melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

A cultural awakening when they attack others?
Rioting and burning and looting by libs is also just cultural awakening as well.
Nope. Riots are the language of the angry and while I understand why they happen I don't condone any violence or destruction of property. But again we can see white supremacist culture is the one with selective morality. When you call a riot the Boston Tea Party, then it's okay to fetishize and mythologize about it.
Nope. Riots are the language of the angry and while I understand why they happen I don't condone any violence or destruction of property. But again we can see white supremacist culture is the one with selective morality. When you call a riot the Boston Tea Party, then it's okay to fetishize and mythologize about it.
Boston tea party dumped tea overboard-------

They didn't attack innocent people..they destroyed expensive tea but they weren't stealing nikes.
You can make any excuse you want to justify wrong doing.

1661, Population UK, 5 million, population US colonies, 75k and you judge them for not rebelling? You are a child, a spoiled, ungrateful child.

Well tell me fool who in the hell do you think was discriminating against the former slaves, who the hell do you think set up racist practices against the former slaves. Your argument is asinine at best.

Nope. You are teh one lumping those that worked to oppress blacks in with those that fought for rights for blacks, and those that were just happy to live in peace next to blacks, all together based on skin color.

That is you. That is who YOU are. That is what YOU are.


Because your stupid ass is making excuses for wrong doing.

I'm making no excuses for wrong doing. You are just talking shit, to justify your racism and hate.

When were these statues and monuments erected? Many of these statues to Confederate leaders were erected from 1890 to 1925, a time which marked the birth of Jim Crow segregation laws throughout the South, the suppression of black voting, and the rise of increased violence against blacks.

Wow. YOu look at a time period of 35 years and list a number of events as though they are connected. What a great argument.

You know what else happened in that time period? The CHILDREN of those veterans, became middle aged and old, and rose to positions where they could build memorials to their aged and dead fathers/grandfathers.

What a shock that that is when the statues went up. How incredibly suspicious. You are a fool, grasping at straws to justify your hate and racism.

Why in the hell would they give a damn about folks who wanted to keep them in slavery? Do you read this stupid shit before you post it.

Correct. That battle was over and won. They had real problems to deal with. You are the one with no real problems who has to root around in the past to find shit to pretend to be outraged over. Not them.

You're a fucking idiot if you think black folks were happy with those in the South who were still giving them nothing but hell. What came after slavery, share cropping and Jim Crow segregation.

What came after was something else. The current topic is Confederate statues. You are making the argument that while the blacks of the South were facing Jim Crow, that they gave a damn about some statues in the Park.

That is YOUR argument. You are the one who is making it. And by "making it" I mean asserting it, with no supporting arguments, other than repeating it a lot.

That is generally all you lefties have anymore. Oh, and calling people names. You seem to think that is "logic".

You guys aren't deep thinkers.


You make something up and I'm supposed to own it? You think that's how this works?

What I'll own is having absolutely no respect for white supremacist culture.

Sure it is, sure it is. You keep saying that, in public. I bet when it is just you and your homies, you are just as careful to draw that line, between "wacist" and "good whites".

You know, even the white cucks know it is a lie. But they play along, for reasons that... are sad.

But you, you live in fear of them seeing the real you. YOu are afraid of white fags and cucks.

Great future you are building. I will be here for the rest of your life, pointing out how the shit you spewed, blows back on you, when it does. And laughing at you.

Why do you think gay liberals are the weakest of whites? Gay liberals have left the closet, they're out and about and proud and experiencing a cultural awakening while white supremacists are the ones hiding in the closets next to their grand pappy's old Klan robes. You're not the tough guys. You just really really wish you were.

Really? Then all that talk about 1/6 and how w.s. are the biggest threat to the country?

What is that, just you people talking shit?
Sure it is, sure it is. You keep saying that, in public. I bet when it is just you and your homies, you are just as careful to draw that line, between "wacist" and "good whites".
It's due to your own ignorance that you can't even fathom some of those homies being white.

