melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Talk about an arrogant, racist POS. One day of slavery is to fucking long.

Ungrateful child.

So how did slavery go one for so long?

Those who supported it, were too strong, as opposed to those that were willing to fight them. D'uh.

Sorry that weak ass argument won't fly. How in the hell do you know they didn't care, your stupid ass opinion doesn't count.

Because anyone who is not a moron, can realize that people with REAL problems would not whine like faggots over statues in the park.

Come on Fuck boy who were they going to whine to, the same racist trash that was oppressing them.

They could have whined to their allies in the republican party. But they didn't because they had real problems to worry about.

Except that those statues were sitting there, with no one whining like a faggot, for 5 generations. Which supports my point, and refutes yours.
Which means there were plenty of whites who did have control and thus responsibility.

But you blamed all whites. Including those that were on the side of the blacks. That was you being racist.

Yep whites and whites alone. Who else other than whites had a say so in the situation?

Jews. Freed blacks. Irish. All could vote and thus had a voice. You are a racist.

What part of the country was most oppressive for black folks genius?

But you talked like all the whites were forgiven. You are constantly lumping whites together and judging them all, by the actions of some.

So who was responsible for the oppression?

They are one and the same fool.

Nope. Even in the South, there would have been whites who were not involved in the oppression and you are lumping them in, and blaming them. You are a racist.
Racist ass clown.
Those who supported it, were too strong, as opposed to those that were willing to fight them. D'uh.
Which means the majority supported it. Duh.
Because anyone who is not a moron, can realize that people with REAL problems would not whine like faggots over statues in the park.
Yea dealing with racism, discrimination, rapes, beatings and lynchings was the real problems.
They could have whined to their allies in the republican party. But they didn't because they had real problems to worry about.
It wouldn't have been today's republicans, that's for damn sure.
Except that those statues were sitting there, with no one whining like a faggot, for 5 generations. Which supports my point, and refutes yours.
Now it's whining because folks don't want to look at statues and monuments of traitors, racists, etc.
But you blamed all whites. Including those that were on the side of the blacks. That was you being racist.
I blamed America for allowing it to go on.
Jews. Freed blacks. Irish. All could vote and thus had a voice. You are a racist.
Not in the South were folks like you were at.
But you talked like all the whites were forgiven. You are constantly lumping whites together and judging them all, by the actions of some.
What whites were not forgiven?
Nope. Even in the South, there would have been whites who were not involved in the oppression and you are lumping them in, and blaming them. You are a racist.
Doing nothing, is just like being a part of the oppression. I'm a racist, but all you have done is defend racism. Go figure.
The following is a good idea as to the disposition of symbols of treason, racism, and hate:

“City and state officials have reached an agreement to transfer ownership of the statue and pedestal of Gen. Robert E. Lee to the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, which has also agreed to take possession of all the other Confederate memorials removed from Richmond since last year.”

Needless to say, the irony is delightful.
Racist ass clown.

Except you are the one being racist. And an assclown.
Which means the majority supported it. Duh.

Not at all. Surely you know that a committed minority, willing to use violence, is sometimes able to control events, if the majority is not willing to fight them over it. So, for you to say otherwise, either you are ignorant, or lying.

Yea dealing with racism, discrimination, rapes, beatings and lynchings was the real problems.

Correct. So only a fool would think that they had any concerns about some statues in teh park. That is how I am able to speak for them. Do you get that, or are you going to pretend to be too stupid some more?

Rhetorical question. I know that you will say "wacist" or "white" as though that means something, and pretend that you refuted the point you just admitted.

It wouldn't have been today's republicans, that's for damn sure.

Just because we don't support you when you whine like a faggot about statues in teh park, does not mean that we would not support you, if you had real problems.

That you can't grasp that distinction, is pretty sad for you.

Now it's whining because folks don't want to look at statues and monuments of traitors, racists, etc.

Yep. It is. Your spin is noted and dismissed. I take it that is all you have? Some spin? Do you know that is all you have or are you fooling yourself?
I blamed America for allowing it to go on.

Funny. YOu kept saying "whites". I wonder where I got the idea you meant "whites"? How strange....

Not in the South were folks like you were at.

So Freed Blacks in the north don't count now? Wow. You will say anything to hold on to your hate.

What whites were not forgiven?

The ones in the north. THe ones in the west. The ones that showed up after the war. The ones born after the war. D'uh.

Doing nothing, is just like being a part of the oppression. I'm a racist, but all you have done is defend racism. Go figure.

That is retarded. A starving hillybilly dirt farmer who's whole world is whether his pile of beans would last till spring, and who got into town like once a year, was not part of the oppression. YOu are just making up shit to justify your hate of "whites".
Except you are the one being racist. And an assclown.

Not at all. Surely you know that a committed minority, willing to use violence, is sometimes able to control events, if the majority is not willing to fight them over it. So, for you to say otherwise, either you are ignorant, or lying.
So the majority of whites down South were not racist and didn't not discriminate against black folks, is that what you are telling us?
Correct. So only a fool would think that they had any concerns about some statues in teh park. That is how I am able to speak for them. Do you get that, or are you going to pretend to be too stupid some more?
That is the problem, a white racist trying to speak for black folks. I had black grandparents and parents who grew up during that era I came at the back end of that era, so I know what they thought of those racist ass statues and monuments. Who the hell were they going to complain to about them? The very folks who put them up.
Rhetorical question. I know that you will say "wacist" or "white" as though that means something, and pretend that you refuted the point you just admitted.
I don't have to say that, you have pretty much shown us what you are.
Just because we don't support you when you whine like a faggot about statues in teh park, does not mean that we would not support you, if you had real problems.

