melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Not at all surprising that you were a TEACHER and suck at it. Teachers have the lowest requirements of any profession.

I was only 17 at the time. Any time you want to discuss axiomatic tautologies or the construction of a fallacy, do let me know.

Here's a tip on one fallacy: you can't defeat an argument by just trying to attack the person making it.
I was only 17 at the time. Any time you want to discuss axiomatic tautologies or the construction of a fallacy, do let me know.

Here's a tip on one fallacy: you can't defeat an argument by just trying to attack the person making it.
Here's a tip. Your logic sucks ass. I am not attacking you. I am attacking your shit "logic". Really bad.
I absolutely DO "wonder why the majority of black folks don't join the GOP." > when Trump was the best president FOR THEM, since Lincoln.
  • lowest unemployment for blacks in US history
  • created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs
  • vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever
  • highest median wage in US history
  • $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever),
  • created 8,700 "Opportunity Zones" with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
  • Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges
MSNBC didn't tell you ?
View attachment 608933
Still posting the same old tired Sean Hannity talking points.

Thanks for the lowest unemployment, Pres. Obama. Do I need to post the unemployment trend of the last 10yrs for you?

There are fewer people working in manufacturing today than when Trump became president in 2017. In the last four years of Obama’s presidency alone, 386,000 manufacturing jobs were added. Again thxs Pres. Obama.

Trump campaigned on ending the opioid crisis in the United States, did he end it? Hell no. More big talk with no results.

Amazing how those opportunities zones just turned into tax breaks for big corporations to come into distressed communities and make money. While the folks in the neighbor whom he claimed was going to get the opportunities didn't get a damn thing. Another fail.

He cut funding to HBCUs when he first got into office, he signed a bill sent to him by the Congress for HBCU funding. Another fail.

You really need to research your Sean Hannity talking points before you just post that bullshit.
FOOL. Nobody has to show any school where CRT is part of the curriculum in K-12. That's already been done on our TV sets for months. Are you still bamboozled by the BS line CRT supporters came up with a year ago, that CRT filth was only in graduate schools ? HA HA HA.

You dumbass. That was debunked 1000 times over by thousands of parents going to school board meetings with copies of the curriculums in their hands, and bitching out the school board gooneybirds right to their faces. CNN didn't show the videos ? MSNBC didn't mention it ?

Just as I thought your dumbass can't show me because CRT is not taught in K-12 idiot, it is taught in institutions of higher learning. For dumbasses like you that would be in college. You can't show me ONE school in this country where CRT is a part of the curriculum in K-12 education.
Traitors don't deserve to be honored.
there were no 'traitors' in our civil war Leviticus , there were American patriots on both sides

yet in the grander objective , erasing and/or reediting 'bad guys' from history is denial , which further creates an incapacity to recognize the same sorts rising to power yet again.....

There are no statues of Hitler in Germany. They are not allowed. You didn't know that, did you? Back to the post -

It is about statues, and you digress, so let me bring you back. Let's say you are Jewish, have a nice family, and every day you have to walk your family past a big bronze statue of Heinrich Himmler on the way to Temple.

Is that acceptable?
No one said anything about statues of Hitler in Europe, and if there was a statue of those you have mentioned in your word's, and a Jewish family were to walk by one, then the moment should include and bring about an opportunity for a much needed history lesson taught right on the spot.

The child would ask his mother, "mom who is that statue of" ?

The mother would reply - well son that was a very bad man who had millions of Jews like we are killed in a horrific way.

Child - mom why is there a statue of the man still allowed to stand in the corner of this park area like that ?

Mom - We leave it there son, as a reminder to all just how fooled a people can be when they follow someone without thought of, and then the lesson we learn is to "look upon how it makes him appear to be so great", but what lies beneath the deceptive appearance was a cold blooded killer that was a spawn of the devil himself.

Child - wow mom, now that was interesting, and thanks for the lesson because now when I walk by this statue I'll know when looking upon it for just how fooled the people can be if idolize or worship the title and the power given unto a man by corrupt and evil men, instead of knowing what lies beneath which is "HIS evil corrupt CHARACTER".

Lesson ends.
Actually most were drafted and fought until they could desert.
Thats bullshit

the desertion rate may have been higher for both union and confederate armies than in other wars

but most soldiers served honorably
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there were no 'traitors' in our civil war Leviticus , there were American patriots on both sides

yet in the grander objective , erasing and/or reediting 'bad guys' from history is denial , which further creates an incapacity to recognize the same sorts rising to power yet again.....

