melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

and whats your fantasy about al lthe blsacks who fought for confederatcy ? for the cause? nad too lazy to read the truth.
You are a lost cause. I am sure you haven't read one book about the Civil War. Maybe a pamphlet from some idiot. Nothing excuses statues of Robert E Lee. You try to backfit your views to justify obviously stupid shit.
Hard as they try, they can not melt History. :mad:

It simply can not be done.
True, and them attempting to erase it will lead to what ? History reminds everyone of what has happened, the solution's that were put into place, and the progress that was made. Erasing one erased all, then it is destined to be repeated. These jackasses are as stupid as stupid does. No fixing stupid, and sadly there is a lot of it these days.

Trusting the kinds of character's running around today is a fool's game.
True, and them attempting to erase it will lead to what ? History reminds everyone of what has happened, the solution's that were put into place, and the progress that was made. Erasing one erased all, then it is destined to be repeated. These jackasses are as stupid as stupid does. No fixing stupid, and sadly there is a lot of it these days.

Trusting the kinds of character's running around today is a fool's game.
Why don't we have statues of Hitler in your town square since we are so concerned with preserving history and reminding everyone of what happened so that we don't repeat it? That's your position, correct?
Exactly, but the horror of the Bolsheviks is still very much alive to this day, in the minds of the people.
The statues were broken he says, and yet now they are reviving the old USSR under Putin or rather they are attempting too. That statue destruction really taught them well eh ?? History should always be remembered whether in book's, statues or other. Then the telling of history should be carefully laid out, taught, and presented for the benefit to all. Hiding history and these special people residing over the destruction of the past only set's the people up to repeat it.
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The statues were broken he says, and yet now they are reviving the old USSR under Putin or rather they are attempting too. That statue destruction really taught them well eh ?? History should always be remembered whether in book's, statues or other. Then then telling of history should be carefully laid out, taught, and presented for the benefit to all. Hiding history and these special people residing over the destruction of the past only set's the people up to repeat it.
LOL! You are implying that tearing down Robert E Lee statues removes a history that might need to be restored! How will we ever remember the good old days of Robert E Lee if we tear down his statues!
Why don't we have statues of Hitler in your town square since we are so concerned with preserving history and reminding everyone of what happened so that we don't repeat it? That's your position, correct?
What a stupid response... Hitler was the history of Germany, and yes throughout Germany there is tons of world war two history showing the genius of mad men, their war machine's, their soldier's, their failed causes etc. We have our history and they have there's, and if you think that all history of the mad man Hitler has been erased from Germany's history, then you don't know crap do you ? Run along and find another to badger with your idiocy, because you have picked the wrong one to try and project your ignorance upon.
What a stupid response... Hitler was the history of Germany, and yes throughout Germany there is tons of world war two history showing the genius of mad men, their war machine's, their soldier's, their failed causes etc. We have our history and they have there's, and if you think that all history of the mad man Hitler has been erased from Germany's history, then you don't know crap do you ? Run along and find another to badger with your idiocy, because you have picked the wrong one to try and project your ignorance upon.
Yes, and if we remove a symbol of the fight to keep slaves from the public square, we will never recover the history! If only there were books and movies and the internet!
What a stupid response... Hitler was the history of Germany, and yes throughout Germany there is tons of world war two history showing the genius of mad men, their war machine's, their soldier's, their failed causes etc. We have our history and they have there's, and if you think that all history of the mad man Hitler has been erased from Germany's history, then you don't know crap do you ? Run along and find another to badger with your idiocy, because you have picked the wrong one to try and project your ignorance upon.
Hey, to your point, you feel so strongly that Hitler was the history of Germany. Where are all the Hitler statues in Germany?
Why don't we have statues of Hitler in your town square since we are so concerned with preserving history and reminding everyone of what happened so that we don't repeat it? That's your position, correct?
What a stupid response... Hitler was the history of Germany, and yes throughout Germany there is tons of world war two history showing the genius of mad men, their war machine's, their soldier's, their failed causes etc. We have our history and they have there's, and if you think that all history of the mad man Hitler has been erased from Germany's history, then you don't know crap do you ? Run along and find another to badger with your idiocy, because you have picked the wrong to try and project your ignorance upon
Hey, to your point, you feel so strongly that Hitler was the history of Germany. Where are all the Hitler statues in Germany?
Hung up in statues eh ? History comes in many forms, and attacking it shows that agenda's are a foot. People aren't stupid, and they know the long game in what's being attempted. Hitler was the history of Germany, otherwise meaning he wasn't the history of America, so try and keep up.
What a stupid response... Hitler was the history of Germany, and yes throughout Germany there is tons of world war two history showing the genius of mad men, their war machine's, their soldier's, their failed causes etc. We have our history and they have there's, and if you think that all history of the mad man Hitler has been erased from Germany's history, then you don't know crap do you ? Run along and find another to badger with your idiocy, because you have picked the wrong to try and project your ignorance upon

