melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

That would have been nice. Of course 200 years earlier they were under the Imperial yoke of a massive world spanning Empire. It sure is easy for you, today, to talk shit about people, especially white people who did not rebel against a massive world spanning Empire, as quickly as you would have. Cause you are so tough and bwave. And big and swtrong.
Just more of the weak ass excuses.

Not really. Plenty of racism and discrimination from people that did NOT rebel, and certainly some of those that did rebel, and/or their descendants were probably pretty cool with the blacks.

Yea, as long as, those blacks were sub servant and under the yoke. Just more of the same excuses.
Course, you are really just judging them based on their skin color, and not really what they did.
We know what they did, that is etched in stone.
Hey, I'm agreeing with you that the recently freed slaves had real problems. Why you being a **** about it?
Those problems came from the whites who were forgiven.
And my point stands. They had real problems. Your assumption that they would share your concerns about statues in teh park, is fucking stupid. OR even that they gave a damn about how the confederate vets were treated.
You're right they didn't have time to worry about statutes, when they were being raped, brutalized, lynched and murdered by the whites who were forgiven.
Nope. NOt whites. THee country as a whole. Whites, blacks, browns, others, ect. The Civil War was over and we kissed and made up.
Yep by whites, who the fuck else has a say so in this country dumb ass.
That it was not all unicorns and rainbows after that point, is something only children, stupid children, are upset about.
You're trying to feed the wrong folks this bullshit narrative

Sure, Jew-hater....


In typical Jew-hating fashion, all you do is lie.

Meanwhile, another traitor's statue will be coming down soon.

Again, most effective "Jew Hate" comes from the left. The Neo Nazi movement is only barely alive because lefties need a boogeyman and inflate their influence.
1661, Population UK, 5 million, population US colonies, 75k and you judge them for not rebelling? You are a child, a spoiled, ungrateful child.
You are a racist fool, what was the population when the colonies decided to take up arms?
Nope. You are teh one lumping those that worked to oppress blacks in with those that fought for rights for blacks, and those that were just happy to live in peace next to blacks, all together based on skin color.

That is you. That is who YOU are. That is what YOU are.

Nobody believes that weak ass bullshit when we know what was to black folks during that period. You a pushing a racist lie.
I'm making no excuses for wrong doing. You are just talking shit, to justify your racism and hate.
Fool we were the ones facing racism and discrimination.
Wow. YOu look at a time period of 35 years and list a number of events as though they are connected. What a great argument.
35yrs?????? You are a fool and a damn joke.
You know what else happened in that time period? The CHILDREN of those veterans, became middle aged and old, and rose to positions where they could build memorials to their aged and dead fathers/grandfathers.
To their racist ass Dead fathers/grandfathers, fool do you think black folks give a damn about those racist MFs.
What a shock that that is when the statues went up. How incredibly suspicious. You are a fool, grasping at straws to justify your hate and racism.
Talk about foolish gibberish.
Correct. That battle was over and won. They had real problems to deal with. You are the one with no real problems who has to root around in the past to find shit to pretend to be outraged over. Not them.
More stupid bullshit, where did their problems come from?
What came after was something else. The current topic is Confederate statues. You are making the argument that while the blacks of the South were facing Jim Crow, that they gave a damn about some statues in the Park.
What the fuck were they going to say and who were they going to say it to?
That is YOUR argument. You are the one who is making it. And by "making it" I mean asserting it, with no supporting arguments, other than repeating it a lot.

That is generally all you lefties have anymore. Oh, and calling people names. You seem to think that is "logic".

You guys aren't deep thinkers.
YOU are an idiot trying to rewrite history.
Just more of the weak ass excuses.

From a libtard, "Excuses" means a "damn good reason, that I cannot refute in the tiniest amount".

Yea, as long as, those blacks were sub servant and under the yoke. Just more of the same excuses.

Nope. That is just you lumping all whites together.

We know what they did, that is etched in stone.

Nope. That is just you lumping all whites together. And judging them based on the actions of the ones you want to, so that you have a justification for your racist hate.

Those problems came from the whites who were forgiven.

Nope. That is not true. There would have been plenty of it coming from whites that were "not forgiven" AND there would have been plenty of "forgiven" whites that were not giving them problems.

YOU just see skin color. And you judge based on that, and your hate.

You're right they didn't have time to worry about statutes, when they were being raped, brutalized, lynched and murdered

Or struggling to build a life, or a farm or learn to read or ect. ect. ect. you know, real shit, not the historical romance race drama that you like to jerk off to.

by the whites who were forgiven.

