Memo Outlines House GOP's Plan Of Attack Against Obamacare

5MM people lost their insurance and the exchanges aren't safe for your information. Period
When you're planning evil conniving shit, DON'T PUT IT IN WRITING -- Idiots!!

Memo Outlines House GOP's Plan Of Attack Against Obamacare

A memo circulated among House Republicans this week details the GOP's plan to relentlessly attack the Affordable Care Act over the course of the next several months, the New York Times reported.

The memo contains a number of talking points that echo some of the GOP's most dire warnings about the health care law.

"Because of Obamacare, I Lost My Insurance.” reads one.

“The Exchanges May Not Be Secure, Putting Personal Information at Risk,” reads another.

According to the Times, GOP strategists intend to use the next several months to "gather stories of people affected by the health care law — through social media, letters from constituents, or meetings during visits back home — and use them to open a line of attack, keep it going until it enters the public discourse and forces a response, then quickly pivot to the next topic."

Stop playing power games and do your f-ing jobs, bitches.

and they are doing their job they are doing what their districts elected them to do they are doing what the majority of the public wants done and that is to get rid of Obama care

Repeal of Health Care Law: Favor/Oppose

Polling Data

RCP Average 6/28 - 11/10 -- 52.3 42.5 Favor Repeal +9.8
Rasmussen Reports 11/9 - 11/10 1000 LV 55 41 Favor Repeal +14
FOX News 7/21 - 7/23 1017 RV 53 40 Favor Repeal +13
Quinnipiac 7/1 - 7/8 2722 RV 49 43 Favor Repeal +6
CNN/Opinion Research 6/28 - 7/1 1390 RV 52 46 Favor Repeal +6

how dare those bitches trying to do what the public wants done
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Hazynuts has no idea how our government is run

he thinks Obama won so that is IT...bow all the rest of you peons out there who didn't vote for Obama...And tell your Representatives they need to just sit and shut up too


That means he can take a steamroller and run it over you it if he wishes
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The GOP are idiots that are up to dirty tricks once again. They just all want to be on the same page with the lies they are going to parrot.

The democrats are idiots that are up to dirty tricks once again. They just all want to be on the same page with the lies they are going to parrot. :rolleyes:

The democrats passed out a memo of lies to spread? Do tell,..

First, they aren't lies, they are the facts.
But, you want lies?
How about..."if you like your policy you can keep it".
"If you like your doctor you can keep him".

There is your "lie memo",.....Doofus. :lol:
When you're planning evil conniving shit, DON'T PUT IT IN WRITING -- Idiots!!

Memo Outlines House GOP's Plan Of Attack Against Obamacare

A memo circulated among House Republicans this week details the GOP's plan to relentlessly attack the Affordable Care Act over the course of the next several months, the New York Times reported.

The memo contains a number of talking points that echo some of the GOP's most dire warnings about the health care law.

"Because of Obamacare, I Lost My Insurance.” reads one.

“The Exchanges May Not Be Secure, Putting Personal Information at Risk,” reads another.

According to the Times, GOP strategists intend to use the next several months to "gather stories of people affected by the health care law — through social media, letters from constituents, or meetings during visits back home — and use them to open a line of attack, keep it going until it enters the public discourse and forces a response, then quickly pivot to the next topic."

Stop playing power games and do your f-ing jobs, bitches.

and they are doing their job they are doing what their districts elected them to do they are doing what the majority of the public wants done and that is to get rid of Obama care

Repeal of Health Care Law: Favor/Oppose

Polling Data

RCP Average 6/28 - 11/10 -- 52.3 42.5 Favor Repeal +9.8
Rasmussen Reports 11/9 - 11/10 1000 LV 55 41 Favor Repeal +14
FOX News 7/21 - 7/23 1017 RV 53 40 Favor Repeal +13
Quinnipiac 7/1 - 7/8 2722 RV 49 43 Favor Repeal +6
CNN/Opinion Research 6/28 - 7/1 1390 RV 52 46 Favor Repeal +6

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Repeal of Health Care Law: Favor/Oppose

how dare those bitches trying to do what the public wants done
It's not like the left gives a shit about the public.
What will the Republicans say next, that Obama spent $600MM on a no-bid contract to Michelle's classmate to design the worst website in the history of the Internet?
When you're planning evil conniving shit, DON'T PUT IT IN WRITING -- Idiots!!