That you can't grasp that distinction, is pretty sad for you.
So fool nobody is buying that stupid shit. Jim Crow was supported to the fullest that is why it went on for so many years.
Yep. It is. Your spin is noted and dismissed. I take it that is all you have? Some spin? Do you know that is all you have or are you fooling yourself?
Only white racist and fools who don't have a clue buy into that bullshit that is coming out of your mouth. Well informed folks on the subject matter take it for exactly what it is, BULLSHIT.
Funny. YOu kept saying "whites". I wonder where I got the idea you meant "whites"? How strange....
Hmmm, let's see who was running the country? Whites. Who was writing and implementing the Laws? Whites. Who created Jim Crow segregation in this country? Whites. Who created racism and discrimination in this country? Whites. Wow we have a winner.
So Freed Blacks in the north don't count now? Wow. You will say anything to hold on to your hate.
Black folks in the North faced discrimination, but not like they did in the South. Why in the hell do you think they migrated to the North.
The ones in the north. THe ones in the west. The ones that showed up after the war. The ones born after the war. D'uh.
The North won the war, WTF are you talking about.
That is retarded. A starving hillybilly dirt farmer who's whole world is whether his pile of beans would last till spring, and who got into town like once a year, was not part of the oppression. YOu are just making up shit to justify your hate of "whites".
You don't have a clue. You need to go and learn some history and stop learning that racist His-Story.
So the majority of whites down South were not racist and didn't not discriminate against black folks, is that what you are telling us?

YOu made a claim. I pointed out that your claim was false. What part of that was too confusing for you? The bit where you make assumptions beyond that, is just you...being an ass.

That is the problem, a white racist trying to speak for black folks. I had black grandparents and parents who grew up during that era I came at the back end of that era, so I know what they thought of those racist ass statues and monuments. Who the hell were they going to complain to about them? The very folks who put them up.

Did they bring it up, or did you have to ask them?

I don't have to say that, you have pretty much shown us what you are.

LOL!! What a load of shit.
So fool nobody is buying that stupid shit. Jim Crow was supported to the fullest that is why it went on for so many years.

By 100% of the whites? Cause that is what you are claiming. Would you like to support that now, or do you want to admit that you are just a racist asshole?

Only white racist and fools who don't have a clue buy into that bullshit that is coming out of your mouth. Well informed folks on the subject matter take it for exactly what it is, BULLSHIT.

LOL!! How did the staue hurt you? Can you show us on this doll where the statue touched you?
Hmmm, let's see who was running the country? Whites. Who was writing and implementing the Laws? Whites. Who created Jim Crow segregation in this country? Whites. Who created racism and discrimination in this country? Whites. Wow we have a winner.

Some whites. Not whites as a whole or as an unified group. That is your racist hate talking.

Black folks in the North faced discrimination, but not like they did in the South. Why in the hell do you think they migrated to the North.

That is the point. Many still discriminated against blacks but were not "Forgiven". Christ. Are you so old that you can't keep track of the shit you say?
YOU made the claim that it was the "forgiven whites" that were oppressing you. I pointed out that that was wrong. In many ways.

The North won the war, WTF are you talking about.

Jesus Christ. You made a point, and I made a counter point. If you can't keep track, being less wordy.

You don't have a clue. You need to go and learn some history and stop learning that racist His-Story.

YOu need to give your racist hate of white people. Someday, the hate you put out there, is going to come back on you and/or yours.
The following is a good idea as to the disposition of symbols of treason, racism, and hate:

“City and state officials have reached an agreement to transfer ownership of the statue and pedestal of Gen. Robert E. Lee to the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, which has also agreed to take possession of all the other Confederate memorials removed from Richmond since last year.”

Needless to say, the irony is delightful.asn

and no none realises that rovert e lee want slavery to end read abot his life,.
Hmmm, let's see who was running the country? Whites. Who was writing and implementing the Laws? Whites. Who created Jim Crow segregation in this country? Whites. Who created racism and discrimination in this country? Whites. Wow we have a winner.

Black folks in the North faced discrimination, but not like they did in the South. Why in the hell do you think they migrated to the North.

The North won the war, WTF are you talking about.

You don't have a clue. You need to go and learn some history and stop learning that racist His-Story.
To those like Correll the great northern migration was a feature, not a bug.
and no none realises that rovert e lee want slavery to end read abot his life,.
Not bad, you're improving. A sentence with just 16 words/names/initial; and you made just 11 mistakes.

Keep up the good work!
He's ignorant as shit. This is what it is;

Just what is critical race theory anyway?

Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.
The basic tenets of critical race theory, or CRT, emerged out of a framework for legal analysis in the late 1970s and early 1980s created by legal scholars Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Richard Delgado, among others.
A good example is when, in the 1930s, government officials literally drew lines around areas deemed poor financial risks, often explicitly due to the racial composition of inhabitants. Banks subsequently refused to offer mortgages to Black people in those areas. CRT is factual history Right-wing cultists do not want to discuss. But, it's a road map on how to end it from making more history. And if you're against that, then you are a racist. And that's why these rednecks don't want it taught. They have wet dreams of bringing slavery back. This is why Trump cultists want to end this Republic. Once again, their end game is total domination, control, and power over Black and Brown people, to see fit to do with these folks as they choose. They are modern day Nazis.

You just saw the dirt. Here's the soap (starts at 0:45) >>>


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