melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

They can deny it. Blacks will never, can never, produce men of such greatness as Robert E. Lee. They can try to destroy it as if melting a statue will remove their stature. Instead of looking for heroism within their own they elevate criminals and delinquents.
Frederick Douglas was twice the man Lee was and along with Tubman two of America's greatest heroes. Lee will be remembered as a piece of shit slaver who fought to preserve slavery because that's exactly what he was. Sorry assclown, but no slaver is going to survive history. Not even Washington. In a country that so desperately wants to be seen as moral they will eventually throw every slaver under the bus and I will come here and laugh in your face every time.
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It was only a few states that ever had those laws, and they were no worse than Affirmative Action discrimination, which is still CURRENTLY in effect in those states where it is not banned,
Yea 36 states is just a few, hell it is only 50. Smfh. Are you telling us that AA is worse or equal to Jim Crow segregation. I know you are a racist fool, but even you can't be that damn racist. You do know that white women benefit from it the most.
The presidents who started Affirmative Action were JFK and Lyndon Johnson. It is racist against whites and YOU KNOW IT. And NO, white women do NOT benefit the most from AA, I've corrected you on that before.
Yes they do and the numbers hash that out, sorry. Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford took AA to the next level. Tell us Protectionist why was there a need for AA?
ARP is racist against whites because it gives preference to minorities over whites. This is why the courts have been shredding it to bits, every time it shows there. Hadn't heard ? Tha's what happens when you watch CNN & MSNBC. Leftist OMISSION media for information-deprived liberals.

LOL, what a joke.

CRT -I'm not talking about history (including the 100s of thousands of whites who died in the Civil War fighting to stop slavery). I'm talking about the lunatics who teach kids that whites are evil, inherently racist, and that whites TODAY bear guilt for what happened over 150 years ago.
Give me some examples of where CRT teaches that. See this is what happens when you listen to Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and any of the other idiots on FOX News. You are completely misinformed.
View attachment 608522

There is more to that flag and the brave and honorable men who fought under that flag than ignorant libs on this forum will ever understand

but our greatest American hollywood film director knew

and he demonstrated it here:

It was only a few states that ever had those laws, and they were no worse than Affirmative Action discrimination, which is still CURRENTLY in effect in those states where it is not banned,

The presidents who started Affirmative Action were JFK and Lyndon Johnson. It is racist against whites and YOU KNOW IT. And NO, white women do NOT benefit the most from AA, I've corrected you on that before.

ARP is racist against whites because it gives preference to minorities over whites. This is why the courts have been shredding it to bits, every time it shows there. Hadn't heard ? Tha's what happens when you watch CNN & MSNBC. Leftist OMISSION media for information-deprived liberals.

CRT -I'm not talking about history (including the 100s of thousands of whites who died in the Civil War fighting to stop slavery). I'm talking about the lunatics who teach kids that whites are evil, inherently racist, and that whites TODAY bear guilt for what happened over 150 years ago.
you tell them partner. its black supremacy at work
View attachment 608522

There is more to that flag and the brave and honorable men who fought under that flag than ignorant libs on this forum will ever understand

but our greatest American hollywood film director knew

and he demonstrated it here:

many of men and a woman that fought under it. actually wanted to end slavery but could not agree on way to end it. they were forced to pic sides even when they did not want anything to do with the war or had any slaves at all. people should study their lives before judging.
many of men and a woman that fought under it. actually wanted to end slavery but could not agree on way to end it. they were forced to pic sides even when they did not want anything to do with the war or had any slaves at all. people should study their lives before judging.
Both sides fought for their family, neighbors and the state they identified with
You know so little. Lee was largely against slavery hun..He grew up around slaves, but his family was known to have given up most if not all of their slaves. The only slave that Lee may of had was a very elderly gentlemen name Nat or Nate that apparently LEE took care of as he was very ill for a long time before dying. Lee inherited slaves from his wife side of the family---which he FREED. Lee and his wife family both supported American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color and often free their organization that supporting freeing blacks and recolonizing them.

Looking over Lee's history------he freed blacks that could support themselves but still took care of those that couldn't. His whole family freed blacks and talked of how awful slavery was. Like others who owned slaves and actually cared about them, they would try to educate the slaves into being able to care for themselves and then free them as they financially could and as the blacks themselves could have some sort of chance of supporting themselves.
Your take on Gen Lee is a myth.

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee
i doubt he ever said anything about jim crow from what i read
In another letter, Lee wrote, “You will never prosper with blacks, and it is abhorrent to a reflecting mind to be supporting and cherishing those who are plotting and working for your injury, and all of whose sympathies and associations are antagonistic to yours. I wish them no evil in the world—on the contrary, will do them every good in my power, and know that they are misled by those to whom they have given their confidence; but our material, social, and political interests are naturally with the whites.”

Publicly, Lee argued against the enfranchisement of black Americans, and raged against Republican efforts to enforce racial equality in the South. Lee told Congress that black people lacked the intellectual capacity of white people and “could not vote intelligently,” and that granting them suffrage would “excite unfriendly feelings between the two races.” Lee explained that “the negroes have neither the intelligence nor the other qualifications which are necessary to make them safe depositories of political power.” To the extent that Lee believed in reconciliation, it was among white people, and only on the precondition that black people would be denied political power and therefore the ability to shape their own fate.

Lee is not remembered as an educator, but his life as president of Washington College (later Washington and Lee) is tainted as well. According to Pryor, students at Washington formed their own chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, and were known by the local Freedmen’s Bureau to attempt to abduct and rape black schoolgirls from the nearby black schools.
Yea 36 states is just a few, hell it is only 50. Smfh. Are you telling us that AA is worse or equal to Jim Crow segregation. I know you are a racist fool, but even you can't be that damn racist. You do know that white women benefit from it the most.

Yes they do and the numbers hash that out, sorry. Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford took AA to the next level. Tell us Protectionist why was there a need for AA?

LOL, what a joke.

Give me some examples of where CRT teaches that. See this is what happens when you listen to Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and any of the other idiots on FOX News. You are completely misinformed.
Jim Crow was just in the South - 11 states of the old Confederacy. Show where else it was or :anj_stfu:

Segregation is nothing compared to AA, which destroys people's entire lives, taking away college admissions, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, business loans, etc. So they had to drink at a seperate drinking fountain....or sit in the back of a bus. OH horrors! :eek: How awful!!! (idiot)

White women > So after all the times I've schooled you on this, we have to go through it again, huh ? Slow learner. OK. One more time. White women are often discriminated against as much as white men. And white women daughters and wives of white men suffer the discrimination that is put on their fathers and husbands. These far outnumber the relatively few white women getting AA preference.
Some people have to be told 10 times.

There is NEVER a need for racial discrimination - any kind of it, including AA.

Examples of where CRT teaches that > Florida and 49 other states.
Both sides fought for their family, neighbors and the state they identified with
liberal panderers will never accept that reality. They act like every southerner fought to preserve slavery. The reality is that ALMOST NONE of them did.

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