melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

So you have an agenda that is anti-white, and you are using the issues to push CRT into the classrooms etc eh ? Heck you probably are white, and if so then you are a leftist that is using the history to break down society by sewing division amongst the races for your personal agenda's. Malcolm x had you (if white) pegged correctly in his speech back in the 60s. I could give a crap about any statue's in America, but they never bothered me or changed me because they existed. Your motives are suspect to being part of something far bigger than just picking on these old statue's, but it's alright because the citizen's of all colors and creed's are fighting back against your planned agenda's, and they are now seeing them for what they are. You actually are the same as Putin, where as you attempt to pit brother against brother or American against American, but in the end you lose.
More strawman. I never said anything about CRT or being anti- white, I said we should absolutely teach children that Robert E. Lee was a piece of shit slaver who fought to preserve slavery because that's exactly what he was. You can't dispute any of those facts and so instead you call people who disagree with you Putin. That's incredibly weak as arguments go. Granted I don't mind name calling or bravado but it should be accompanied by substance and you have none and your arguments have none. My agenda is clear. It's time our society moved on from venerating old dead slavers with statues and monuments but its not time we stop teaching that they were slavers and that slavers are pieces of shit. Disagree intellectually with any of that if you can you moron.
We have serious indications today that the wrong side won the civil war. We would be an immeasurably better people had the south won and the nation divided.
We have serious indications today that the wrong side won the civil war. We would be an immeasurably better people had the south won and the nation divided.
The South has been in the wrong side of history since this counties inception. Only deplorables, devoid of any moral character, would side with slavers and segregationists.
And I don't give a flying fuck you long for histories losers. I'm glad you're a loser and that you've chosen to be one publicly. 😁
I'm glad I had Confederate ancestors and celebrate Robert E Lee's birthday every January 19. Doubly glad it can make you hysterical. When you blather, my work is done.
I'm glad I had Confederate ancestors and celebrate Robert E Lee's birthday every January 19. Doubly glad it can make you hysterical. When you blather, my work is done.
It actually doesn't make me hysterical. I'm actually filled with giddy joy that the memory of Lee is being pissed on by mainstream America and that people like me, the son of immigrants, gets to come to your country and help piss on his legacy by replacing white racists demographically. Lee and the ideas of the South were defeated so thoroughly and birth right citizenship an enshrined constitutional right that I actually get to live in the moment of time where I can watch your culture go extinct. 😄 You probably would of been happier living in Lee's time but you live in my time you little bitch.
No one said anything about statues of Hitler in Europe, and if there was a statue of those you have mentioned in your word's, and a Jewish family were to walk by one, then the moment should include and bring about an opportunity for a much needed history lesson taught right on the spot.

The child would ask his mother, "mom who is that statue of" ?

The mother would reply - well son that was a very bad man who had millions of Jews like we are killed in a horrific way.

Child - mom why is there a statue of the man still allowed to stand in the corner of this park area like that ?

Mom - We leave it there son, as a reminder to all just how fooled a people can be when they follow someone without thought of, and then the lesson we learn is to "look upon how it makes him appear to be so great", but what lies beneath the deceptive appearance was a cold blooded killer that was a spawn of the devil himself.

Child - wow mom, now that was interesting, and thanks for the lesson because now when I walk by this statue I'll know when looking upon it for just how fooled the people can be if idolize or worship the title and the power given unto a man by corrupt and evil men, instead of knowing what lies beneath which is "HIS evil corrupt CHARACTER".

Lesson ends.
What a bunch of bullshit.
there were no 'traitors' in our civil war Leviticus , there were American patriots on both sides

yet in the grander objective , erasing and/or reediting 'bad guys' from history is denial , which further creates an incapacity to recognize the same sorts rising to power yet again.....

No, there were AMERICAN patriots fighting for the union. The confederates were not Americans at all, by choice. They chose to leave the United States. You can't call yourself a patriot when you don't want to be part of a nation at all. Just like modern secessionists are not patriots.
It actually doesn't make me hysterical. I'm actually filled with giddy joy that the memory of Lee is being pissed on by mainstream America and that people like me, the son of immigrants, gets to come to your country and help piss on his legacy by replacing white racists demographically. Lee and the ideas of the South were defeated so thoroughly and birth right citizenship an enshrined constitutional right that I actually get to live in the moment of time where I can watch your culture go extinct. 😄 You probably would of been happier living in Lee's time but you live in my time you little bitch.
And this little bitch can needle your ass until the cows get back in the barn.
And this little bitch can needle your ass until the cows get back in the barn.

