melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

The Gov in Virginia was elected to stop schools from teaching CRT....which no school in Virginia teaches and has no plans to teach. The Gov lied his way into office by scare tactics and falsehoods....typical repub....
Oh, yes he did and now many in Northern Virginia are sorry they voted for the lame POS.
Who created Jim Crow segregation in this country? Whites. Who created racism and discrimination in this country? Whites.
FALSE! It was SOME whites who created Jim Crow segregation. And a very TINY % of them.

And it was SOME Whites and SOME blacks who created the top 3 racisms in America today >> Affirmative Action discrimination against Whites, CRT, and Biden's racist "American Rescue Plan", thankfully now being knocked down by the courts, for its anti-White racism.

You're welcome. 😐
The fucking racist is wrong and proud of being so.
Behold the warped mind of the leftist loon in America today. Accuses a person dissenting against racism, to be a racist.

EARTH TO OTTO: Your silly race card died out about 10 years ago. No new material ?
FALSE! It was SOME whites who created Jim Crow segregation. And a very TINY % of them.

And it was SOME Whites and SOME blacks who created the top 3 racisms in America today >> Affirmative Action discrimination against Whites, CRT, and Biden's racist "American Rescue Plan", thankfully now being knocked down by the courts, for its anti-White racism.

You're welcome. 😐
Racist bullshit.

You drive a whitey hate bus?
Behold the warped mind of the leftist loon in America today. Accuses a person dissenting against racism, to be a racist.

EARTH TO OTTO: Your silly race card died out about 10 years ago. No new material ?
You provide new material everyday along with the modern QOP which wants to return our country to the 1950's.
You provide new material everyday along with the modern QOP which wants to return our country to the 1950's.
In SOME ways the 1950s was superior to now. Example > Paper ballots for voting and all IN PERSON. Other examples - better rock music, more colorful automobiles, and no telephones with extensive holds.

Also didn't have Affirmative Action & CRT racism against whites, or black thugs being martyred, while cops get jailed for doing their jobs.

Also didnt have lunatics being appointed to high govt jobs >>


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there is so much ignorance in american onthe civil war and the to sides. maybe if people would actually read about this peolople instead of tearing down there statues. they might leanr something. so many one sided morans in this world.
FALSE! It was SOME whites who created Jim Crow segregation. And a very TINY % of them.
Jim Crow was the LAW of the Land, so take that weak ass argument somewhere else. State Governors fought to keep those LAWS in place
And it was SOME Whites and SOME blacks who created the top 3 racisms in America today >> Affirmative Action discrimination against Whites, CRT, and Biden's racist "American Rescue Plan", thankfully now being knocked down by the courts, for its anti-White racism.

You're welcome. 😐
We can thank Tricky Dick and Gerald Ford for Affirmative Action and why was it created Protectionist? I know it will be a lie, but let's hear it anyway. Are you saying it is racist against black folks, since white women benefit the most from it.

How is CRT racist? Is it because you don't want folks to know true history of this country.

ARP is a bill that provides additional relief to address the continued impact of COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses. How is that racist against white folks?
So you support Affiramtive Action, CRT, and Biden's racist "American Rescue Plan", do you ? (which ought to be renamed ARP as long as you're not white)

Go ahead and admit your RACISM.

Yes, I support programs to increase diversity.

Yes, I support the teaching of our history.

Yes, I support public infrastructure and our investments in it.

You support a whitewash and an orange fuckup.
you know mr. lee hated slavery he called it the white mans evil and a burden. but he had his vision of how he wanted it to end.
Yes, I support programs to increase diversity.

Yes, I support the teaching of our history.

Yes, I support public infrastructure and our investments in it.

You support a whitewash and an orange fuckup.

That wasn't the question. I asked if you support Affirmative Action racist discrimination against whites. I'll take your answer as a yes.

That wasn't the question. I asked if you support racist CRT. I'll take your answer as a yes.

That wasn't the question. I asked if you support Biden's racist American Rescue Plan. I'll take your dodge answer as a yes.

You are a racist, who supports the top 3 racisms in America.

Strike 1........Strike 2........Strike 3.
Jim Crow was the LAW of the Land, so take that weak ass argument somewhere else. State Governors fought to keep those LAWS in place

We can thank Tricky Dick and Gerald Ford for Affirmative Action and why was it created Protectionist? I know it will be a lie, but let's hear it anyway. Are you saying it is racist against black folks, since white women benefit the most from it.

How is CRT racist? Is it because you don't want folks to know true history of this country.

ARP is a bill that provides additional relief to address the continued impact of COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses. How is that racist against white folks?
It was only a few states that ever had those laws, and they were no worse than Affirmative Action discrimination, which is still CURRENTLY in effect in those states where it is not banned,

The presidents who started Affirmative Action were JFK and Lyndon Johnson. It is racist against whites and YOU KNOW IT. And NO, white women do NOT benefit the most from AA, I've corrected you on that before.

ARP is racist against whites because it gives preference to minorities over whites. This is why the courts have been shredding it to bits, every time it shows there. Hadn't heard ? Tha's what happens when you watch CNN & MSNBC. Leftist OMISSION media for information-deprived liberals.

CRT -I'm not talking about history (including the 100s of thousands of whites who died in the Civil War fighting to stop slavery). I'm talking about the lunatics who teach kids that whites are evil, inherently racist, and that whites TODAY bear guilt for what happened over 150 years ago.

There is more to that flag and the brave and honorable men who fought under that flag than ignorant libs on this forum will ever understand

but our greatest American hollywood film director knew

and he demonstrated it here:

Hard as they try, they can not melt History. :mad:

It simply can not be done.
They can deny it. Blacks will never, can never, produce men of such greatness as Robert E. Lee. They can try to destroy it as if melting a statue will remove their stature. Instead of looking for heroism within their own they elevate criminals and delinquents.
How is it dividing the country? People that think defending slavery should be commemorated by public statues arent real Americans. You're meaningless.
You know so little. Lee was largely against slavery hun..He grew up around slaves, but his family was known to have given up most if not all of their slaves. The only slave that Lee may of had was a very elderly gentlemen name Nat or Nate that apparently LEE took care of as he was very ill for a long time before dying. Lee inherited slaves from his wife side of the family---which he FREED. Lee and his wife family both supported American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color and often free their organization that supporting freeing blacks and recolonizing them.

Looking over Lee's history------he freed blacks that could support themselves but still took care of those that couldn't. His whole family freed blacks and talked of how awful slavery was. Like others who owned slaves and actually cared about them, they would try to educate the slaves into being able to care for themselves and then free them as they financially could and as the blacks themselves could have some sort of chance of supporting themselves.

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