Hung up in statues eh ? History comes in many forms, and attacking it shows that agenda's are a foot. People aren't stupid, and they know the long game in what's being attempted. Hitler was the history of Germany, otherwise meaning he wasn't the history of America, so try and keep up.
The thread is about statues, dumdum. Try and keep up.
Why don't we have statues of Hitler in your town square since we are so concerned with preserving history and reminding everyone of what happened so that we don't repeat it? That's your position, correct?
What a stupid response... Hitler was the history of Germany, and yes throughout Germany there is tons of world war two history showing the genius of mad men, their war machine's, their soldier's, their failed causes etc. We have our history and they have there's, and if you think that all history of the mad man Hitler has been erased from Germany's history, then you don't know crap do you ? Run along and find another to badger with your idiocy, because you have picked the wrong to try and project your ignorance upon
Hey, to your point, you feel so strongly that Hitler was the history of Germany. Where are all the Hitler statues in Germany?
Hung up in statues eh ? History comes in many forms, and attacking it shows that agenda's are a foot. People aren't stupid, and they know the long game in what's being attempted
The thread is about statues, dumdum. Try and keep up.
It's about specific histories in general being attacked, and that includes all of the history that is being talked about in the various forms that it takes, so to have an understanding of what is happening, then it all has to be included. Yes the topic has statue's as the theme, but it goes beyond just statue's so keep up.
What a stupid response... Hitler was the history of Germany, and yes throughout Germany there is tons of world war two history showing the genius of mad men, their war machine's, their soldier's, their failed causes etc. We have our history and they have there's, and if you think that all history of the mad man Hitler has been erased from Germany's history, then you don't know crap do you ? Run along and find another to badger with your idiocy, because you have picked the wrong to try and project your ignorance upon

Hung up in statues eh ? History comes in many forms, and attacking it shows that agenda's are a foot. People aren't stupid, and they know the long game in what's being attempted

It's about specific histories in general being attacked, and that includes all of the history that is being talked about in the various forms that it takes, so to have an understanding of what is happening, then it all has to be included. Yes the topic has statue's as the theme, but it goes beyond just statue's so keep up.
There are no statues of Hitler in Germany. They are not allowed. You didn't know that, did you? Back to the post -

It is about statues, and you digress, so let me bring you back. Let's say you are Jewish, have a nice family, and every day you have to walk your family past a big bronze statue of Heinrich Himmler on the way to Temple.

Is that acceptable?
Frederick Douglas was twice the man Lee was and along with Tubman two of America's greatest heroes. Lee will be remembered as a piece of shit slaver who fought to preserve slavery because that's exactly what he was. Sorry assclown, but no slaver is going to survive history. Not even Washington. In a country that so desperately wants to be seen as moral they will eventually throw every slaver under the bus and I will come here and laugh in your face every time.
I don't know about Douglas--I haven't researched him, but Harriet Tubman is not what they teach and pretend.
Removing the statues was a huge symbolic victory

not for the HS history class.....

Hmm.....Does that mean you would support using federal money to put up a bunch of statues of New York Loyalists who fought for the British during the revolution? Because that's about the same as making statues of confederates. Traitors don't deserve to be honored.
Why don't we have statues of Hitler in your town square since we are so concerned with preserving history and reminding everyone of what happened so that we don't repeat it? That's your position, correct?

You can't seriously be comparing General Lee with Hitler?! General Lee devoted his entire life to the service of this country and when the War began, he was very troubled by it and the matter of slavery and only went with the army of Virginia because it was the state of his birth. Hitler? Please, go crawl back under your rock.
You can't seriously be comparing General Lee with Hitler?! General Lee devoted his entire life to the service of this country and when the War began, he was very troubled by it and the matter of slavery and only went with the army of Virginia because it was the state of his birth. Hitler? Please, go crawl back under your rock.
You have trouble with logic and missed every point I made. Moron.
Odd, I used to TEACH logic, and I missed nothing, I just carefully stepped over the points on your head.
Not at all surprising that you were a TEACHER and suck at it. Teachers have the lowest requirements of any profession.

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