Nope. That is you lumping all whites together based on race, and ignoring actions.

Yep by whites, who the fuck else has a say so in this country dumb ass.

You're trying to feed the wrong folks this bullshit narrative

By the country as a whole. "whites", that is something you see, looking back. That was not a group at teh time, "running the country". The white dirt farmers of Kansas, were not "running the country". THe white coal miners of Pennsylvania, were not "running the country". The Irish factory workers of Boston, were not "running the country".

You are a racist.
You are a racist fool, what was the population when the colonies decided to take up arms?

A lot more. And they had allies. And it was still a massive uphill battle. That you have the gall to judge them, shows that you are a child.

Nobody believes that weak ass bullshit when we know what was to black folks during that period. You a pushing a racist lie.

It is a racist lie that whites were not an unified bloc? Do tell. You racist.

Fool we were the ones facing racism and discrimination.

We? LOL!!!

35yrs?????? You are a fool and a damn joke.

To their racist ass Dead fathers/grandfathers, fool do you think black folks give a damn about those racist MFs.

You are the one claiming they gave a damn about statues in the park.

Talk about foolish gibberish.

More stupid bullshit, where did their problems come from?

What the fuck were they going to say and who were they going to say it to?

YOU are an idiot trying to rewrite history.

Dude. YOu can't touch one of my points. All you have is unsupported assertions and saying wacist a lot.
From a libtard, "Excuses" means a "damn good reason, that I cannot refute in the tiniest amount".
That's the problem, you aren't saying anything that needs to be refuted. Just regurgitating the same bullshit.
Nope. That is just you lumping all whites together.
I am lumping racist, Southern whites together
Nope. That is just you lumping all whites together. And judging them based on the actions of the ones you want to, so that you have a justification for your racist hate.
Who the hell are we talking about? Native Americans, Asians, Hispanics, etc.
Nope. That is not true. There would have been plenty of it coming from whites that were "not forgiven" AND there would have been plenty of "forgiven" whites that were not giving them problems.

YOU just see skin color. And you judge based on that, and your hate.
That stupid shit makes no sense whatsoever. You just said they were forgiven, who were the unforgiven whites?
Or struggling to build a life, or a farm or learn to read or ect. ect. ect. you know, real shit, not the historical romance race drama that you like to jerk off to.
They weren't allowed to build a life or a farm or anything else that would put them ahead in life the were being denied that right remember, what the hell do you think Jim Crow was.
Nope. That is you lumping all whites together based on race, and ignoring actions.
Who was responsible for it?
[qute]By the country as a whole. "whites", that is something you see, looking back. That was not a group at teh time, "running the country". The white dirt farmers of Kansas, were not "running the country". THe white coal miners of Pennsylvania, were not "running the country". The Irish factory workers of Boston, were not "running the country".

You are a racist.
Where did the white dirt farmers of Kansas come from? Who was running the country? Were they black, hispanic or asian? Had the Irish folks in Boston been mainstreamed into white america at that time?

You are a racist that comes with plenty of bullshit propaganda.
A lot more. And they had allies. And it was still a massive uphill battle. That you have the gall to judge them, shows that you are a child.
What's a lot more? 100K, 200K, 500k hell you didn't have a problem throwing out numbers before. How am I judging them?
It is a racist lie that whites were not an unified bloc? Do tell. You racist.
Of course they were a unified bloc, that is how racist Southern whites got away with treason, slavery, etc.
[qute]We? LOL!!!
You are the one claiming they gave a damn about statues in the park.
Yes, we black folks. They loved going into town and seeing statues and monuments of men who had raped, maimed and murdered their loved ones.
Dude. YOu can't touch one of my points. All you have is unsupported assertions and saying wacist a lot.
You don't have no damn points, you are trying to rewrite history with that bullshit you are posting. Your denial of history pretty much shows you for the racist fool you are.
That's the problem, you aren't saying anything that needs to be refuted. Just regurgitating the same bullshit.

I am lumping racist, Southern whites together

No, you were lumping all whites together.
Who the hell are we talking about? Native Americans, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

America as a whole.

That stupid shit makes no sense whatsoever. You just said they were forgiven, who were the unforgiven whites?

None southern whites. Some of them would have been racist and oppressed blacks and not have been part of the forgiven class.

Do I fucking need to write in crayon for you to understand this?

They weren't allowed to build a life or a farm or anything else that would put them ahead in life the were being denied that right remember, what the hell do you think Jim Crow was.