Another thing being missed IMHO, is the fact that bad guy's can come in every every stripe, so for any nation to erase it's history for the alledged hurted fweeings of others who know the history yet want to erase it, tells me that they themselves are possibly poised or prone to repeat it either for the same reasons or for a vengeance that has been taught as a lesson by one's peers to be handed down throughout history itself...

Can't see it coming if the people can't see it when it isn't exposed by our preserved history, and exposed by the lessons taught about our history. If all human beings were exactly the same, then we would have no differences develope between us, otherwise that always has to be fixed and resolved.

The very fact that we have people whom think that they are never wrong themselves by what they do or say is amazing. It is dangerous, because then to capitulate to anyone regardless of their charter in life, otherwise if they are wrong about something is absolutely unexceptable. America has a serious problem going on, and the problem is this thought that a black skin color means that a person is terminally oppressed by people who are white, and this is regardless of the character that lies beneath the surface of the skin within these individual's.

This can't work to solve anything, and Martin Luther King said it right, that he dreamed of one day where a person wouldn't be judged by the color of their skin, but instead judged by the "CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER". He said this because he knew that skin color doesn't define a man or woman's character, so never judge them on their color, but instead judge them on their character always. This is a winning formula passed down to us in spirit from above, and has worked when applied since the beginning of man and woman upon the earth. It goes wrong when man takes it upon himself to not follow the spirit, and decides to follow his own developed thinking not grounded in the spirit.

Various agenda's are afoot, and the many moves today are exposing the agenda's. Problem is that we actually could be witnessing the effects of these agenda's all over the world now. Why does Putin truly want the old Soviet block to exist once again ? Is he trying to insulate the Russians from the agenda's of the west or global cabal, otherwise once the studies of it all had been complete ?

How much blame can go around, and who exactly is to blame for it all, otherwise considering everything that is involved or going on today ? I'm drifting, so let's not stray to far off topic, but I guarantee that somehow it all ties together by what we are seeing taking place in the world now. Otherwise when injustice begins to lift it's head up high, then the world begins to react concerning those things that it see's as being unjust not of the past, but instead is that of today.
Thats bullshit

the desertion rate may have been higher for both union and confederate armies than in other wars

but most soldiers served honorably
The Confederate Conscription Acts, 1862 to 1864, were a series of measures taken by the Confederate government to procure the manpower needed to fight the American Civil War.

The First Conscription Act, passed April 26, 1862, made any white male between 18 and 35 years old liable to three years of military service. On September 27, 1862, the Second extended the age limit to 45 years; the Third, passed February 17, 1864, changed this to 17 to 50 years old, for service of an unlimited period.

Originally, anyone drafted could hire a substitute, a provision that was heavily criticized, and abolished on December 28, 1863. In addition, an act of April 21, 1862, created reserved occupations excluded from the draft. On October 11, 1862, a new exemption act, soon dubbed the Twenty Negro Law, was approved. The Third Conscription limited the number of reserved occupations, but, although much criticized, kept the "Twenty Negro Law" in modified form. In order to encourage volunteering the First Act allowed existing regiments to elect new officers. The Third Act also allowed officer election in regiments formed by the new age groups coming into military service.[1]
The Union had similar acts but later. Its where you get the phrase: "Rich Man's War. Poor Man's Fight."

Concerning ditching. Generally yes. However, CSA soldiers deserted heavily later in the War, especially in the latter years. Starving does that.

It's weird that this thread has come up again.
Meanwhile, the statue of ex KKK leader Robert Byrd a beloved and longest serving Democrat in the Senate stands tall and is worshipped by the Left.
No one said anything about statues of Hitler in Europe, and if there was a statue of those you have mentioned in your word's, and a Jewish family were to walk by one, then the moment should include and bring about an opportunity for a much needed history lesson taught right on the spot.

The child would ask his mother, "mom who is that statue of" ?

The mother would reply - well son that was a very bad man who had millions of Jews like we are killed in a horrific way.

Child - mom why is there a statue of the man still allowed to stand in the corner of this park area like that ?

Mom - We leave it there son, as a reminder to all just how fooled a people can be when they follow someone without thought of, and then the lesson we learn is to "look upon how it makes him appear to be so great", but what lies beneath the deceptive appearance was a cold blooded killer that was a spawn of the devil himself.