Memo Outlines House GOP's Plan Of Attack Against Obamacare

A memo circulated among House Republicans this week details the GOP's plan to relentlessly attack the Affordable Care Act over the course of the next several months, the New York Times reported.

The memo contains a number of talking points that echo some of the GOP's most dire warnings about the health care law.

"Because of Obamacare, I Lost My Insurance.” reads one.

“The Exchanges May Not Be Secure, Putting Personal Information at Risk,” reads another.

According to the Times, GOP strategists intend to use the next several months to "gather stories of people affected by the health care law — through social media, letters from constituents, or meetings during visits back home — and use them to open a line of attack, keep it going until it enters the public discourse and forces a response, then quickly pivot to the next topic."

Stop playing power games and do your f-ing jobs, bitches.

Would you like to refer to a credible source other than some unknown remote blogger that refers to him/herself as TCM Livewire---:lol::lol::lol:I imagine who is a very upset Obamalong right now.

It is a FACT that Obama has admitted too that 5.2 million Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers. He actually kind of apologized for lying to them that he over 40 times promised them that they would be able to keep their insurance if they liked it. HE LIED. Get over it.

Furthermore Republicans have nothing to do with Obamacare. Not a single one of them voted for Obamacare--they were even blocked from attending meetings on it.

This is all on Obama and democrats--Republicans don't need to expound upon it--the Affordable Health Care Act aka Obamacare is imploding upon itself.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the unisured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured.

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What will the Republicans say next, that Obama spent $600MM on a no-bid contract to Michelle's classmate to design the worst website in the history of the Internet?

I think it's 650 million dollars and your right it's one of Michelle's classmates. Really there's nothing in the memo posted that isn't true.

The SECURITY is not there. Kathleen Sibeleious testified that there were no background checks done on people who were working these Obamacare web-sites. She admitted she didn't know if the state sites required them or not--:lol::lol:

IT Security EXPERTS have stated not to go near them right now, until security is in place.

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama's site is riddled with security flaws that put user data of millions of people at risk and it should be shut down until fixed, several technology experts warned lawmakers on Tuesday.

The testimony at a congressional hearing could increase concerns among many Americans about Obama's healthcare overhaul, popularly known as Obamacare. Opinion polls show the botched rollout of the online marketplace for health insurance policies has hurt the popularity of the effort.

The website collects personal data such as names, birth dates, social security numbers, email addresses and other information that criminals could use for a variety of scams.

In a rapid "yes" or "no" question-and-answer session during a-sponsored hearing by the House of Representatives Science, Space and Technology Committee, Republican Representative Chris Collins of New York asked four experts about the security of the site:

"Do any of you think today that the site is secure?"

The answer from the experts, which included two academics and two private sector technical researchers, was a unanimous "no."

"Would you recommend today that this site be shut down until it is?" asked Collins.

Three of the experts said "yes," while a fourth said he did not have enough information to make the call.
Some cyber security experts recommend shutting Obamacare site | Reuters
Well, it would just make sense that they've had 3 years and 650 million dollars to get an Obamacare Federal web-site up--that continually crashes--that admittedly is in no way functioning--that there are probably security issues within it that still needs to be addressed.

The point is these clowns are being paid 6-figure salaries + benefits TO DO A JOB.

And they refuse to do it. They play at this endless tug-o-war of power. -- I think with the Teabagger class of 2010, they are just too incompetent to do the job, so they just scream an make noise.
Jennifer Flowers was the object of the Clinton White House Spin room lies.

Bill Clinton admitted she was telling the truth 8 years later when he was lame duck and had been impeached for violating the civil rights of several WH Interns and visitors, and obstructing justice, for which he was disbarred.

We don't do the lies, we do the truth. If we are fighting fire with fire, we learned it from you.

And you know it too, don't you. :lol::lol::lol:
Tea Baggers in congress still not working but still getting paid six-figure salaries.

Where's the Fox News outrage!!!????
GOP. Always attacking. Always destroying. Always trying to tear something down.

Too bad they can't use all that energy for something constructive.

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