Who was responsible for it?
Where did the white dirt farmers of Kansas come from? Who was running the country? Were they black, hispanic or asian? Had the Irish folks in Boston been mainstreamed into white america at that time?

You are a racist that comes with plenty of bullshit propaganda.

Blacks in teh South couldn't farm? LOL!!!! bULLSHIT.
What's a lot more? 100K, 200K, 500k hell you didn't have a problem throwing out numbers before. How am I judging them?

You are sitting there in freedom that better men than you won for you, and judging them for not doing it sooner. You are an ungratefully child.

Of course they were a unified bloc, that is how racist Southern whites got away with treason, slavery, etc.

Nope. No they were not. YOu are a moron. and a racist.

Yes, we black folks. They loved going into town and seeing statues and monuments of men who had raped, maimed and murdered their loved ones.

I said they did not care. That you have to lie about what I said, to attack it, is you admitting that you cannot refute what I actually said. That is you losing the debate, right there. Loser.

You don't have no damn points, you are trying to rewrite history with that bullshit you are posting. Your denial of history pretty much shows you for the racist fool you are.

Except that those statues were sitting there, with no one whining like a faggot, for 5 generations. Which supports my point, and refutes yours.

That you pretend to be too stupid to see it, is just you stonewalling.
No, you were lumping all whites together.
No I am lumping the ones responsible together.
You mean White America, because they were the only ones who had a say about it.
None southern whites. Some of them would have been racist and oppressed blacks and not have been part of the forgiven class.

Do I fucking need to write in crayon for you to understand this?
Nobody understands dumb ass, you can't rewrite history fool.
Where did the white dirt farmers of Kansas come from? Who was running the country? Were they black, hispanic or asian? Had the Irish folks in Boston been mainstreamed into white america at that time?

You are a racist that comes with plenty of bullshit propaganda.
Blacks in teh South couldn't farm? LOL!!!! bULLSHIT.

Yea because black folks were being paid equal wages and were being paid equal profit for their crops. Your argument would be laughable if it wasn't so damn pathetic.
No I am lumping the ones responsible together.

Plenty of whites with no control and thus no responsibility. And you are lumping them in. You are a racist.

You mean White America, because they were the only ones who had a say about it.

Nope. I mean America as a whole. YOur claim is nonsense.

Nobody understands dumb ass, you can't rewrite history fool.

You lumped southern whites in with all whites who oppressed blacks. That is a racist simplification. Plenty of southern whites were not involved while there would have been plenty of NON-southern whites who WERE involved.

How much do I have to dumb this down, until you address my point?

Yea because black folks were being paid equal wages and were being paid equal profit for their crops. Your argument would be laughable if it wasn't so damn pathetic.

Mmm, so now you are moving the goal post from "not allowed to farm" to "not paid the same for their crops".

And if I did up examples of blacks being paid the same, then you move the goal posts some more.

You are sitting there in freedom that better men than you won for you, and judging them for not doing it sooner. You are an ungratefully child.
Talk about an arrogant, racist POS. One day of slavery is to fucking long.
Nope. No they were not. YOu are a moron. and a racist.
So how did slavery go one for so long?
I said they did not care. That you have to lie about what I said, to attack it, is you admitting that you cannot refute what I actually said. That is you losing the debate, right there. Loser.
Sorry that weak ass argument won't fly. How in the hell do you know they didn't care, your stupid ass opinion doesn't count.
Except that those statues were sitting there, with no one whining like a faggot, for 5 generations. Which supports my point, and refutes yours.
Come on Fuck boy who were they going to whine to, the same racist trash that was oppressing them.
That you pretend to be too stupid to see it, is just you stonewalling.
It would be fitting if anything made from that statue carried a curse. Several items in fact would be appropriately cursed.
Plenty of whites with no control and thus no responsibility. And you are lumping them in. You are a racist.
Which means there were plenty of whites who did have control and thus responsibility.
Nope. I mean America as a whole. YOur claim is nonsense.
Yep whites and whites alone. Who else other than whites had a say so in the situation?
You lumped southern whites in with all whites who oppressed blacks. That is a racist simplification.
What part of the country was most oppressive for black folks genius?
Plenty of southern whites were not involved while there would have been plenty of NON-southern whites who WERE involved.

How much do I have to dumb this down, until you address my point?
So who was responsible for the oppression?
Mmm, so now you are moving the goal post from "not allowed to farm" to "not paid the same for their crops"
And if I did up examples of blacks being paid the same, then you move the goal posts some more.
They are one and the same fool.

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