melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Shitstain, they were fighting against the United States. Now even you are calling them traitors. Thanks for making the argument for why those statues should come down because we don't honor traitors.

Are you really too stupid to realize that you are now supporting the position of the Confederates and the most hard core of the Lost Causers?
False, imbecile, all you found was a photograph with a few dozen soldiers.

The photo is just iconic representation of generations of national policy and actions. You fucking moron asshole.
If that were true, given the subject, it would be extremely appropriate.

Melt it down and make little Sherman, Thomas, and Grant statuettes, with "suck it CSA!"inscribed on them. Mail a few to the Daughters of the Confederacy org.
Why can't you Leftists just let the war go?
That's not passive aggressive you moron, that's just aggressive. I aggressively despise your backwards, racist, culture and will keep working towards its extinction.

Extinction mmm? Jeez, that doesn't sound like you just have a problem with wacist whites, but all whites?

You got the balls to own that, or you going to walk it back, out of fear that you might wake up the cucks?
Really? What moral authority do they have, when they allowed another form of slavery to take place.

The Moral Authority of fighting and bleeding to end slavery in this country. That is worthy of respect, and that you do not respect it, is just you being an ungrateful and ill mannered child.

You know this how? Somebody told you they didn't have a problem with it. That's stupid as hell.

I know it, because I am not a retarded moron. A freed slave, has more to worry about than a statue in the park or how the larger society feels about the confederate veterans.

Yep, the problems of racism and discrimination against them.

Correct. For once, something NOT retarded came out of your mouth. Yes, recently freed slaves had real problems to deal with, that would have taken their attention. They were not so coddled and soft that they would have had a hissy fit because of a statue in the park. That is something that this nation had to wait until YOU, to witness. lol!!!!

Actually the nation moved on, it didn't have a damn thing to do with forgiveness.
In 1868, President Andrew Johnson pardoned Confederate soldiers . He was just as racist as they were. He changed everything that Lincoln and Grant had done in the South.

Forgiven and welcomed back into the national family. And then we moved on. You are the one living in the deep, long buried past now.
Republicans TODAY? Hilarious. As if anything is different. You idiot. Your god clintons mentor was and still is James Fulbright. Look him up.
You dumb ass Trump Humper take it up with Clinton.
We get what you are about. Everything is about color of skin and anyone ever questioning a "saint" like John lewis, well he muuuust be WACIST.
Everything in this country has alway been about color, how the hell do you think we have had so many atrocities when it comes to folks of color moron.
The bill wasn't about police reform. It's about as always expanding government overreach and NATIONALIZING elections.
Obviously like most idiots you have never even read the bills.
You continue to allow democrats to use and your race to gain more and more power. Meanwhile demoncrat run cities which just so happens to be just about every hood are rundown shitholes and you don't even question if your misery is by their design.
Yea because Republicans care so much about black folks they would turn all that around in a heartbeat.
A few are waking to their tactics but not nearly enough. Instead you continue being a disgrace to your own race while being led around by your color and false promises of utter crap.
Blah, blah, blah, get some new material Trump Humper, black folks aren't falling for that right wing bullshit.
Like Malcom X said. You and the rest like you are nothing but chumps. Last republican mayor of Chicago was 1931.
Do you really think Brutha Malcolm would ever agree with a racist POS like you, that's laughable.
Let me know if you want me to list the other shithole cities like Detroit, Philadelphia or Baltimore and who who has run them and for how long.

Ignorant fool.
The ignorant fool is you fool, why haven't Republicans done anything about any of these cities you keep whining about? They want the crime, drugs, prostitution, etc. to stay in the black communities, give me one bill that Republicans have ever passed to stop any of these problems. I'll wait simpleton.
The Moral Authority of fighting and bleeding to end slavery in this country. That is worthy of respect, and that you do not respect it, is just you being an ungrateful and ill mannered child.
Too bad it couldn't have happened 200yrs earlier.
I know it, because I am not a retarded moron.
What moron told you that?
[quote[A freed slave, has more to worry about than a statue in the park or how the larger society feels about the confederate veterans.
Yep all the racism and discrimination they had to deal with from the same folks who had been forgiven.
Correct. For once, something NOT retarded came out of your mouth. Yes, recently freed slaves had real problems to deal with, that would have taken their attention. They were not so coddled and soft that they would have had a hissy fit because of a statue in the park. That is something that this nation had to wait until YOU, to witness. lol!!!!
Yea like Uncle Ben Carson stated they were immigrants who had to work a little bit harder. That almost sounds like some stupid shit you would have said. Who created all the problems they had to deal with? Oh that's right the same white racist who held them in slavery. I guess you think that is funny.
Forgiven and welcomed back into the national family. And then we moved on. You are the one living in the deep, long buried past now.
Yea the whites moved on, black folks had to deal with another 100yrs of rape, unjust brutality, lynching, murder, etc. from the same whites who had been welcomed back into the national family while they were denied acceptance into the family. That wasn't that bad was it, smfh.
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Too bad it couldn't have happened 200yrs earlier.