Child - wow mom, now that was interesting, and thanks for the lesson because now when I walk by this statue I'll know when looking upon it for just how fooled the people can be if idolize or worship the title and the power given unto a man by corrupt and evil men, instead of knowing what lies beneath which is "HIS evil corrupt CHARACTER".

Lesson ends.

You're hilarious argument is that we need statues of Hitler around so that when a Jewish family randomly stumbles upon one it can be opportunity to learn something? You don't think this lessons are being taught to Jewish children with or without statues? Are you arguing for a statue based education system? 😄 Really, how ridiculous do you intend to make yourself look in order to protect the veneration of piece of shit slavers? Aren't you embarrassed?

You're hilarious argument is that we need statues of Hitler around so that when a Jewish family randomly stumbles upon one it can be opportunity to learn something? You don't think this lessons are being taught to Jewish children with or without statues? Are you arguing for a statue based education system? 😄 Really, how ridiculous do you intend to make yourself look in order to protect the veneration of piece of shit slavers? Aren't you embarrassed?
Not at all, and you should be embarrassed in the ways that you attempt to twist words and meanings into a slanderous way, and this in order to break down the valuable lesson's taught in order to further an agenda wrought with bad people pushing and twisting to create the bad in history all over again (just different players is all). No one is fooled by you loon's, yet you keep attempting to twist and squirm like the snakes that you are today.

No one supports Hitler until you loon's attempted to spin it like that, but of course you did, it's just like the race card being thrown when it's not warranted, but there it is being thrown if a white person is seen eating a Hershey bar today. You loon's may have caused world war three now, so I hope that you are happy.
Not at all, and you should be embarrassed in the ways that you attempt to twist words and meanings into a slanderous way, and this in order to break down the valuable lesson's taught in order to further an agenda wrought with bad people pushing and twisting to create the bad in history all over again (just different players is all). No one is fooled by you loon's, yet you keep attempting to twist and squirm like the snakes that you are today.
No one is fooled by you you clown that's why these statues continue to fall.
No one supports Hitler until you loon's attempted to spin it like that, but of course you did, it's just like the race card being thrown when it's not warranted, but there it is being thrown if a white person is seen eating a Hershey bar today. You loon's may have caused world war three now, so I hope that you are happy.
Who cares if you support Hitler or not? That has nothing to do with your argument being shit. We don't need statues to teach or preserve history and you can't make a convincing argument that we do, all you can do is continue to make a fool of yourself.
No one is fooled by you you clown that's why these statues continue to fall.

Who cares if you support Hitler or not? That has nothing to do with your argument being shit. We don't need statues to teach or preserve history and you can't make a convincing argument that we do, all you can do is continue to make a fool of yourself.
One last post to someone who is as ignorant as you are in life. Statue's aren't the whole of history, but they are a part of it, so if we were to put your ideals about history into action fully, then we would go throughout this entire United States eliminating every word, every book, every statue, and then jail anyone who even mentions the history of this nation. That's how stupid you are, but sadly you can't see it. We don't have a statue problem, we have a stupid problem today. The end.
One last post to someone who is as ignorant as you are in life. Statue's aren't the whole of history, but they are a part of it, so if we were to put your ideals about history into action fully, then we would go throughout this entire United States eliminating every word, every book, every statue, and then jail anyone who even mentions the history of this nation. That's how stupid you are, but sadly you can't see it. We don't have a statue problem, we have a stupid problem today. The end.
No, that's just how stupid your strawman argument is. Taking down statues and monuments to long dead piece of shit slavers in no way means we have to stop teaching that they were indeed piece of shit slavers. In fact I think it should be mandatory for every child to learn about the atrocities committed by those piece of shit slavers, white children especially.
No, that's just how stupid your strawman argument is. Taking down statues and monuments to long dead piece of shit slavers in no way means we have to stop teaching that they were indeed piece of shit slavers. In fact I think it should be mandatory for every child to learn about the atrocities committed by those piece of shit slavers, white children especially.
So you have an agenda that is anti-white, and you are using the issues to push CRT into the classrooms etc eh ? Heck you probably are white, and if so then you are a leftist that is using the history to break down society by sewing division amongst the races for your personal agenda's. Malcolm x had you (if white) pegged correctly in his speech back in the 60s. I could give a crap about any statue's in America, but they never bothered me or changed me because they existed. Your motives are suspect to being part of something far bigger than just picking on these old statue's, but it's alright because the citizen's of all colors and creed's are fighting back against your planned agenda's, and they are now seeing them for what they are. You actually are the same as Putin, where as you attempt to pit brother against brother or American against American, but in the end you lose.

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