarrassed to defend it.
but I have seen racist attacks against white's by black's that are unjustified, and white's against black's that were unjustified. I say let all you racist go to hell together, and leave the good folk's in life alone.
And yet you want to keep up statues of slavers? Your argument, when you try to make a logical one, makes no logical sense. I haven't argued in favor of black on white racism, I've argued for the destruction of Confederate culture and what culture in American history was more racist than that? If your above argument were true, you'd join me in tearing down monuments to America's biggest and most violent racist culture and yet you stand opposed.
What about racist black's ? You do know that black's sold other black's into world slave trade hands right ?
I do know that. I argue against erecting statues to them as well.

See how a logically consistent argument is constructed dipshit? 😄
You do know that black's right here in America got in on the slave owning thing right ? Character is all that you or anyone can use to judge a man, but the using of skin color reveals the racist within everytime.
Some, because that was the only way they could reclaim their family members, but for the black slave owners who profited off of human misery, they shouldn't be venerated either. How fucking hard is that for you to say dumb ass?
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You like name calling which proves you are losing in the debate, and your last salvo was that of the Bismarck as she sank beneath the waves. Your party is one that in God's eyes will be worthy of a talent being placed upon the neck, and sank to the bottom of the ocean, but all you see is race. Wake up.

No. Name calling in and of itself isn't proof of losing. Only relying on name calling is proof of that and I only call you names after I prove intellectually that your arguments are ass.
You tell yourself whatever you need to you coward, I don't believe the denials of someone who argues that taking down statues of slavers is akin to erasing history. That sort of embarrassingly bad argument is only made by those trying to defend the continued veneration of slavers. You make that hilariously embarrassing argument because you'd be more embarrassed to admit you venerate slavers. And you should be. That's how I know shame and ridicule works in pushing Confederate culture towards extinction. Half of you are too embarrassed to defend it.

And yet you want to keep up statues of slavers? Your argument, when you try to make a logical one, makes no logical sense. I haven't argued in favor of black on white racism, I've argued for the destruction of Confederate culture and what culture in American history was more racist than that? If your above argument were true, you'd join me in tearing down monuments to America's biggest and most violent racist culture and yet you stand opposed.

I do know that. I argue against erecting statues to them as well.

See how a logically consistent argument is constructed dipshit? 😄

Some, because that was the only way they could reclaim their family members, but for the black slave owners who profited off of human misery, they shouldn't be venerated either. How fucking hard is that for you to say dumb ass?
First off I have no qualms with what any of you dipsticks want, but know this that a percentage of the cultures (if you are black or any other color for instance), isn't perfect by no stretch of the imagination, and arguments can constantly be made concerning what any group engages in or how it conducts itself in life at any given time.

Any American's current achievements born of racism can be questionable at anytime, especially if they were tied to bribery, terrorism, fraud, racism and/or actions that targeted innocent white's, black's, latino's, mexican's and so on and so forth, otherwise that is based upon their skin color. We have law's for that stuff, but law's aren't good enough for you eh ? No because you want more, and then more, and more, and more maybe ?

It cuts both ways, so let he who is without sin cast the first stones, and of course do so against those who don't even have a dog in your old revived fight, but be thoughtful about your own cult I mean culture, otherwise when you start throwing your stone's.

First it'll be the statue's eh, but what's next that you'll be crying about ?? I'm guessing the whining and crying won't ever stop. Trust me, the statue's mean nothing to most people, as they are mere relics of the past, but making them the center of attention in order to further a broad agenda that includes the total annihilation of another culture as you spoke of is probably going to be a tough row to hoe. Good luck in your journey's, and may God be with you.
First off I have no qualms with what any of you dipsticks want, but know this that a percentage of the cultures (if you are black or any other color for instance), isn't perfect by no stretch of the imagination, and arguments can constantly be made concerning what any group engages in or how it conducts itself in life at any given time.
More strawmen. I have never argued that anyone or any group was perfect. What I have argued was that Confederates were piece of shit slavers who fought to preserve slavery. That's all true. Sorry if it hurts your feelings little cuck.
Any American's current achievements born of racism can be questionable at anytime, especially if they were tied to bribery, terrorism, fraud, racism and/or actions that targeted innocent white's, black's, latino's, mexican's and so on and so forth, otherwise that is based upon their skin color. We have law's for that stuff, but law's aren't good enough for you eh ? No because you want more, and then more, and more, and more maybe ?
Another strawman. What are you implying I want? Can you prove it?
It cuts both ways, so let he who is without sin cast the first stones, and of course do so against those who don't even have a dog in your old revived fight, but be thoughtful about your own cult I mean culture, otherwise when you start throwing your stone's.
I'm an atheist, I don't give a shit about religious parables. I'll throw whatever stones I feel like, I don't fear your stones at all.
First it'll be the statue's eh, but what's next that you'll be crying about ?? I'm guessing the whining and crying won't ever stop.
I also dont give a shit about what you imagine and that's a slippery slope fallacy. Guess what, cultures and old ideas get replaced with the new all the time. We are no more handcuffed to venerating slavers into perpetuity than we are to preserving crumbling buildings of by gone eras. Growing up in Miami I loved going to Orange Bowl to watch Canes games and soccer matches. The energy in that stadium during a Brazil vs Columbia match was unmatched. You could feel the entire stadium swaying and shuddering to the vibrations of the crowd. But it got old. It was a structural hazard and an economic drain. They tore it down and built a new stadium in its place. Such is the way of the world.
Trust me, the statue's mean nothing to most people, as they are mere relics of the past, but making them the center of attention in order to further a broad agenda that includes the total annihilation of another culture as you spoke of is probably going to be a tough row to hoe. Good luck in your journey's, and may God be with you.
If they didn't mean anything to anyone then they wouldn't cry so much when they get taken down.
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More strawmen. I have never argued that anyone or any group was perfect. What I have argued was that Confederates were piece of shit slavers who fought to preserve slavery. That's all true. Sorry if it hurts your feelings little cuck.

Another strawman. What are you implying I want? Can you prove it?

I'm an atheist, I don't give a shit about religious parables. I'll throw whatever stones I feel like, I don't fear your stones at all.

I also dont give a shit about what you imagine and that's a slippery slope fallacy. Guess what, cultures and old ideas get replaced with the new all the time. We are no more handcuffed to venerating slavers into perpetuity than we are to preserving crumbling buildings of by gone eras. Growing up in Miami I loved going to Orange Bowl to watch Canes games and soccer matches. The energy in that stadium during a Brazil vs Columbia match was unmatched. You could feel the entire stadium swaying and shuddering to the vibrations of the crowd. But it got old. It was a structural hazard and an economic drain. They tore it down and built a new stadium in its place. Such is the way of the world.

If they didn't mean anything to anyone then they wouldn't cry so much when they get taken down.
Talk about strawman fallacies, your post are slam full of them you hypocrite from Hades.
Talk about strawman fallacies, your post are slam full of them you hypocrite from Hades.
There are no fallacies in the statements that...

1. Removing statues doesn't destroy history.

2. Slavers are pieces of shit.

3. Confederates were slavers.

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