That would have been nice. Of course 200 years earlier they were under the Imperial yoke of a massive world spanning Empire. It sure is easy for you, today, to talk shit about people, especially white people who did not rebel against a massive world spanning Empire, as quickly as you would have. Cause you are so tough and bwave. And big and swtrong.


Yep all the racism and discrimination they had to deal with from the same folks who had been forgiven.

Not really. Plenty of racism and discrimination from people that did NOT rebel, and certainly some of those that did rebel, and/or their descendants were probably pretty cool with the blacks.

Course, you are really just judging them based on their skin color, and not really what they did.

Yea like Uncle Ben Carson stated they were immigrants who had to work a little bit harder. That almost sounds like some stupid shit you would have said. Who created all the problems they had to deal with? Oh that's right the same white racist who held them in slavery. I guess you think that is funny.

Hey, I'm agreeing with you that the recently freed slaves had real problems. Why you being a **** about it?

And my point stands. They had real problems. Your assumption that they would share your concerns about statues in teh park, is fucking stupid. OR even that they gave a damn about how the confederate vets were treated.

Yea the whites moved on, black folks had to deal with another 100yrs of rape, unjust brutality, lynching, murder, etc. from the same whites who had been welcomed back into the national family while they were denied acceptance into the family. That wasn't that bad was it, smfh.

Nope. NOt whites. THee country as a whole. Whites, blacks, browns, others, ect. The Civil War was over and we kissed and made up.

That it was not all unicorns and rainbows after that point, is something only children, stupid children, are upset about.
Just proving it's all about vengeance and hate for you.

The modern SJW is the Klan from the 1960's.

Except, Curried Goat, is afraid of the white cucks waking up, so he keeps talking just enough shit, to give them an excuse to not notice.

Imagine how Goat must feel, to be so full of hate, to tell himself that whites are such "cucks", yet he has to lie out of fear that the weakest of the whites, might realize just who and what he really is.

Having to pretend to be something he is not, to live a lie, in order to pander to the weakest, and faggotest of whites, his lib allies.
That would have been nice. Of course 200 years earlier they were under the Imperial yoke of a massive world spanning Empire. It sure is easy for you, today, to talk shit about people, especially white people who did not rebel against a massive world spanning Empire, as quickly as you would have. Cause you are so tough and bwave. And big and swtrong.
You can make any excuse you want to justify wrong doing.
Not really. Plenty of racism and discrimination from people that did NOT rebel, and certainly some of those that did rebel, and/or their descendants were probably pretty cool with the blacks.

Course, you are really just judging them based on their skin color, and not really what they did.
Well tell me fool who in the hell do you think was discriminating against the former slaves, who the hell do you think set up racist practices against the former slaves. Your argument is asinine at best.
Hey, I'm agreeing with you that the recently freed slaves had real problems. Why you being a **** about it?
Because your stupid ass is making excuses for wrong doing.
And my point stands. They had real problems. Your assumption that they would share your concerns about statues in teh park, is fucking stupid. OR even that they gave a damn about how the confederate vets were treated.
When were these statues and monuments erected? Many of these statues to Confederate leaders were erected from 1890 to 1925, a time which marked the birth of Jim Crow segregation laws throughout the South, the suppression of black voting, and the rise of increased violence against blacks.

Why in the hell would they give a damn about folks who wanted to keep them in slavery? Do you read this stupid shit before you post it.
Nope. NOt whites. THee country as a whole. Whites, blacks, browns, others, ect. The Civil War was over and we kissed and made up.

That it was not all unicorns and rainbows after that point, is something only children, stupid children, are upset about.
You're a fucking idiot if you think black folks were happy with those in the South who were still giving them nothing but hell. What came after slavery, share cropping and Jim Crow segregation.
Extinction mmm? Jeez, that doesn't sound like you just have a problem with wacist whites, but all whites?

You got the balls to own that, or you going to walk it back, out of fear that you might wake up the cucks?

You make something up and I'm supposed to own it? You think that's how this works?

What I'll own is having absolutely no respect for white supremacist culture.
Except, Curried Goat, is afraid of the white cucks waking up, so he keeps talking just enough shit, to give them an excuse to not notice.

Imagine how Goat must feel, to be so full of hate, to tell himself that whites are such "cucks", yet he has to lie out of fear that the weakest of the whites, might realize just who and what he really is.

Having to pretend to be something he is not, to live a lie, in order to pander to the weakest, and faggotest of whites, his lib allies.

Why do you think gay liberals are the weakest of whites? Gay liberals have left the closet, they're out and about and proud and experiencing a cultural awakening while white supremacists are the ones hiding in the closets next to their grand pappy's old Klan robes. You're not the tough guys. You just really really wish you were.

Why do you think gay liberals are the weakest of whites? Gay liberals have left the closet, they're out and about and proud and experiencing a cultural awakening while white supremacists are the ones hiding in the closets next to their grand pappy's old Klan robes. You're not the tough guys. You just really really wish you were.
A cultural awakening when they attack others?
Rioting and burning and looting by libs is also just cultural awakening as well.

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