melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

I suggest replacing Bobby with Jake. Cheaper to mod the signs
If I was black I'd tell you to stick your Robert E. Lee statues up your ass. They don't belong in the public square. Stick em in some weird back room in Kennesaw, GA or melt them.
Jim Crow was just in the South - 11 states of the old Confederacy. Show where else it was or :anj_stfu:
Segregation is nothing compared to AA, which destroys people's entire lives, taking away college admissions, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, business loans, etc. So they had to drink at a seperate drinking fountain....or sit in the back of a bus. OH horrors! :eek: How awful!!! (idiot)
You can't make this stuff up folks and you wonder why the majority of black folks don't join the GOP.
White women > So after all the times I've schooled you on this, we have to go through it again, huh ? Slow learner. OK. One more time. White women are often discriminated against as much as white men. And white women daughters and wives of white men suffer the discrimination that is put on their fathers and husbands. These far outnumber the relatively few white women getting AA preference.
Some people have to be told 10 times.

There is NEVER a need for racial discrimination - any kind of it, including AA.
Giving me your racist opinion is not schooling anyone, other than showing you are a racist fool. I have posted time and time again how White women are the biggest beneficiaries of AA and all you give is your weak ass opinion.

Examples of where CRT teaches that > Florida and 49 other states.

Please show ONE school where CRT is a part of the curriculum in K-12. Please show ONE school and show the curriculum.
You can't make this stuff up folks and you wonder why the majority of black folks don't join the GOP.
I absolutely DO "wonder why the majority of black folks don't join the GOP." > when Trump was the best president FOR THEM, since Lincoln.
  • lowest unemployment for blacks in US history
  • created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs
  • vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever
  • highest median wage in US history
  • $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever),
  • created 8,700 "Opportunity Zones" with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
  • Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges
MSNBC didn't tell you ?
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Giving me your racist opinion is not schooling anyone, other than showing you are a racist fool. I have posted time and time again how White women are the biggest beneficiaries of AA and all you give is your weak ass opinion.
Showing me your racist AA-supporting opinion is not accomplishing anything, other than showing you are a racist fool. I have posted time and time again how white women are NOT the biggest beneficiaries of AA, and I just did it again less than 2 hours ago. And all you do is post some :lame2: link, from some
leftist AA supporting source, as if that is supposed to change anything I've said, and corrected you on.

Maybe you don't know what the words daughters and wives means, huh ? Could that be the problem here, superdumb ?
Jim Crow was just in the South - 11 states of the old Confederacy. Show where else it was or :anj_stfu:

Segregation is nothing compared to AA, which destroys people's entire lives, taking away college admissions, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, business loans, etc. So they had to drink at a seperate drinking fountain....or sit in the back of a bus. OH horrors! :eek: How awful!!! (idiot)

White women > So after all the times I've schooled you on this, we have to go through it again, huh ? Slow learner. OK. One more time. White women are often discriminated against as much as white men. And white women daughters and wives of white men suffer the discrimination that is put on their fathers and husbands. These far outnumber the relatively few white women getting AA preference.
Some people have to be told 10 times.

There is NEVER a need for racial discrimination - any kind of it, including AA.

Examples of where CRT teaches that > Florida and 49 other states.
Jim Crow wasn't just in the south mr. apologist.

Ever hear of red lining? Did you know the trump business was guilty of it twice in NYC.

Ever hear of poll taxes?
I absolutely DO "wonder why the majority of black folks don't join the GOP." > when Trump was the best president FOR THEM, since Lincoln.
  • lowest unemployment for blacks in US history
  • created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs
  • vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever
  • highest median wage in US history
  • $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever),
  • created 8,700 "Opportunity Zones" with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
  • Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges
MSNBC didn't tell you ?
View attachment 608933
When were those 4 months?

What was black unemployment at the end of his one term?

The median wage is higher now.

You can't make this stuff up folks and you wonder why the majority of black folks don't join the GOP.

Giving me your racist opinion is not schooling anyone, other than showing you are a racist fool. I have posted time and time again how White women are the biggest beneficiaries of AA and all you give is your weak ass opinion.

Please show ONE school where CRT is a part of the curriculum in K-12. Please show ONE school and show the curriculum.
Describe CRT as you understand it.
Most southerners who fought in the civil war, were not in the army at all. They were civilians, just fighting to defend their towns and homesteads.
some, where first into it like mine and wantwed nothing to do with it. very few were slave owners and just wanted to be left alone.
Please show ONE school where CRT is a part of the curriculum in K-12. Please show ONE school and show the curriculum.
FOOL. Nobody has to show any school where CRT is part of the curriculum in K-12. That's already been done on our TV sets for months. Are you still bamboozled by the BS line CRT supporters came up with a year ago, that CRT filth was only in graduate schools ? HA HA HA.

You dumbass. That was debunked 1000 times over by thousands of parents going to school board meetings with copies of the curriculums in their hands, and bitching out the school board gooneybirds right to their faces. CNN didn't show the videos ? MSNBC didn't mention it ?

robert w . lee / whats do you think we are talking about?
The military leader of the Confederacy that tried to secede from the Union to preserve the right to keep slaves. You can pretend there was a larger "states right" issue, but that is why they went to war. Memorializing the leader of this effort with statues in public places is ridiculous. It's akin to statues of German generals in French roundabouts and Israeli town squares. You can't complain about blacks moving on from the legacy of slavery when you celebrate this man with statues.
The military leader of the Confederacy that tried to secede from the Union to preserve the right to keep slaves. You can pretend there was a larger "states right" issue, but that is why they went to war. Memorializing the leader of this effort with statues in public places is ridiculous. It's akin to statues of German generals in French roundabouts and Israeli town squares. You can't complain about blacks moving on from the legacy of slavery when you celebrate this man with statues.
trying reading about his life instead of making shit up. the blacks todauy no nothing slavery anymore then whites no anything about slave owning. judt sa bunch of spoiled se;f intitled brats.
FOOL. Nobody has to show any school where CRT is part of the curriculum in K-12. That's already been done on our TV sets for months. Are you still bamboozled by the BS line CRT supporters came up with a year ago, that CRT filth was only in graduate schools ? HA HA HA.

You dumbass. That was debunked 1000 times over by thousands of parents going to school board meetings with copies of the curriculums in their hands, and bitching out the school board gooneybirds right to their faces. CNN didn't show the videos ? MSNBC didn't mention it ?

some ediicated black fold no that crt is evil.
trying reading about his life instead of making shit up. the blacks todauy no nothing slavery anymore then whites no anything about slave owning. judt sa bunch of spoiled se;f intitled brats.
Don't give a shit about his life and nothing I said was made up. You are an idiot.

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