You know, even the white cucks know it is a lie. But they play along, for reasons that... are sad.
Sorry no, it's only white racists who have to live a sad life pretending these days. :lmao:
But you, you live in fear of them seeing the real you. YOu are afraid of white fags and cucks.
I'm amused that you can't recognize how transparent your own fragility is when you call them fags.
Great future you are building. I will be here for the rest of your life, pointing out how the shit you spewed, blows back on you, when it does. And laughing at you.
I certainly hope so. You waving an angry finger as the world changes and passes you by sounds immensely fun.
Really? Then all that talk about 1/6 and how w.s. are the biggest threat to the country?
I grant you people on the left have said that but I certainly haven't. I rather enjoyed watching the Cucks at the Capitol stomp around and take selfies thinking that was going to be enough to over turn an election. It was adorable, like children playing dress up revolutionaries. Some of them even made costumes and everything, it was great and I'm not just talking the Bison King either, all the camo cosplayers, they were just too cute. By all means do more of that. :lmao:
What is that, just you people talking shit?
That was people afraid for Democracy. As a black revolutionary I really don't mind when white racists help weaken the foundations of their own corrupt system. In that instance I prefer popcorn and a good view.
It's due to your own ignorance that you can't even fathom some of those homies being white.

long as they toe the line, I'm sure you have a place for them.

Sorry no, it's only white racists who have to live a sad life pretending these days. :lmao:
Said the man pretending his ass off.

I'm amused that you can't recognize how transparent your own fragility is when you call them fags.

lol. Nope. Just keeping it real. They are weak, and your everything depends on their support.

I certainly hope so. You waving an angry finger as the world changes and passes you by sounds immensely fun.

You look at the places where you black racists/dems rule and they are complete shit holes. Why do you think for a second that it will be different if/when it is the whole of the country? The world you are building for yourselves and your children is going to be shit, and you will have no one to blame but yourselves and I will laugh at you as you try to tell yourself otherwise.

I grant you people on the left have said that but I certainly haven't. I rather enjoyed watching the Cucks at the Capitol stomp around and take selfies thinking that was going to be enough to over turn an election. It was adorable, like children playing dress up revolutionaries. Some of them even made costumes and everything, it was great and I'm not just talking the Bison King either, all the camo cosplayers, they were just too cute. By all means do more of that. :lmao:

Thank you for admitting that the shit the libs are saying is shit.

Yes. 1/6 was nothing serious. ONe small riot. It means nothing. Other than to be gist for the shit talkers.

That was people afraid for Democracy. As a black revolutionary I really don't mind when white racists help weaken the foundations of their own corrupt system. In that instance I prefer popcorn and a good view.

Except, they weren't "white wacists". So you are back to talking shit. That bit where you have to lie to hide you true intentions?

That is you knowing that you are weak. That is you being afraid of a straight up fight, Mr Black Revolutionary.
The photo is just iconic representation of generations of national policy and actions. You fucking moron asshole.
Great, so you found 3 dozen men out of 2½ million who were willing to bury the hatchet.
Are we still talking about Robert E Lee? LOL! Fuck Robert E Lee. He was a general in a war who supported keeping people in chains. To hell with that mf.
long as they toe the line, I'm sure you have a place for them.

Said the man pretending his ass off.

lol. Nope. Just keeping it real. They are weak, and your everything depends on their support.

You look at the places where you black racists/dems rule and they are complete shit holes. Why do you think for a second that it will be different if/when it is the whole of the country? The world you are building for yourselves and your children is going to be shit, and you will have no one to blame but yourselves and I will laugh at you as you try to tell yourself otherwise.

Thank you for admitting that the shit the libs are saying is shit.

Yes. 1/6 was nothing serious. ONe small riot. It means nothing. Other than to be gist for the shit talkers.

Except, they weren't "white wacists". So you are back to talking shit. That bit where you have to lie to hide you true intentions?

That is you knowing that you are weak. That is you being afraid of a straight up fight, Mr Black Revolutionary.
So for you it's not about old statues, it really is good old fashioned bigotry.
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What we did 150 years ago is irrelevant. It's wrong to make a man go pay his taxes and have to walk past a monument to someone that fought to keep your ancestors in slavery.
So for you it's not about old statues, it really is good old fashioned bigotry.

Zinc. You saying "wacist" is just you being an asshole. Fuck off. Curried Goat is a deeply racist asshole and I am rightly calling him on it. Did I mention that you could fuck off?

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