What does that even mean? Who gives a shit what you say? What can you do little punk bitch? Can you stop white racists from being shoved towards extinction culturally and politically? Demographically? No you can not. 😄

What does that even mean? Who gives a shit what you say? What can you do little punk bitch? Can you stop white racists from being shoved towards extinction culturally and politically? No you can not. 😄

Wanna wanna WAAA we gonna win, Wayyyciss, Waycisss. There's always ANOTHER WAYCISS.
Wanna wanna WAAA we gonna win, Wayyyciss, Waycisss. There's always ANOTHER WAYCISS.
We are winning. Statues of Lee continue to come down and Confederate flags and Confederate idolatry is being shunned in the main stream. You're the ones crying about it and I'm the one laughing my ass off. 🤣
We are winning. Statues of Lee continue to come down and Confederate flags and Confederate idolatry is being shunned in the main stream. You're the ones crying about it and I'm the one laughing my ass off. 🤣
So. Statues of Lee come down. Statues come down every day. You can't stop people from recognizing Lee as an honorable man. You can only foam at the mouth over it. Or, stop whites from watching your people die in the street. And maybe smiling a little over it.
It actually doesn't make me hysterical. I'm actually filled with giddy joy that the memory of Lee is being pissed on by mainstream America and that people like me, the son of immigrants, gets to come to your country and help piss on his legacy by replacing white racists demographically. Lee and the ideas of the South were defeated so thoroughly and birth right citizenship an enshrined constitutional right that I actually get to live in the moment of time where I can watch your culture go extinct. 😄 You probably would of been happier living in Lee's time but you live in my time you little bitch.
LOL, but you moron's are tearing down anti- slavery statue's, so how stupid are you dummies ?? Like I said there are agenda's afoot, and hiding behind all the rhetoric isn't helping to hide the agenda's, so get ready for the backlash everytime it occurs whether in future election's or other.
So. Statues of Lee come down. Statues come down every day. You can't stop people from recognizing Lee as an honorable man. You can only foam at the mouth over it. Or, stop whites from watching your people die in the street. And maybe smiling a little over it.
We actually can teach people that Lee wasn't a honorable man. We teach that by teaching your children that slavery was and is a deplorable practice. Then we teach them that Lee was a slaver and they put two and two together. Now maybe you can keep some of your kids stupid enough that they can't put two and two together but I promise you most people can, that's why Lee's legacy is being torn down and trashed now. 😁
We actually can teach people that Lee wasn't a honorable man. We teach that by teaching your children that slavery was and is a deplorable practice. Then we teach them that Lee was a slaver and they put two and two together. Now maybe you can keep some of your kids stupid enough that they can't put two and two together but I promise you most people can, that's why Lee's legacy is being torn down and trashed now. 😁
And American families will undercut and undermine absolutely everything you do. How do you suppose Lee's honorable memory has lasted for well over 100 years?


Stop thinking about tearing down statues of the Honorable Gentleman Robert E. Lee and start thinking about what you will do when statues of President Vladimir Putin are put up.
LOL, but you moron's are tearing down anti- slavery statue's, so how stupid are you dummies ??
I never tore down anti-slavery statues and this isn't you making an intellectual argument for why these statues need to be preserved, this just your sad attempt to save face by referencing some other people's mistake that has nothing to do with me or my argument that history isn't perserved or lost in statues and that Lee was a piece of shit slaver. No cuck boy deflections will erase your inability to argue against those two facts.
Like I said there are agenda's afoot, and hiding behind all the rhetoric isn't helping to hide the agenda's, so get ready for the backlash everytime it occurs whether in future election's or other.
There's no hidden agenda because unlike Confederate and slavers idolaters I don't have to pretend my interest in their statues has to do with preserving history. Unlike you cowards I can be open and proud in my disdain for slavers and their monuments in a way you sad cucks can never be about your agenda. I love that you have to live your life pretending out of shame. 😂 At least EvilCat Breath is honest about his love for slavers.
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I never tore down anti-slavery statues and this isn't you making an intellectual argument for why these statues need to be preserved, this just your sad attempt to save face by referencing some other people's mistake that has nothing to do with me or my argument that history isn't perserved or lost in statues and that Lee was a piece of shit slaver. No cuck boy deflections will erase your inability to argue against those two facts.

There's no hidden agenda because unlike Confederate and slavers idolaters I don't have to pretend my interest in their statues has to do with preserving history, unlike you cowards. I can be open and proud in my disdain for slavers and their monuments in a way you sad cucks can never be about your agenda. I love that you have yo live your life pretending out of shame. 😂 At least EvilCat Breath is honest about his love for slavers.
That a $10.00 gets you a cup of coffee.

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